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Gerard Chenet - Architecture & Poems

It´s not too late! Same goal, different strategy! We will continue- please scroll down.

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Gerard Chenet - Architecture & Poems

Gerard Chenet - Architecture & Poems

Gerard Chenet - Architecture & Poems

Gerard Chenet - Architecture & Poems

Gerard Chenet - Architecture & Poems

It´s not too late! Same goal, different strategy! We will continue- please scroll down.

It´s not too late! Same goal, different strategy! We will continue- please scroll down.

It´s not too late! Same goal, different strategy! We will continue- please scroll down.

It´s not too late! Same goal, different strategy! We will continue- please scroll down.

Philip Kojo Metz
Philip Kojo Metz
Philip Kojo Metz
Philip Kojo Metz
3 Campaigns |
Berlin, Germany
$733 USD $733 USD 21 backers
11% of $6,308 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects
Gerard Chenet- Mon dernier mot - je t´aime ma vie. ARTIST BOOK ABOUT GERARD CHENET- ARCHITECT, ARTIST, POET. FIRST STEP ACCOMPLISHED! this part of the crowdfunding campaign ended- due to your great response and interest we decided not to give up and to continue with a new campaign to reach the goal. We have more time left and also some new opportunities: PLEASE GO TO: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT SO FAR!

Short Summary (scroll down for French)

We are Gerard Chenet and Philip Kojo Metz

Gerard Chenet is an artist, architect, poet and, most important, the founder of a little paradise in the south of Dakar, Senegal called Sobo Bade. He is now 92 years old and started the project 20 years ago. Sobo Bade is a Holiday resort, right at the seaside and what is very special about this resort is that the center piece is a amphitheatre, where international dance/ music performances take place. It connects the local artists to international artists and attracts tourists as well as inhabitants. Gerard Chenet founded, planned and built this place. When i saw this beautiful place at first i was fascinated by the concept and how everything fits so nicely together. I like the idea that the arts in this case are influencing the life and day by day of many people, the inhabitants- the people passing by or staying there for a few days, that get a deep impression by having the chance to get into direct and often times personal contact with the artists. Also international artists bringing a sense and taste of the world to the village.  

Here´s a video about the project in Sobo Bade: 

The architectural appearance seemed to me like an experimental collaboration of Gaudi, Hundertwasser and Disneyland. But there´s nothing artificial about it. Gerard Chenet consructed this place as an architect and built a lot of it by bricks made out of the soil that he found there.  The natural Beauty of the place is quite impressing. And a lot of various activities like Yoga retreats, art exhibitions, theatre pieces and concerts are taking place. 

The wish emerged in me, to show this project, this person, my fascination of the place and of the person who created it. It would be my wish that people learn more about this person and the place he created, so that it can continue, grow and inspire and empower others to have the guts and start something they want and believe in. I think we need more and can learn from trailblazers like that- they can inspire and empower people to follow. 

We already started the Book project that will contain Gerards architecture and poems in October this year with the budget coming from our own pockets.

Most of the photo works that we need is already done. The poems are already there

We met Gerards publishing company (L´Harmattan, Senegal) and they  are exited about the project since we showed them the first pictures. 

They agreed to take care of the design, translation, PR and distribution process.

But we will be responsible for the printing costs-

The book is supposed to be be a high- quality product and I will personally follow the printing process in Berlin. In March i will travel to Senegal again and then Gerard and i will put our heads together and finish the book. It will be published latest in June/ July 2018. And then you will get your copy delivered. 

The Impact

After all this years a lot of people learned about Gerards project -but to make the space survive, it is necessary, to have even more people to come there and learn about it. 

Also as a person Gerard is really inspiring and especially for people who want to grow old and be active but also for younger generations he can be a role model to go after what you really want and then to reach it. Also it´s just a nice place to hear about, to go there and relax- the more people know about it, the better...

Risks & Challenges

Of course to reach the 5.800 € we are heading for we have to sell A LOT of books online-  and this without even being able to show it to you in person. But both of us already published various books and realised various projects. So we will really go for it and with your trust and participation we can reach this goal together. And of course there are also various perks available, besides the book. 


We reach 1000 €- that´s the first milestone: i will go to Senegal and finish the book, also the perks except for the book will be produced and delivered. Then we will start the second stage: we continue the campaigner another two months. Maybe the title has to be changed due to indiegogo´s terms and conditions. 

At the same time i will look for other sources to back up - for example companies, that could have an interest in having their logo in the book. If you have any idea, let me know...

Other Ways You Can Help

Please remember: there´s always a way to help the project even if it just 1 € it helps a lot if there are many. Also if you want to share it on Facebook or through your mail with friends or just distribute our cards this will help us a lot. Maybe you know some friends of yours that could really benefit from it or be interested.  It´s also just a magnificent place to spend your holidays!

THANK YOU for taking the time to go through this and for all your support and making some noise. We will keep you all updated about the progress of the campaign. Stay tuned!



Court résumé

 Nous sommes Gérard Chenet et Philip Kojo Metz

  Gérard Chenet est un artiste, un architecte, un poète et, surtout, le fondateur d'un petit paradis au sud de Dakar, au Sénégal, appelé Sobo Badé.

 Il a maintenant 90 ans et a commencé le projet il y a 25 ans. Sobo Bade est un hôtel avec un restaurant, juste au bord de la mer et ce qui est très spécial à propos de cet endroit, la pièce maîtresse! C'est l'amphithéâtre, où se déroulent des spectacles internationaux de danse / musique/ théâtre. C'est un véritable centre culturel qui relie les artistes locaux aux artistes internationaux et attire les touristes ainsi que les habitants. Gérard Chenet a fondé, planifié et construit ce lieu. Quand j'ai vu ce bel endroit au début, j'ai été fasciné par le concept et comment tout va si bien ensemble. J'aime l'idée que les arts dans ce cas influencent la vie au jour le jour, de beaucoup de gens, des habitants du village de Toubab Dialaw - des gens qui passent ou y restent pendant quelques jours, en ayant la chance d'assister directement à une résidence artistique, tout en nouant souvent des contacts personnels avec les artistes locaux. De même, des artistes internationaux apportent un sens et un goût du monde au village.  Voici une vidéo sur le projet à Sobo Bade:

L'aspect architectural m'a paru comme une collaboration expérimentale entre Gaudi, Hundertwasser et Disneyland.

 Mais il n'y a rien d'artificiel ici. Gérard Chenet a construit ce lieu en architecte autodidacte, utilisant le principe de la récupération et d'une utilisation esthétique des briques en terre cuite. La beauté naturelle de l'endroit est assez impressionnante. Et beaucoup d'activités diverses comme des retraites de yoga, des expositions d'art, des pièces de théâtre et des concerts ont lieu. Le souhait est apparu en moi, de montrer ce projet, cette personne étonnante, ma fascination pour le lieu et la personne qui l'a créé.

 Ce serait mon souhait que les gens en apprennent davantage sur lui et cet endroit qu'il a créé, afin que l'idée puisse continuer, grandir, inspirer et amener les autres à avoir le courage de commencer à faire eux aussi, ce qu'ils veulent profondément et ainsi réaliser les choses auxquelles ils croient très fort. Je pense que nous avons besoin de connaître des hommes exemplaires afin d'apprendre de ces Pionniers.

  Nous avons déjà commencé le projet du livre qui contiendra des photos d'architecture prises par moi, Philip et les poèmes de Gérard. Ce livre sortira en octobre de cette année 2018 avec le budget venant de nos propres poches.

La plupart des travaux de photos dont nous avons besoin sont déjà terminés. Les poèmes sont déjà là.


 Nous avons rencontré la maison d'édition de Gérard (L'Harmattan, Sénégal) et ils sont entrés dans le projet dès que nous leur avons montré les premières images et les mots du poète.  Ils ont accepté de prendre en charge la conception, la traduction, les relations publiques et le processus de distribution.  Mais nous serons responsables des coûts d'impression ...   le livre devra être un produit de haute qualité et je suivrai personnellement le processus d'impression à Berlin. En mars, je me rendrai de nouveau au Sénégal, puis Gérard et moi terminerons le livre. Il sera publié au plus tard en juin / juillet 2018. Et vous recevrez votre exemplaire.



 Après toutes ces années, beaucoup de gens ont appris à connaître le lieu de Gérard - mais pour l'aider à faire en sorte que Sobo Badé s'épanouisse et continue à jouer son rôle de pépinière artistique, il est nécessaire d'avoir encore plus de gens prêts à y venir. J'insiste, en tant que personne, Gérard est vraiment inspirant, surtout pour les personnes qui veulent vieillir et demeurer actives, et pour les jeunes générations, il peut être un modèle.

 Sobo Badé est un endroit agréable pour se retrouver, se ressourcer et se détendre - plus les gens le savent, mieux c'est ... C'est juste un endroit magnifique pour passer vos vacances! 


 Risques et défis

 Bien sûr, pour atteindre les 5.800 €, nous devons vendre BEAUCOUP de livres en ligne, sans même pouvoir vous le montrer en personne. Mais nous avons déjà publié plusieurs livres et réalisé différents projets. Nous avons confiance et avec votre confiance et votre participation, nous pouvons atteindre cet objectif ensemble. Et bien sûr, il y a aussi divers avantages disponibles, en plus du livre. Rappelez-vous: il y a toujours un moyen d'aider le projet ne serait-ce qu'en versant 1 €, ça peut aider, s'il y en a beaucoup! Si vous voulez le partager sur Facebook ou via votre courrier avec des amis ou simplement distribuer nos cartes, cela nous aidera beaucoup. Peut-être connaissez-vous des amis qui pourraient vraiment en tirer profit ou être intéressés?

 MERCI d'avoir pris le temps de passer par là, merci pour tout votre soutien, merci de faire du bruit.

 Nous vous tiendrons au courant de l'avancement de la campagne.

Restez à l'écoute!


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Choose your Perk

Poem & Photo digital

Currency Conversion $3 USD
€3 EUR
This is a digital version of the poem and a photo you can send to your friends or print out for yourself...
Included Items
  • Poem Postcard - digital
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
0 claimed

Poem- Postcard

Currency Conversion $4 USD $5 USD (20% off)
€4 EUR
The postcard shows a photo portrait by Philip Kojo Metz on the front and a poem by Gerard Cheney on the back.
Included Items
  • Poem Postcard
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Poster- Mon Dernier Mot

Currency Conversion $16 USD $22 USD (25% off)
€15 EUR
Posterprint of the photo "Mon dernier mot" Size: A2 (approx. 42x60cm)
Included Items
  • Poster- Mon dernier mot
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 25 of claimed

Mon dernier mot- the book

Currency Conversion $22 USD $27 USD (20% off)
€20 EUR
This is the book that we are working on. It will be a high- quality print, containing poems and architecture from Gerard Cheney photographed by Philip Kojo Metz. Also Gerades Chenets philosophy and a whole portrait series about him. It will be in french and english.
Included Items
  • Mon dernier Mot- The book
Estimated Shipping
July 2018
13 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Mon... the book SIGNED

Mon... the book SIGNED

Currency Conversion $38 USD $44 USD (12% off)
€35 EUR
Get a copy of the book -Mon denier mot- signed by both artists!
Included Items
  • Mon dernier Mot- The book
Estimated Shipping
July 2018
1 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Poem - Postcard/ set of 10

Currency Conversion $44 USD $54 USD (20% off)
€40 EUR
This is a set of 10 different Postcards, containing a poem and photo.
Included Items
  • Poem Postcard (10)
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Photo-Portrait session, Berlin

Currency Conversion $163 USD $218 USD (25% off)
€150 EUR
Portrait session Studio/ outdoor with Philip Kojo Metz. 3 Prints, retouched, ready to print included.
Included Items
  • Portrait - Session
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 out of 20 of claimed
Fine Art Print

Fine Art Print

Currency Conversion $218 USD $239 USD (9% off)
€200 EUR
Fine Art Print on Baryta Paper, size: 24x30cm, signed and numbered- 10+2AP not framed, just the print!
Included Items
  • Fine Art Print- Portrait_03
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 10 of claimed

Eagle - Africa Share

Currency Conversion $598 USD $653 USD (8% off)
€550 EUR
The Eagle Africa Share is part of the Eagle Africa Project of Philip Kojo Metz, where he explores German History on the African Continent. For more information, please check here:
Included Items
  • Eagle Africa Share
Estimated Shipping
March 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed
Fine Art Print- Large size

Fine Art Print- Large size

Currency Conversion $1,359 USD $1,631 USD (16% off)
€1,250 EUR
Fine Art Print on Hanemühle Baryta paper, 50x70 cm, edition: 3+2AP, FRAMED by Bilderrahmen Neumann, Berlin
Included Items
  • Fine Art Print - Portrait_01
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
0 out of 3 of claimed
Fine Art Print - Large size

Fine Art Print - Large size

Currency Conversion $1,359 USD $1,631 USD (16% off)
€1,250 EUR
Print on Hanemühle Baryta Paper, Edition 3+2AP, Framed by Bilderrahmen Neumann, Berlin
Included Items
  • Fine Art Print - Portrait_02
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
0 out of 3 of claimed
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