Glass Wing Retold is a reboot of the 2014 Glass Wing (originally made for contest).
As the young and acrobatic Mayfly, jump, climb and puzzle solve your way through a unique adventure!
The new mechanics in this game will allot for a better variety in the way that the stages are designed, to progressively incorporate the abilities that Mayfly unlocks through her adventure, which will include all of the ones from the original and a few more.
Spin Glide (Works like Yoshi's Flutter Jump from Super Mario 64DS)
High Jump
Ball Form (allows her to roll around in a manner similar to Goran Link or Samus)
Spark Blast (a light blast that can break brittle stone used while in ball form)
Flight (Which will now be based on Armored Core's style of flight for ease of use)
Glide Swim (Plans to be similar to the Zora Link swim in Zelda MM)
As has been shown in the video, in addition to using her abilities, Mayfly also uses items in ways to both solve puzzles and improve her platforming ability. Originally the utility was: sword cuts vines, axe cuts trees, hammer breaks cracked rocks, shovel digs up hidden items, spear punctures electric globs to be used to power machines, and magnet moves magnetic platforms and the torch lights dark places and burns wood. There will all be kept but new features will make through, like using the spear and axe as make-shift platforms, I'd like to see the other items given a similar treatment. But I am most excited about the prospect of having a much more in-depth use of the magnet to make a lot more exciting puzzles that involve both moving and rotating platforms around to configure them in usable ways to pass areas.
This game is going to have a much more in-depth and connected world. Where as the previous game had what to many seemed like scattered environments tied by "twilight trials." My current plan is to have worlds connected in a much more realistic way, and having the twilight trials instead pop up from time to time as a sort of dream-segment challenge for the player which need not be completed but will reward the player with by providing insight on Mayfly's perspective on her situation.
Given that both the flight and swimming mechanics for this game are going to be much more user friendly, that opens up the possibility to create worlds that make full use of them in new ways. And I have just the idea for how that could be appropriate. In a previous game that is related to Glass Wing, I introduced the "Stone Cloud":
These are gigantic, motionless mountain like figures that float in the sky. I'd like to have one appear as the basis for a new world for Glass Wing, where in gravity is given a Super Mario Galaxy like treatment.
The mechanics of this game carefully shadow N64 hits like Super Mario 64 and Zelda OoT, to the point where Mayfly is capable of doing virtually all of the fundamental movements in both of those games including Diving, Ledge-Climbing, Wall-Jump, Side-Jump, and Z-targeting!
If you'd like to get a feel for yourself, the development for this game is such that there is a Youtube development video log series that details mechanics as they are implemented, with an accompanying prototype build to test. The current prototype can be found above!
What sets Mayfly apart though is that she is effectively a non-combatant. She does come across various items that would classically be considered weapons, but Mayfly is too physically weak to fight (though you are allowed to try if you want to). Mayfly instead uses her items as tools to get ahead, and a combination of acrobatics and stealth to get around monsters. She will also learn new Glass Wing abilities throughout her adventure in a way similar to the Metroid games.
A non-fighting protagonist might sound boring at first, but by framing the game this way, as fans of the original game have explained in reviews, it allows for the enemies to feel a lot more dangerous and scary and this relationship with them has it's novelties. And besides, adding a detailed combat system would take focus away from the highlights, the platforming and puzzles, and I could easily see it just coming down to being way too similar to Zelda if there is combat.
I like to think that the format of an IGG campaign is a neat way to allow the fans to have more direct influence on the project!
This way everyone who supports will get something!
For Anyone curious how this idea started out.
My last project, a related game to Glass Wing.
A copy of this game!
Documents for lore and special art!
Beta tester!
After the first official demo is up, the prototype builds will discontinue, but beta-testers continue to check the game as it gets built up to a point...
Beta tester till the very end!
Hat accessory for Mayfly!
Toy Cameo of your own design!
Design a monster that will appear on the field.
Hypothetical gimmicks for added replay value!
Your OC appears in the game, Mayfly can talk to them too.
Your own challenge area will show up in the game!
Create a side quest to go along with your NPC!
Create an extra chapter to the main game as an extension!
NOTICE: All designs will be looked over so as to have appropriate adjustments to fit with the style of the world.
Glass Wing Retold is being made because fans of the original wanted to know more about the Glass Wing world as well as Mayfly and Ferace as characters. Since I saw no where to go with Mayfly after her growth of a character at the end of her adventure, I felt it best to make a more detailed telling of the story.
Fans have told me that Mayfly and Ferace make each other interesting characters in a kind of Yin Yang way. Ferace is a gigantic and and powerful demon, but also an emotional and desperate person who really does want to build a world where fewer people suffer. Mayfly on the other hand is a weak and small demon that has a strong will and is always thinking things through an analytical perspective.
In this world, there are demons like Ferace and Mayfly, but among them are also the "mindless monsters." Ferace explains that they used to be just like the main characters but something caused them to regress into something lesser, feral and unpredictably dangerous. But Ferace has been around for a long time, and he has never seen a Glass Wing become a mindless, so he takes it upon himself to capture the Mayfly the Glass Wing to try and find out just what it is about his curious kind of demon that separates them from the rest, and possibly find a way to altogether stop future demons from becoming mindless if not to find a cure of some sort.
That much was clear in the first five minutes of the original game. But this time I would like the space to create Metroid Prime Echos like background cutscenes that can provide insight as to just why Ferace wound up with the mind-set he has, and how it is that Mayfly sees this. And there in lies the possibility of creating a wider breadth of personality for Mayfly. I would like to create situations where the player is able to have different outcomes based on the decisions that they make within certain puzzles, and these could also result in triggering different interactions with Ferace, and possibly also the introduction of more characters as well.
One Character that I would really like to try and work into the game as I think they could do well to provide more insight on the nature of the monsters with a different perspective than Ferace would be that of another demon. One that first appeared in Remnants of A Beautiful Day, the "Darkspot":
Or at least some variation of this fairly disturbing character.
But to balance things out, there was actually one more additional perspective I wanted to introduce to this game, and that would be of another Glass Wing. Perhaps one that you find mid-way in your adventure, or maybe one that's actually a very close friend of Mayfly. Maybe both. Either could be used to really help with the world building component.
I am programming, animating, writing, and designing the graphics for this game myself, as well as doing some of the OST. As such, most of the money will be for my own living expenses as well as to be used to buy new hardware and software to speed along the development process. Needless to say, some of the money is for fees and taxes regarding the product as well. Everything else will go to audio: both music and voice acting!
The game should be finished by May of 2017.
Mayfly's inability to fight is actually a very important part of her character which has to do with the inception of the original Glass Wing. The driving thought behind the constitution of Mayfly was "Is it possible to play with the 'Damsel in Distress' trope to see what kind of adventure someone in peril who is far too weak to fight might save themselves?" And as such she originally only managed to escape her captor not by strength, skill, or even wits, but sheer luck. Of course, since she is forced to go on the adventure that's the point where she starts to become something more, but never really a "hero".