Just in time for Halloween!
Why a double creature feature? The easy answer is: Why not? It is the spooky season, friends! And what could be spookier than pairing the guy who wrote Encephalon Gorgers on the Moon and Necromancer Games' original horror classic Aberrations with the mad genius behind modern masterpieces Occurrence at Howling Crater and Horror Out of Hagsjaw? We would literally be out of our minds NOT to combine these uniquely terrifying new adventures into one delicious Horrorween package! Or we could say … we are trying to save some bucks on paper, help build jobs in America, and save our most loyal fans on shipping. Good news? All of these are true! Better news? For the first time ever, we are offering this double creature feature to our many friends and fans who play Castles & Crusades, but still love our original content! We have you covered!
Fungus God from Outer Space
While investigating the crash landing of a strange celestial body, the heroes encounter the ruins of a hobgoblin settlement and the crouching figure of the massive Fungus God rising from the spore-filled crater beyond. Why is it here? What can be done? Find out now!
From the twisted mind of Casey Christofferson comes an adventure of cosmic horror from beyond the depths of space and time. The veteran Necromancer Games and Troll Lord Games creator behind such works as Haunted Highlands, City of Brass, and Bard’s Gate introduces a brand-new terror for your holiday gaming table of horrors!
Fungus God from Outer Space is designed for Tier 2 or 3 characters in 5th edition fantasy roleplaying, the OSR version is designed for 4-6 characters of 8th to 9th level, and for Castles & Crusades' parties, it is designed for 4-6 characters between 6th and 9th level.
Heresy of Rot
Greetings children of the grave … and happy Frog-O-Weeeeeen!! It is I, your host and guide into the unknown: SAM HAIN! Won’t you join me?
Tonight’s entry into the unknown brings you a tale of woe from the Wilderlands' frontier! A shadowy cult preys on the folk of the unsuspecting town of Fetterwald as a supernatural terror stalks the cornfields. And what lies within the lonely grave of Doctor Coffin?! A ruined manse holds a dark secret while a horror beyond imagining wakes in a nightmarish dream world. Will your characters be too late to stop it?
Now lie back in your coffins and enjoy a sip of this Frogalicious witch’s brew; it's sure to absolutely petrify your nerves!
Heresy of Rot is an adventure for 4–6 high Tier 1 or low Tier 2 characters in 5e. The OSR version is designed for 4-5 characters of 6th to 8th level, and 4th to 6th level in Castles & Crusades.
Heresy of Rot is written by Levi Combs and John McGuire.
System Options
Fifth Edition
Our 5e versions are compatible with the most recent edition of the world's most popular fantasy role-playing game.
Our OSR system option is designed to be broadly useful to any classically inspired fantasy game. In the future, we will also be offering the Old-School Essentials (OSE) system for classic adventures and supplements. This is currently in process and not every title will be explicitly designed and presented for OSE until 2023.
Castles & Crusades
Frog God Games and Troll Lord Games have partnered to bring you thrilling quests in the Castles & Crusades system. Castles & Crusades is a stripped-down variant of the d20 System by Wizards of the Coast. For those of you who already use this system, Frog God Games is excited to provide these two adventures as our first converted Castles & Crusades modules and we look forward to providing more adventures for your gaming table.
If you are not familiar with this rule system, take a look by downloading the complimentary Player's Handbook from Troll Lord Games:
Softcover Perks
Softcover perks will be mailed via Indiegogo to the address provided to us from our warehouse. All three system versions (5e, OSR, and Castles & Crusades) of this adventure will be full-sized 8-1/2 x 11-inch saddle-stitched books. We have talked to our printer and we have been notified about the ongoing industry paper shortage. They currently have the paper in stock for this project; however, with this ongoing shortage, this may affect our delivery dates.
Overseas Shipping
As those of you who back our campaigns and follow us on Discord are aware, we have been grappling with the issue of high costs of shipping to locations outside the USA. We decided that the most cost-effective way for our overseas customers to get their books is by using the Print-on-Demand (PoD) format.
The Print-on-Demand books that international customers receive are high quality, but please be aware that they are printed differently than books in the USA, which are saddled stitched.
We have tremendous love and respect for our international customers, and this is the most efficient method we have found to provide you with books at a reasonable price with reliable delivery times. We have been notified about the ongoing industry paper shortage from our local printer as well as our PoD printers. Please note that this ongoing shortage may affect our delivery dates.
PDF Fulfillment
Contributors have told us that they prefer having their digital rewards in a unified library. For this project, the default PDF distribution will be via DriveThruRPG.com. We use DriveThruRPG's fulfillment tools, which will send you an email originating from their site that the PDF has been added.
If you want your PDF added to your Frog God Games account library, we are happy to oblige. Please send an email to our Help Desk at help@froggodgames.com with your contribution number, system preference, and the email address associated with your FGG account to add the PDF to your FGG library.