作者跋涉天目山崇山峻岭20 多年,
从百余斤底片和nG 的数码照片中,
精选200 多幅图片,
历时5 年编辑打磨,精雕细琢,
澳洲双语诗人陈尚慧( 英语82 级)
画册从植物科学为起点,囊括多维度银杏故事,穿插四季银杏风景。进而从老子,孔子,扁鹊,丘处机等中华先贤手植银杏为切入点,讲述具有普世价值观的中国故事,比如‘无为而治’,‘老马识途’,‘敬天爱民’等等。是一部自然与人文相辉映,科学和艺术相融交汇的画册。既是欣赏神奇大自然的艺术书,更是宣传中华文化的‘国书’(关于国树银杏的画册,‘国书’也。National Book, condensed from Book of the National Tree, YMMV)
- 周志炎, 中国科学院院士,古生物学家,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所,国际上研究古生物包括银杏类植物的权威人物。
- 邢世岩,山东农大林学院教授,中国林学会银杏分会副会长。
- 张照根, 苏州考古研究所所长,对中国历史颇有研究。
本书的电子稿在植物界兴起了巨大反响,引起了国际植物园保护协会主席Stephen Blackmore 爵士、澳大利亚植物园联盟主席Stephen Forbes 先生、国际自然保护组织物种生存委员会主席Simon Stuart 先生、英国皇家植物园丘园树木园主任TonyKirkham 博士,加拿大Nova Scotia 博物馆馆长Marian Munro 女士,芝加哥植物园前总裁兼首席执行官Sophia Shaw 女士,美国 Oak Spring Garden 基金会会长,伦敦Kew 皇家植物园园长,耶鲁大学耶鲁森林与环境研究学院前院长Peter Crane 爵士,加利福尼亚科学院全球倡议主任/ 林赛生物多样性科学与可持续性植物研究所主席Margaret (Meg) Lowman 博士等等大咖的关注。
‘It is impossible to pigeonhole this book into any one category. A sensitive blend of the sciences, humanities, and arts, a most remarkable tree is brought to life through spectacular photos and engaging text. At a time of so much biodiversity loss, I wish every species could have a Jimmy Shen, someone to tell its story with admiring words and inspiring images. I have always been fascinated by the Ginkgo. I now have many more reasons to be.’
--Quentin Wheeler, President, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, The Ohio State University, U.S.A. Apr. 04, 2018
——俄亥俄州立大学环境科学与林业学院院长Quentin Wheeler
画册收到了以下单位/ 个人的订购
美国康奈尔大学Karl J. Niklas 教授及其图书馆
加州California Polytechnic State University 大学Matt Ritter 教授
哈佛大学Arnold Arboretum 图书馆
Huntington Botanical Gardens 图书馆
Botanical Dimensions Ethnobotany Library 图书馆
Wild Foundation 原野基金会主席Vance Martin 先生
Global Diversity Foundation 全球生物多样性基金会总裁Susannah
McCandless 博士
TREE Fund 树木基金会主席J. Eric Smith 先生
Ravensbourne University 大学董事会主席Jonathan Drori 先生
奥地利Botanic Garden Meise 图书馆
芬兰赫尔辛基大学H L Mikael Fortelius 教授
克罗地亚环保署专家组组长Ana Strbenac 女士......
支付宝/微信:13388607204 沈建明
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沈建明, 英语82 级,先后师从建筑教育家柳士英之子,城乡规划专家柳道平先生及国画大师潘天寿的高徒于广明先生,从事专业摄影二十年。作品在新西兰的Canterbury 博物馆,举行过为期两个半月的展览,深受好评。准备捐赠广外一批此画册。
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以下尺寸为18x 12 in 寸,47.5x 31.7 cm 厘米
以下尺寸为 11 x 8 in 寸, 29 x 19 cm 厘米
以下尺寸 10 x 8 in 寸, 25.4 x 20.3 cm 厘米
田野里飞来很多小鸟, 它们长着白色的翅膀, 是来自外星的精灵, 也是水彩的题材。
以下图经电脑优化而成。以下尺寸为16 x 11in 寸, 42 x 28 cm 厘米
Greetings from ancient homeland of ginkgo, a botanical utopia located in grand mountain ranges in east China.
In 1989, at Yi Ma Formation of Henan province(河南省义马煤矿), China, a team of paleontologists led by Ziyan Zhou (周志炎) (Prof. Zhou is the academic advisor of this book) and Bole Zhang (章伯乐) unearthed some ginkgo fossils, that they later traced back 170 million years--the oldest ginkgo fossils found to date.
I am Jimmy Shen (沈建明), a professional photographer, brought up at the foot of the TianMu Mountains(天目山), where wild ginkgos have been existing for hundreds of millions of years.
I learned my craft through apprenticeship to an outstanding disciple of the late master Chinese painter Shoutian Pan (潘天寿). My works have been published and exhibited internationally.
Why I Created this Book
God created the earth, where dinosaurs and ginkgos flourished. After the biological mass extinction 65 million years ago, plus the Quaternary glaciers which swept across the planet 2 million years ago, most forms of animals and plants disappeared. One species of ginkgo tree survived in sheltered mountainous areas in east China. I am lucky enough to be a native.
The purpose of this book is to promote public awareness towards ginkgo, linked to the primitive nature. Discover and share wonders of Nature.
The oldest ginkgo in the West (in Netherlands) is less than 300 years old, while there are some ginkgos in China over 3,000 years old. Here is one over 1,500 years old, situated at the top of Wuyun Mountain, Hangzhou, China.
So Many Stories about Ginkgo
I recall a treat of my childhood, after my mother cooked rice with wood, I used to throw ginkgo nuts into these hot ashes, and after a short while the nuts cracked like a song, they were delicious.
Tell You a Secret--How Male and Female Ginkgos Date:
We all know male and female ginkgos are separate trees. There are no bees involved as go-betweens. In spring, pollen cones grow on male trees while the ovule develops on the females. Carried by the wind, pollen travels miles across hills and rivers, meanwhile the ovule sends out a drop of liquid on the top to catch pollen passing by.
After meeting, the drop retreats and leads the way for pollen to settle down in the growing pollen tube, where sperms develop. Later in autumn matured sperms leave the tube and swim to the egg, which is developed in the ovule, making the actual fertilization to produce an embryo.
Due to the environment blessed with so many ginkgos, folks usually live long lives. This 102-year-old great-great-grandma often wins money when playing Mahjong (麻将) with others.
Lots more fascinating stories like:
--A 2,000-year-old ginkgo transformed into a smart scholar, he got an engagement with the princess... 银杏变秀才,皇帝找驸马
--An old tomb under a 1000-year-old ginkgo...古银杏树下惊现古墓
--With a couple ginkgos, the dying female (wife) saved the male ginkgo (husband) magically...
While designing the book, ginkgo lent me a lot of inspiration. In fact, I imitate a lot of its characteristics, that’s clear, straightforward, and graceful (I wish).
I got invaluable help from a lot of professionals, Australian Chinese bilingual poet Sherry Chan (陈尚慧) contributed the translation of ancient Chinese poems into English, Dr. Yusheng (Christopher) Liu (刘裕生教授),Tenured Professor of Botany at Prairie View A&M University, U.S.A., kindly edited the book. My old Canadian friend, Ernie Grimo, founding president in 1972 and recently re-elected President of the Society of Ontario Nut Growers, has always been a helping hand when in need at early stage of this book several years ago, and many more...
Covering chapters like About Ginkgo, Oldest Ginkgos, Wonders, Poems, Folk Remedies, Symbols, Legends, Memorabilia, etc. The nearly 160 images are extracted from two decades’ work. English-Chinese bilingual edition, measurements: 26 x 25 cm, or 10.23 x 9.84 inches, hardcover, matte paper 200 g, about 192 pages, 1kg. List price will be US$37.99.
All books are signed, both in English and in Chinese.
Immerse yourself in the ginkgo story along with year-round scenes. Dig.
This (13 mb) 180+ pages draft PDF contains 150+ images and stories. I reserve full editing rights, the final book may be slightly different. Will send the link for downloading to your email box within one week after claim.
$7 Limited to 500 Backers
For a group of 4, each will have a PDF and 10 print cards (4 x 6 inch) of a set of total 40 ginkgo images, covering most important images of ginkgo, including pollen, ovule, year round scenes. Packed in a box, sent to one address.
For those not in a group, I will group them and pick one at random from every 4 backers, the lucky one will have a book. To be delivered Mar, 2017.
Please inform me your shipping address as well. I will post names of these lucky people in the above UPDATES tab in the first week after this campaign ends, besides notifying you by email.
For a group of 3, each will have a PDF, and the group will have a book, sent to one address. For those not in a group, I will group them and pick one at random from every 3 backers, the lucky one will have a book.
Please inform me your shipping address as well. I will post names of these lucky people in the above UPDATES tab in the first week after this campaign ends, besides notifying you by email.
Printed in China. While browsing quality picture books in a fine bookstore, you may often come across books which state Printed in China on the copyright page, I usually buy a lot of sample books from these printing houses, which cooperate with Western publishers. Actually, for me, they are a good source to study book design. And this book is to be printed at one of these printing houses. Besides, I can always test on the spot before the final production.
$29 for One Copy + PDF
Besides 20% off list price US$37.99, you are the first to read the book. Leaf through these pages, encounter wonders, along with stories and year-round scenes. For PDF, please refer to the above draft PDF perk.
$99 for 4 copies + PDF;
$990 for 50 Copies + PDF;
Ideal for resell at garden stores, centers...
$1700 for 100 Copies + PDF
Ideal for resell at garden stores, centers...You could be my agent in your continent. I will forward a big parcel containing individual small parcels, you would distribute to the individuals respectively at my cost. And you will lead a delegation of ginkgo lovers to tour ancient ginkgo forests. There are a lot of ginkgo related products, like ginkgo nuts wine, ginkgo leaves pillows, ginkgo nuts powders, etc. Together with some museums, we would hold a grand exhibition. (银杏嘉年华)
8 x 10 inch images printed on 11 x 14 inch hard sheet paper, either to be framed or to be tacked on walls direct. You have your own gallery of ginkgo.
Even you can make your own calendar with these posters. There are posters with 0.8 inch longer, that's 11.8 x 14 inch. On the back there are blank squares to fill the date of the month. And all these 30/50 images are horizontal, with which you can make 2-3 years of calendars without repeat of scenery.
$50 for a set of 30 posters, $60 for Calendar set of 30 posters;
$70 for a set of 50 posters, $80 for Calendar set of 50 posters
11.8 x 14 inch, 13 pages
Bring home a touch of the original nature. The 13 pictures are carefully selected and ordered to reflect the changing seasons. In your language and main holidays included.
Please specify which country calendar you order. Kindly note that to guarantee the quality, a minimum quantity of 200 copies for a specific language/country is needed. There are alternative digital solutions, the quality is a bit less ideal. So please shout out in your social media, and I will update the accumulating figure in the UPDATE tab.
Please click one of the following links and get the digital calendar, for private perusal only.
North America; UK; Australia; France; Germany; Arabian; Netherlands; Italy; Switzerland; Denmark; Sweden, Belgium, Croatia, more countries are coming.
On line review may appear incorrect, downloaded files are flawless.
Learn the story of ginkgo. Order 2 calendars, get a free PDF of the book.
$35 for 2 copies;
$60 for 4 copies;
$600 for 50 copies, with your name or logo printed on the front page;
$990 for 100 copies, with your name or logo printed on the front page;
$1,900 for one copy, printed on fine art archival paper, made to order, in your language, with holidays and personally customized events up to 30 remarks.
All prints are open edition, signed fine art archival ink jet prints, which are reported not to fade for decades, size of 8 x 10-in, and prices are subject to change upon end of this campaign.
A set of 30/50 prints includes pollen, ovule, year round scenes, meanwhile you get two free posters with information about ginkgo and about the photographer (these posters are not ink jet printed,)
Ideal for exhibition, a treat for nature/botany/ginkgo lovers. No tickets, pls. If you need my assistance or appearance, pls let me know.
Packed in a box. Signed, matted, foam core backed, ready for standard 11 x 14-in frames. Each print is protected by a glassine to the face.
$50 for One + PDF;
$1,300 for a Set of 30 + PDF;
$2,000 for a Set of 50 + PDF
Homeland of ginkgo, a mecca for nature lovers. Roam ancient ginkgo forests. Dance with falling leaves. Includes meals, lodging, transportation, tour at a ginkgo village, and a ginkgo products factory. International airfare not included. City tours may add up.
$10 Reservation of your adventure next year by order of a book PDF. Seems that we have had too much rain here in the TianMu Shan Mountains these months, this year ginkgos here are not so glorious as they should.
$1,900 for 1 Week Tour
PDF + 3 BOOKS + ONE WEEK'S TOUR IN LAND OF GINKGO, my friends or I will be the guide in and around the Tianmu Mountains, or other ginkgo villages. Be a part of this land of wonders. For PDF, please refer to the above PDF perk. (Families or friends want to come too? Contact me, above.) Books will be sent Mar. 2017.
$4900 for 10 Days' Tour + IN the Film, Limited to 10 Backers
SPECIAL MENTION AT THE END OF THE FILM + PDF + 3 BOOKS + Tour in and around Tianmu Mountains. I will be the guide. I am planning to make a film/documentary (银杏大地纪录片). WALK INTO THE FILM AS FOREIGN TOURISTS. Like to deliver a speech? Maybe, yet to decide. One scene is a team of foreign tourists roam ancient ginkgo forests. Get ready to be a star. Books will be sent Mar. 2017.
No Facebook, Twitter, Youtube Account?
Non, I am an internet dummy, besides no access to them here in China. Please spread this campaign with your friends in your social media or send to your email contacts who you think might be interested.
The Indiegogo share tools on this site can help get the word out!
Well, I have a linked-in account. You could also leave a message on my linked-in:
My Initial Goal is $12k
If I hit 32k, there will be a slip case.
If I hit 100k, there will be..., yet to decide, what is your opinion? Several ginkgo guest houses in the ginkgo village to receive ginkgo lovers around the world, including you. And there will be Chinese-German, Chinese-French and other languages editions, too.
Get a Touch of the Original Nature
See right if one of the perks fits you, or contact me if you have some other requests, or spread this campaign, please.
Get a touch of the original nature, traced back hundreds of millions of years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. (回归淳朴的自然)
What They Are Saying About
'This manuscript offers a wonderful glimpse of the stately ginkgo from its origins in China. The author and photographer show adoration for this most ancient of trees. I was gifted a digital copy to peruse and shall cherish it. The images are touching and the prose poetic. Love the history and folk lore as well as popular references. A wonderful tribute to tree we have only sparingly planted in Nova Scotian cities and towns.'
--Ms. Marian Munro, Curator of Botany, Nova Scotia Museum, Canada
‘I also showed it to our librarian, and we both agree that the photography and design are stunning. It is a very lyrical combination of imagery, poetry and information about the treasured ginkgos in China.’
--Ms. Lugene B. Bruno, Curator of Art & Senior Research Scholar, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A
‘This is a beautiful book about a beautiful and intriguing plant. The photographs and stories are inspiring, and add to our enjoyment of the fascinating ginkgo. Jimmy Shen has created a work of art and science!’
--Tim Entwisle, Professor, Director and Chief Executive of Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Australia
‘Your exploration of Ginkgo biloba and the relationship between Chinese people and this remarkable tree through outstanding photographs, careful documentation and poetry is very important. You beautifully illustrate the interconnections between beauty and utility in this enduring relationship. The nature of this relationship over thousands of years is important for our understanding of a sustainable future. This is an important quest for you to continue.’
--Stephen Forbes, Director, Botanic Gardens of South Australia, Adelaide, Chair of the Council of Heads of Australian Botanic Gardens, Australia
'I just LOVE your book about "everything Ginkgo!" You have creatively woven fact with story, technical language with poetry, and amazing legends with dry history. The visuals are extraordinary and truly inspiring to the senses.'
Many thanks for sharing and I know this book will be a huge success once published.
--Margaret (Meg) Lowman, Ph.D., Director of Global Initiatives/Lindsay Chair of Botany, Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability, California Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.
‘This is an amazing book that will find its way onto everyone's bookshelf who is interested in Ginkgos. It has fabulous images of Ginkgos in the wild and cultivation.’
--Dr. Tony Kirkham, Head of the arboretum at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, United Kingdom
‘Your excellent photographs of our living fossil Ginkgo biloba have brought elegance of the importance of this living fossil. Please promote your creative art to the whole world. We will keep your book in our library.’
--Dr. Ratikanta Maiti, Ph.D, D.Sc. Chairman, Int Conf on Bio-resource and Stress Management; Chief Editor - IJBSM; Ex Professor, UDLA, Mexico
‘In this labor of love, Jimmy Shen has created a meticulously documented celebration of the majestic gingko and their enduring relation to culture and place. The volume leaves an impression of golden light filtered through autumn leaves.'
--Susannah R. McCandless, PhD, International Program Director, Global Diversity Foundation, Co-organizer, Global Environments Summer Academy, USA
‘It is an impressive compilation of information, anecdotes, medical remedies and even recipes from all over China. Some of the illustrations are quite spectacular! It must have taken considerable time and effort to gather all the information and photos from across the country. The book is a valuable resource for anyone wanting to know about Ginkgo and its long heritage. Great job!’
--Prof. Stephen McLoughlin, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sweden
‘This is a beautiful and wonderfully complete body of work. I will take time to go through and read thoroughly, it truly deserves time to absorb and reflect. I would love to see this work being showcased in our garden and to be enjoyed by others who appreciate the nature and lore of ginkgo.’
--Kevin Frediani, Inverewe Property Manager at the National Trust for Scotland, Honorary Lecturer Urban Agriculture, The University of Nottingham, U.K.
Concerning your book, it is a delightful balance of art and information. I always love the Ginkgo for its beauty and place in natural history. I wish we were able to grow them in Florida but, alas it is not happy here. I did grow them in Michigan and enjoyed their ancient appeal. Your book really captured their mystique in a thought provoking and artistic manner. I will of course forward any interest your way as, alas as mentioned Florida does not see the tree grown this far south in the sub tropics.
--Steven J. Royer, Professor, Palm Beach State College, U.S.A.
‘It is fascinating to learn more about the unique history of the ginkgos, as well as how they fit culturally in both artistic and botanical traditions in China. This was clearly a labor of love for you, and you should be applauded for a fine work . . . and for sharing it with others!!’
-- J. Eric Smith, President and CEO, TREE Fund, U.S.A.
‘The Ginkgo book looks beautiful and extremely interesting. Thanks so much for being the champion for conserving the amazing Ginkgo tree!’
--Simon Stuart, Chair, Species Survival Commission, the International Union for Conservation of Nature
‘That is a great book! The information on biology, ecology, history, lore, and uses is invaluable.’
-- Christopher J. Earle, Senior Ecologist, www.conifers.org
Here are a Few Spreads