Our campaign has closed, but if you'd like to help, we're more than happy to accept checks designated to the Hoop House Fund at our farm:
Hoop House Fund
The Cornucopia Farm
3681 Ibex Ave.
Sioux Center, IA 51250
We've been working on our dream for 7 years...
We live and farm in Sioux County, the agribusiness capital of the United States. Our farm is unusual here. It is small, an effort at sustainable, biodynamic, diverse methods of food production. We produce food that is certified naturally grown and is sold locally, with goals of being fresh, nutrient dense, and wholesome. We provide Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares to about 75 subscriber families, and we sell our produce at 3 farmers markets in the Siouxland area from spring to fall.
This work began seven years ago as a result of circumstances, interests and passions. I have referred to the task as a calling, and I feel an obligation to persist at this project even though sometimes it seems we go backward as much as we go forward.
The loss of two high tunnels has been devastating, especially as local demand for food options grows and as we continue to expand our CSA subscriber base. High tunnels allow us to extend our growing season and provide the best opportunity for many of our plants to thrive throughout the summer and fall.
Different people purchase food from us for different reasons, and we appreciate all of them.
What we need and what you get
We are a well run, tightly budgeted operation, and we plow most of our proceeds back into the farm to meet our customers' needs. Damage to our hoop houses has made us question whether we can viably continue without investing more seriously in better infrastructure.
Insurance will not cover any of our losses, and we don't have extra funds to replace what the weather recently destroyed. This is why we're asking for your help. Because we don't have access to the same government support, loans, or types of insurance that large-scale farmers around us do, we're asking you to consider supporting our work.
Your contribution will allow us to continue providing locally produced, clean, high quality, healthy food for people in Iowa and South Dakota.
We have located a site on our farm for two new high tunnel hoop houses, such as the Rimol greenhouse pictured above, and we will build a retaining wall and plant trees to offer additional protection from severe weather. Investing in two sturdier structures will cost $14,000 apiece, so $28,000 is our fundraising goal. Site prep, labor, and other miscellaneous expenses are not included in this figure; we are working on other ways to cover those.
We need to build at least one new structure this year in order to continue to provide our subscribers and loyal farmers market visitors with the produce they love and have come to depend on.
What do you get, other than the satisfaction of helping a small farm stay in business, as many small family farmers struggle to find ways to keep their farms going...?
We have a variety of perks to thank our supporters:
- Some of our favorite recipes for the local, seasonal produce we sell at farmers market and to CSA customers.
- Organic cotton bags from a small organic farm in Texas who is partnering with us.
- Organic cotton t-shirts with The Cornucopia logo.
- A complimentary half share for local supporters
- Naming rights to one of the two high tunnels! Seriously.
A Profound Impact on Local Food Choices
Families have told us they are so glad we are here in Sioux County to offer an alternative approach and wider variety of food options. Did you know that we are the only CSA serving the Sioux City area?
We serve hundreds of families, from CSA subscribers to farmers market customers to those who buy our
pastured chicken and naturally raised Berkshire hogs. We need your help to continue to exist and thrive and provide a market alternative for families who want food options in our area.
We can assure you that every penny you invest will be used wisely and will directly support the high tunnel project. We have a team ready to do all of the work (about 80 hours) of raising each hoop house.
Other Ways You Can Help
- Please tell your friends, neighbors, and anyone who might be interested in supporting our project about our farm.
- Come out to the Fruited Plain for our Saturday, June 14, fundraiser, and bring your friends!
- Please share information about our project with your friends via email, social media, and word of mouth!
Who we are
John and Janna Wesselius have owned and operated The Cornucopia Farm, with their four daughters, for seven years. Three of their daughers work on the farm, along with teaching piano and swimming lessons, when they are not at college. The Cornucopia also employs several local college and high school students. Pictured above is Madeline Wesselius during a harvest day last summer.
Love and gratitude from the Wesselius family and friends of The Cornucopia Farm!