We met our goal!!
WOW! We are beyond overjoyed and our gratitude is deeper than any words could express.
We’ve SURPASSED our goal of raising $13,000 towards published the book by $3,128!
We now have $16,128 to make “Green Card YOUTH Voices: Immigration Stories from an American High School” the best it can be.
We couldn’t be more humbled by your generosity and support. You have shown us that your words of support have been met with actions of financial contributions.
The students are ecstatic, our staff and board members are celebrating. We CAN make a difference and we ARE. Together we have shown these students that THEY MATTER, that THEIR STORIES ARE VALUABLE, and that THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS ARE PRICELESS.
We could not have done it without you.
With the most heartfelt gratitude,
The Green Card Voices team (Tea Rozman Clark, Rachel Mueller, Jose Guzman, Zoe Nardone), and the students and teachers from Wellstone International High School
About this Project:
Green Card YOUTH Voices: Immigration Stories from an American High School is a collection of 30 personal essays from young, new Americans. To be published in May 2016, this is the first in a series of books featuring immigrant stories recorded by Green Card Voices.
In September 2015, Green Card Voices was honored to film the stories of 30 students from Wellstone International High School in Minneapolis, Minnesota. These courageous youth, coming from 13 countries, joined us in the studio for three days and candidly shared stories of family, school, change, and dreams.
Now for the first time, these incredible accounts will be featured on our website AND in a book! The students are working hard to develop their recorded narratives into written content, and are ready to become published authors.
However, we need your help!
Why a book?
The student authors featured in Green Card YOUTH Voices: Immigration Stories from an American High School have amazing stories to tell. After recording their narratives in September, we knew that this was bigger than just a recording. We wanted to go a step further and bring their stories to an even wider audience with a powerful book and video multimedia package.
Students at the Wellstone International High School will never sit in class next to an American-born student. We feel there is a need for materials that can create bridges between these youth. Green Card YOUTH Voices: Immigration Stories from an American High School will serve as a strong educational resource that individuals and classrooms in Minnesota and beyond can use to learn about their neighbors.
The LIMITED EDITION book will include:
30 narratives written by the students
Full page, color portraits of each student*
A QR code that links to the student's video interview on the GCV website
A short bio of each student
A study guide and glossary of terms
*full color in limited edition only
Revenue earned through the sales of the books will be used to fund the GCV's Youth Empowerment Program and contribute to the long-term sustainability of Educational Programs at Green Card Voices.
Why now?
This past year has seen some of the most negative immigrant rhetoric to date.
In the current climate, it is more important than ever to use individual accounts to highlight the lives lived and contributions made to our nation. At Green Card Voices, we believe stories are a critical part of this movement.
Why you?
We can’t make this book without your support.
The youth of America truly are the future of America— by helping fund this project, you are joining us in empowering a generation that will work to build a nation where all voices are heard and valued.
What We Need
Green Card Voices is a small 501(c)3 non-profit with a limited budget. Funds raised in this campaign will go towards:
Printing 1,000 limited edition, full-color books
Copy editing
Video Editor/Book Designer
Managing Editor
Our first priorities are the printing costs and copy editing. These costs are non-negotiable and 100% necessary to make the book happen. If we don't reach our goal, we will raise the funds for staff time and marketing through other avenues.
Launched in 2013, Green Card Voices utilizes digital storytelling to share personal narratives of America’s immigrants, fostering tolerance and establishing a better understanding between immigrant and non-immigrant populations.
Using web-based video storytelling, touring exhibits, and now launching a brand new book series, Green Card Voices aims to help people see the ‘wave of immigrants’ as individuals, with interesting stories of family, hard work, and cultural diversity. Our dynamic, multimedia platform is designed to empower individuals, community groups, and educational institutions alike.
As participants in a movement calling for increased representation of real immigrant stories in the media, we provide immigrants with a platform to tell their own stories, in exactly the ways they want them to be heard.
We really can’t do this without you!
Every dollar counts, so we appreciate whatever contribution you are able to make! If you can’t donate financially, there are many other ways to get involved.
We’d love to hear from you, so go ahead and leave us a comment if you like what we’re doing. Most importantly, please share this campaign with your friends, families, coworkers, and social media networks! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated with the campaign and other events. And be sure to check back here over the next 40 days— we’ll be posting updates every step of the way.