Greebo Games: Hand of
Death your Japanese style Rats
Our goal
is to create a full Japanese style Rats team for Fantasy Football.
Welcome to the Greebo Games
Rats funding campaign!
Greebo Games is a well known Italian manufacturer of miniatures, born
for fantasy football. Recently we have started to produce board games and
different types of fantasy sports game, other than collaborations with
different Italian and International realities.
It is already several years that we create board games, form sculptor with
the International School of Comics and, in 2014, we added a new service of 3D
sculpture including both the making of and the production of digital artworks!
All of these could be possible thanks to the sculpting experience gained from
several years of work and to the tridimensional sculpting needed for all the
details on the final model.
Greebo Games is a factory who keeps an eye both on past and future, giving
you the best product TODAY!
Some examples of the 3D Print Service
The project: this year Greebo Games is celebrating the ultimate
technology, 3D sculpture! What’s better to show off our new techniques than
create a whole new team? Everything produced by Greebo Games!
A well projected Japanese Rats Team ready for the pitch right after our
known Waag Saabhi, the Nippo Goblin Team that we launched on our last campaign.
We would like to give you all the necessary to play and have fun with this new
team such as a specific pitch to play on, several markers, Star Players and
coaching staff! Every character will be a discovery and a wonderful sight for
your eyes. The attention to details made from our Senior Character Designer will show you exactly what will be our
finished work, who will born only with YOUR HELP. But we won’t stop here! We
have had a lot of requests for our Tartalar models for Tutatis, so now you have
the chance to get them in a bigger size, perfect for Fantasy Football! Armed
Turtles, Robots, Chimeras, everybody ready to go on a pitch. Is this all? NO!
You fill find even some more miniatures, available ONLY during conventions and
Just one more thing: do not forget to HAVE FUN
following our new Hand of Death campaign!
Some examples of painted models by Alessio Cisbani aka Wolfbane![]()
Bushido's Clan:![]()
The Rats:![]()
Lots of heads to customise your models*:
Rat-Oni ( Big Guy )
The Hero:
Big Guy hero:
The Pitch: if we will unlock this, it will be a rolled up version
Prone and Stunned Marker for Oni-Rat:
3D projects, printed and casted models for Prone and Stunned Rat-oni mark
Team Marker:
Block Dices:
Custom block dice for the Hand of Death, available as add on Dice perk
The Extras:Tartalar: do you remember the Tutatis' turtle team? Lots of people have been asking us to rework on them in 27 mm scale instead of 10 mm, and here they are!
Wartart: We have prepared multy head and multy weapon, so you can arm your Tartalar as you prefer, chose from lots of different weapon and create your own personal team composition! Bow, Sword, Kunay, naked head, band on eyes, bandana, lots of different ways to create your Tartalar! Here are some examples
Here you can see the final result after a 3D print, casted in white metal , primered and inked to show you every details.
Wartart :
Iron fang is a completely customizable model !
Mecha Tartalar (Big Guy)
From our last Campaign, the Hand of Death's best friends
Waag Saabi Goblin (Painted by Chiafele "Axia" Giuseppe):
The EXLUSIVE Bonzo Goblin, available ONLY during campaigns and some festivals:
Special Weapons
Clan Goblins:
Elite Goblins:
Oni-Trolls (Big Guys):
Dragon Coach and markers:
*all model where needed will come with one random head.
Of course, once you go beyond the basic level, the
more people get involved, the more advanced the options get. The beauty of
crowdfunding projects is that you can go for the safe option of a basic pledge
(our first levels) which gets you a guaranteed set of stuff, provided the
project reaches its minimum funding level.
In our case, this minimum level sits at € 3,000.
Alternatively, you can invest a bit more money (with a higher level) and reap the benefits when more people become involved and the
project really takes off. Once certain funding levels are reached (see below),
the return for your initial pledge grows, even though you don’t you have pay
any additional money.
These benefits can include additional models, parts or
substitute parts for the characters, such as better weapons, strongest creature,
sidekick characters or other miscellaneous stuff.
Not all extra goals give you automatic bonuses,
though, some release additional pledging/update options. These can be available
for all pledge levels or just for specific ones, please see below for details.
This is a low-risk campaign, as the majority of the stuff is produced by Greebo Games and will be produced, if we get founded, sooner or later! The only exception to this is regarding the
Tartalar models as they were commissioned to another company. Some of these models can get delayed, changed or deleted. If this occurs, we will be glad to refund you the money you have spent to claim them, or we will convert the amount of money in whatever you want from our catalog.
So what happens once the campaign is over? Well, some miniatures are
intended as a once-off special on this campaign. And once that is over, they
will not be available from our online store. In fact, some of these sets will
only be available as part of this or future Indiegogo campaigns or at
conventions. The best way to secure your miniature(s) is to pledge the amount
for what you’d like, spread the word among your mates so they get in on it as
well and the project reaches not only its minimum funding level but also some
stretch goals. Once this campaign is over, there’s no secure way to get one of
these models!.
Please note that the items will be shipped from Italy and may thus be
liable to customs duties outside the European Union.
The following
applies to all perks,:
All miniatures
are sculpted by Lorenzo Giusti, (Bonzo, Ninja 1-2, Goblin 1, Troll 2, Geisha 1-2 sculpted by Pedro Ramos. Goblin 2 Sculpted by Alessio Cisbani)
All miniatures concepts
are made by Massimiliano Gallo.
All miniatures from Hand of Death team are painted by Alessio "Wolfbane" Cisbani
All miniatures from Waag Saabi team, Iron fang and Mecha Turtle are painted by Giuseppe "Axia" Chiafele
All sets are
securely shipped in padded envelopes or box, depend of the pledge.
All miniatures
are made from metal. They will be supplied as unassembled, unbased kits, except
where explicitly stated otherwise. They are all supplied with the standard round
25mm black plastic bases (Big Guys will have a 30mm round plastic base).
The miniatures
and all additional parts are 28 mm scale
commences in May 2014.
All sets are
shipped from Italy. Postage to EU, UK, USA and Canada is FREE OF CHARGE! Postage
to anywhere else in the world is only 5 €! (Depending on the Level)
Please also note
that you do not necessarily need a credit card to participate in an Indiegogo
campaign (see FAQ for details).
Right, here are
the perk levels and the stuff you can receive depending on the total funding
level reached.
Level 1 – Single Miniature € 5
You will receive
ONE miniature chosen from our campaign EXCEPT the Big Guys.
( Assassin, Bushido, Rat, Thrower, Iron Fang, Blade Clan, Tartalar no weapon, Miss May, Hoky Jo, any Goblin except Bonzo and Dragon. When UNLOCKED: Cheerleader, 2x Team Marker, Big Guy Marker Prone and Stunned )
FREE shipping if combined with Level 5 or more
If not please add € 3+1 every 3 additional miniatures from the same level
Level 2 – Star Players and Exclusive Miniature € 7
You will receive
ONE Rats Star Player, Wartart, Blade Master, Razorbock, Rinhor, MindGolem, Bonzo, Dragon, Rat Master, or exclusive model miniature chosen from our campaign EXCEPT the Big Guy.
( When UNLOCKED: Glaskart, Haksilam, Skitex, Fetz, Coach, Priest, Sorcerer, Yosu, 3 Block Dices, Two Heads Assassin, Horned Bushido )
If you choose the Wartart, write us which kind of weapon and head you want.
FREE shipping if combined with Level 5 or more
If not please add € 3+1 every 3 additional miniature from the same level
Rats Dice – 3 Rats Dice € 7
Block Dices: Custom block dice for the Hand of Death
FREE shipping if combined with Level 5 or more
If not please add € 3+1 every additional miniature from the same level
Rats Pitch – Rolled-up version € 25
Hand of Death Pitch: You will receive one rolled-up version pitch made with the hand of Death theme!
FREE shipping if combined with Level 5 or more for the States below:
Austria - Belgium - France - Germany - United Kingdom - Greek - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands - Czech republic - Portugal - Romania - Spain - Hungary - Canda - Japan - Iceland - San Marino - USA - Switzerland
For the other states if combined with level 5 or more please add 5 Euro (20 Euro for Oceania)
If you don't have take any level 5 perk or more, please add
€ 15 for Europe
€ 20 for Americas - Asia - Africa
€ 26 for Oceania
Level 3 – Big Guy Miniature € 16
You will receive
ONE Big Guy miniature.
( Ratt-Oni, Mecha Tartalar, Oni-Troll)
FREE shipping if combined with Level 5 or more
If not please add € 3+1 every additional miniature from the same level
LOCKED - Level 4 – Big Guy Star Player Miniature € 18
You will receive
ONE Big Guy Star Player miniature. ( Eishin )
FREE shipping if combined with Level 5 or more
If not please add € 3+1 every additional miniature from the same level
Level 5 – Rats Team (Early Bird) € 65
You will receive
6 Rats, 2 Bushidos, 4 Assassins and 2 Throwers miniatures.
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada!
Rest of the World please add € 5
Level 6 – Rats Team € 70
You will receive
6 Rats, 2 Bushidos, 4 Assassins and 2 Throwers miniatures.
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada!
Rest of the World please add € 5
Underworld Team (Eraly Bird) € 75
You will receive 2 Rats, 2 Bushidos, 2 Throwers, 1 Oni-Troll and 7 Nippo Goblins miniatures + free add-on from stretch goals achieved.
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada!
Rest of the World please add € 5
Level 7 – Rats Full Team (Early Bird) € 80
25/25 ![]()
You will receive
6 Rats, 2 Bushidos, 4 Assassins, 2 Throwers and 1 Big Guy miniatures.
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada!
Rest of the World please add € 5
Level 8 – Rats Full Team € 85
You will receive
6 Rats, 2 Bushidos, 4 Assassins, 2 Throwers and 1 Big Guy miniatures.
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada!
Rest of the World please add € 5
Level 9 – 5x Rats Full Team € 375
You will receive 30 Rats, 10 Bushidos, 20 Assassins, 10 Throwers and 5 Big Guy miniatures.
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada!
Rest of the World please add € 10
Oni Level - € 1000
You will receive a Full Hand of Death team including every stretch goal (even the regular
pitch made for this oriental team!) PLUS A Greebo Games miniature
designed by you!
Here's the deal
in detail: You tell us what kind of miniature you would like, provided it is a
rat man in shape, roughly human-sized
and fits one of the Hand of death role. We will provide concept sketches with
your likeness or the likeness desired by you. The character will become part of
the team. This means that we will also be giving it a name based on your own or
based on your suggestions. Please keep in mind that the character will have to
fit into the Fantasy world, please don't ask us a Mac5 pilot.
In addition to
your place in gaming history, you will also receive the original of the
character and one Silver (925) model
from it. Of course, the production rights, copyright of the sculpt and any
commercial licence in any way, shape or form shall remain with Greebo Games. So
you're not allowed to make copies of it. You won't have to, mind, because we
will also be supplying you with 10 metal casts of your miniature, which should
be enough to be getting on with for all sorts of gaming-related purposes.
This perk level
will only be available here at Indiegogo!
FREE shipping
Waag Saabi Team € 90
will receive 24 models: 4 Goblins, 2 Elites, 4 Ninjas, 1 Bonzo, 1 Dragon, 2 Oni
Trolls, 4 Markers, 2 Geishas, 4 Special weapons
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada!
Rest of the World please add € 5
Rat and Goblin Alliance € 165
will receive 6 Rats, 2 Bushidos, 4 Assassins, 2 Throwers and 1 Big Guy
miniatures, 4 Goblins, 2 Elites, 4 Ninjas, 1 Bonzo, 1 Dragon, 2 Oni
Trolls, 4 Markers, 2 Geishas, 4 Special weapons
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada!
Rest of the World please add € 10
Rat and Goblin Alliance € 170
You will receive 6 Rats, 2 Bushidos, 4 Assassins, 2 Throwers and 1 Big Guy miniatures, 4 Goblins, 2 Elites, 4 Ninjas, 1 Bonzo, 1 Dragon, 2 Oni Trolls, 4 Markers, 2 Geishas, 4 Special weapons
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada!
Rest of the World please add € 10
Tartalar bundle (Early Bird) € 90
You will receive 15 models + 1 Big guy:
9 Hero chosen from: Wartart (choose weapon), MindGolem, Rhinor (choose head), Razorbog (choose head), Rat Master - when UNLOCKED : Yaso, Blade Master, Add-on
6 Troupe models chosen from: Tartalar, Iron Fang, Blade Clan, Miss May, Hoky Joe - when UNLOCKED : Yaso, Blade Master, Add-on
1 Mecha Tartalar (Big Guy)
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada! Tracked Shipping
Rest of the World please add € 5
Painted Rat Model (No Big Guy) € 47
You will receive ONE model (NO BIG GUY), master painted by Wolfbane (Alessio Cisbani).
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada! Tracked Shipping
Rest of the World please add € 10
This is the master level:
Painted Full Rats Team € 460
You will receive
6 Clan Rats, 2 Bushidos, 4 Assassins, 2 Throwers and 1 Big Guy miniatures, painted by Wolfbane (Alessio Cisbani). It will come with a Feldherr
FREE shipping in
EU, UK, USA and Canada! Tracked Shipping
Rest of the
World please add € 10
This is the level:
Master Painted Rats Full Team € 560
You will receive
6 Clan Rats, 2 Bushidos, 4 Assassins, 2 Throwers and 1 Big Guy
miniatures, master painted by Wolfbane (Alessio Cisbani). It will come
with a Feldherr case.
FREE shipping in
EU, UK, USA and Canada! Tracked Shipping
Painted Goblin Model € 73
You will receive ONE model (NO BIG GUY) master painted by Chiafele Giuseppe (Axia) chosen from GOBLINS range.
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada! Tracked Shipping
Rest of the World please add € 5
Painted Waag Saabi Team €
You will receive a FULL Waag Saabi team master painted by Giuseppe Chiafele ( Axia ) : 4 Goblin, 2 Elite, 4 Ninja, 1 Bonzo, 1 Dragon, 2 Oni Trolls, 4 Markers, 2 Geisha, 4 Special weapon. It will come with a Feldherr case.
FREE shipping in EU, UK, USA and Canada! Tracked Shipping
Rest of the World please add € 10
Here are the
Stretch Goals for the campaign:
3.000 € ACHIEVED -
MINIMUM REACHED! The Rats Team is coming on your pitches!
4.000 € ACHIEVED - Every
Level 5 or more will get a Rats Team Marker for free!
4.500 € ACHIEVED - Glaskart
Star Player add-on
5.000 € ACHIEVED -
Haskilam Star Player add-on
5.500 € ACHIEVED - Every
Level 5 or more will get a Big Guy Marker for free! PLUS Fetz Star Player
6.000 € ACHIEVED - Skitex
Backstab Star Player add-on
6.500 € ACHIEVED - DOUBLE ADD-ON! Priest
AND Yosu
7.000 € ACHIEVED - Pitch
add-on AND Dices add-on
7.500 € ACHIEVED - every
Level 5 or more will get a Cheerleader for free!
8.000 € ACHIEVED - Coach
8.500 € ACHIEVED -
Sorcerer add-on AND Blade Master add-on
10.000 € ACHIEVED -
Eishin Big Buy Star Player add-on
11.000 € ACHIEVED - one different Assassin miniature available for every Perk
12.000 € ACHIEVED - one different Assassin miniature available for every Perk
13.500 € - Two Heads Assassin Star Player Add-on15.000 € - Every Level 5 or more will get a Star Player for free!!! AND Horned Bushido Star Player Add-on
Facebook Goal:
ACHIEVED 2.000 Likes - every
Level 5 or more will get another Rats Team Marker for free!
Backers Goal:
400 Backers - every
Level 5 or more will get a STAR PLAYER for free!
Maybe we can also do all depends on YOU!
It seems that
the FAQ section is hidden quite well, so here is the top list of questions we
have been asked:
Do I need a
credit card for that? Can I pay with credit card?
Indiegogo uses
Paypal AND credit card for contributions.
Can I upgrade my
contribution at a later stage?
Sure, if you
can`t resist the temptation as more and more groovy extra bits get revealed,
you can contribute the difference to what you want to have now, put a
corresponding note in the comments box. Please note that downgrading your
contribution is not possible.
Can I make
multiple contributions for the same level?
Absolutely, go
right ahead.
Can I get a
single miniature of the Hand of death set, but with all the bonus options?
No, sorry. In
order to be able to offer the sets on Indiegogo at the prices we do, we have to
group certain options together.
Can I add
regular orders from the Greebo Games shop to my Indiegogo contribution to gain
free shipping on that order?
Yes, of course
you can. Just tell us in the comments section of the Greebo Games Online Shop,
that you have contributed and want to have the contribution and the regular
order shipped all in one. But please note, that we ship the Inidegogo goods in June 2014 , so any additional orders from our shop will also be shipped in that date
if you link them to the Indiegogo contribution.
In case you
don't want to wait and need some stuff from our store earlier, please have a
look at our shipping conditions:
At the end of the campaign, in the pledge manager, you will have the possibility to add material from shop at 50% sales as big thanks to have contributed in our campaign, for level 5 total price or higher.
Italy: 2,50 EURO
Shipping, Free Shipping on orders of 60,-+ EURO
Europe: 5 EURO
Shipping, Free Shipping on orders of 120,-+ EURO
World: 9,00 EURO
Shipping, Free Shipping on orders of 180,-+ EURO