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Happy Face - Feature Film

The antidote to the barrage of unattainable body images Hollywood & mainstream media feeds us

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Happy Face - Feature Film

Happy Face - Feature Film

Happy Face - Feature Film

Happy Face - Feature Film

Happy Face - Feature Film

The antidote to the barrage of unattainable body images Hollywood & mainstream media feeds us

The antidote to the barrage of unattainable body images Hollywood & mainstream media feeds us

The antidote to the barrage of unattainable body images Hollywood & mainstream media feeds us

The antidote to the barrage of unattainable body images Hollywood & mainstream media feeds us

Happy Face
Happy Face
Happy Face
Happy Face
1 Campaign |
Montréal, Canada
$6,759 USD $6,759 USD 116 backers
48% of $13,999 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Part autobiographical coming-of-age story Part antitode to the Tyranny of Beauty. No makeup, no sfx, no filter. This is HAPPY FACE Si vous en avez assez des films Hollywoodiens avec des stars refaites. Si vous voulez voir des vrais héros dont le courage vont nous faire rire et pleurer, et si vous voulez un antidote au culte de beauté de nos sociétés, alors aidez nous à ce que le public voit Happy Face. EN SALLES AU QUEBEC/ IN THEATRES IN QUEBEC - NOVEMBRE 2018 VOIR PLUS BAS POUR LE FRANÇAIS

When we first set out to fund this film, some distributors and financiers told us “Audiences won’t want to see 2 hours of disfigured people on screen” or… “the subject matter is too difficult for us.” That really pissed us off. And with your help, we are going to prove them wrong.

We need to make sure people hear about and watch this film. 
The film world is dominated by hollywood cliches and yet there is a massive appetite for real diverse stories about unique lives and real challenges. This film is particularly relatable to teenagers who can be particularly ill at ease in their bodies and desperate to not be “different” from their community. They are bombarded by images of perfection and conformity. Invariably they bully and are bullied to fit into the rigid boxes presented by mainstream media.


And now en français (more English below)

Quand on a essayé de financer le film, certains distributeurs et financiers nous ont dit « le public ne voudra pas voir ces gens là à l’écran pendant 90 minutes.. » Ou bien « C’est un sujet trop difficile pour nous… On ne saurait pas comment vendre ça.. » Au diable! On c’est dit, et on a fait le film quand même pour un budget restreint. Pourquoi avons nous insisté?

Parce que les cinéastes sont généralement têtus, oui ok. Mais aussi car nous sommes persuadés que Happy Face est un film qui doit être vu. Et particulièrement par des adolescents, qui sont dans une phase de leur vie ou la définition de soi et le regard des autres se croisent dangereusement.

Le film met en vedette des personnes défigurées dans un récit déstabilisant, parfois drôle et parfois violent. Bref, rien de trop mièvre et politiquement correct mais plutôt quelque chose de cru et de vrai.

Happy Face est aussi le premier film en langue anglaise de Debbie Lynch-White qui a pris de sacré risques pour montrer son corps dans toute sa vérité et ajouter sa parole à celles des autres protagonistes.

Why is this film important?
Because this film promotes diversity in a way that’s rarely seen on screen. Real people with real day-to-day challenges have been cast in this film. Their courage and vulnerability allows audiences to be taken on a journey of self reflection and acceptance.
Because it’s a bit voyeuristic. These aren’t just people with facial scars and disfigurements, these are people with sexual desires, complicated relationships and relatable insecurities - and you, the viewer, has a front row seat!
Because it’ll challenge our own bias and stereotypes and make us snap out of our overly aestheticized media world, even if for only for 99 minutes.

Because this film explores the reality that just because somebody is facially different and/or has a disability, doesn’t mean they can’t be a selfish asshole. Everyone has the power to be jerk (except for you, the exception, kind donor!)

And now, here's the Happy Face teaser.

Et maintenant, voici le Teaser du film, Happy Face.

En salle dès novembre 2018 / In theatres starting November 2018


Director's Cut Poster:

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Thank you

Thank you

Currency Conversion $7 USD $10 USD (33% off)
$10 CAD
We'll publicly thank you on our social platforms. Tag you in our posts and tell all our friends how cool and generous you are!
Included Items
  • Social shout out
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
8 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $17 USD $21 USD (16% off)
$25 CAD
Did you know that one of the actors of the film, E.R Ruiz, wrote the original song for the film? Not only do you get a postcard mailed to you from the cast and crew, but you'll also get a digital download of this killer track produced by Cult Nation. Now, how cool is that?
Included Items
  • Film Credit
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
22 out of 100 of claimed
Official Poster

Official Poster

Currency Conversion $52 USD $70 USD (25% off)
$75 CAD
Hey! Thought you'd like to receive the original song E.R Ruiz wrote for the film AND the official poster of the film! These prints are super nice and we highly recommend hanging them up in your home.
Included Items
  • Memorabilia
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
7 out of 200 of claimed
Double Trouble

Double Trouble

Currency Conversion $70 USD $140 USD (50% off)
$100 CAD
Ok, so now you have the film poster, the digital download of the original track by E.R Ruiz, how about we also through in the never seen before second poster of the film that's SIGNED by Alexandre Franchi himself! These posters are limited edition and numbered, so you know you're getting a piece of history.
Included Items
  • Screening
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
27 out of 200 of claimed
BIG Party Package

BIG Party Package

Currency Conversion $700 USD $1,050 USD (33% off)
$1,000 CAD
Everything we've listed above and so much more! Enjoy cocktails with director, Alexandre Franchi, and enjoy a private screening of both of his feature films. Have some questions for him? This is the perfect opportunity to chat!
Included Items
  • Party
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 claimed

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