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Glen's Funeral Cost

Most of you know that Sean paid for Glen's funeral. The Gvt. paid back all but $2700. We are asking friends of Glen to help cover the rest. Ask yourself, WWGD?

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Glen's Funeral Cost

Glen's Funeral Cost

Glen's Funeral Cost

Glen's Funeral Cost

Glen's Funeral Cost

Most of you know that Sean paid for Glen's funeral. The Gvt. paid back all but $2700. We are asking friends of Glen to help cover the rest. Ask yourself, WWGD?

Most of you know that Sean paid for Glen's funeral. The Gvt. paid back all but $2700. We are asking friends of Glen to help cover the rest. Ask yourself, WWGD?

Most of you know that Sean paid for Glen's funeral. The Gvt. paid back all but $2700. We are asking friends of Glen to help cover the rest. Ask yourself, WWGD?

Most of you know that Sean paid for Glen's funeral. The Gvt. paid back all but $2700. We are asking friends of Glen to help cover the rest. Ask yourself, WWGD?

Guy Lake
Guy Lake
Guy Lake
Guy Lake
1 Campaign |
Oakland, United States
$3,835 USD 22 backers
132% of $2,900 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Sean Lake, Glen Doherty's roommate and best friend, covered the full costs of Glen's funeral in Massachusetts as well as the paddle out and dinner in San Diego this fall. He put tens of thousands on the table to ensure Glen was honored properly. He was.

The government and foundations have helped cover most of the cost Sean incurred but there is some left over: $2700. A few of us thought we should put a campaign together among the friends of Glen to raise this money so Sean is paid back in full. Any amount is welcome. Between all of us putting in for less than half the cost of Snowbird lift ticket (~$100), we should be able to cover this quickly and easily.


Ask yourself, in this situation, What Would Glen Do?


Thanks in advance.


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