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YOU CAN BE PART OF THIS COMEBACK STORY WHICH WILL RE-LAUNCH OUR SUSTAINABLE, CHARITABLE BUSINESS THAT WILL GENERATE $ FOR KIDS FOR GENERATIONS TO COME...WITH YOUR ONE-TIME CONTRIBUTION. (the "Paul Newman's" of pierogies). Are you tired of making donations to some non-profits only to find out most of the $ goes to administrative? We are giving 2/3's of our net profits after taxes toward the betterment of children...
WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE ARE ABOUT—The “Paul Newman” of Pierogies…
Join us in our mission to preserve the time-honored tradition of old world pierogies and bring back “old-fashioned taste in new frozen foods—PARMA PIEROGIES” once again to your grocer’s freezer! We are re-launching the manufacturing division of Parma Pierogies, and this time, we will be contributing 2/3’s of our net profits after taxes toward the betterment of children in the area of battered and abused kids. Yes, that’s 2/3’s of our net profits after taxes—by law, non-profits ONLY have to give 5% to charity!? -- we are HopeAid, LLC, a newly formed charitable organization in Ohio with nationwide distribution--our 2/3’s net profits after taxes going to charity, is part of our Operating Agreement and is listed in our Articles of Incorporation.
The founder of Parma Pierogies, Mary Poldruhi, believes “we can do with pierogies what Paul Newman has done for his charities with his Newman’s Own brand of salad dressings, juices, and more!"
Parma Pierogies was a Cleveland, Ohio, success story in the nineties. Initially setting out to franchise Polish fast-food, Mary successfully ran restaurants in several locations. Mary's motivation was to build the franchise nationally, then begin her philanthropic efforts to help battered and abused children. Her entrepreneurial efforts caught the national attention in Time magazine, Entrepreneur magazine and she was featured twice in Restaurant Hospitality, where the editors named Parma Pierogies “the next McDonald's or Olive Garden”. Though not politically affiliated, President Clinton visited the flagship restaurant twice, and Mary was selected by him as one of his 53 Faces of Hope. The exposure brought more coverage, on NBC Nightly News, CNBC, and other national and local media. > Next, Parma Pierogies expanded into the grocery market and they landed placement with six varieties of homestyle pierogies in nearly every grocer's freezer in the tri-state area.
After nearly a decade of success...what happened? Several of our key resources, an attorney, an automation equipment dealer, and a major investor broke the trust we had placed in them. In a climate where economic expansion was difficult, we had no choice but to close the doors.
Recently, a phone call to Mary from a friend working in children's services triggered her entrepreneurial zeal again. "My friend told me an horrific story of a child,” she related, “who was returned to an abusive home because of a system loophole that eventually ended in the child's death.”
The world is hungry for food from the heart! We are poised to bring back that old-world, authentic taste of Parma Pierogies. Our pierogies are low in fat, and contain no preservatives.
Today, we have a new business plan in hand. It was recently selected a Council of Smaller Enterprises Business Pitch finalist, as judged by a panel of successful entrepreneurs including Daymond Jon of ABC's Shark Tank. The first steps of the plan are to secure and renovate a building and acquire the state-of-the-art automation equipment we need.
Help us rebuild a successful business which will also support causes that better the lives of at-risk children. The amount our plan calls for is high but it will give us the equipment and initial working capital we need. 52.3% of our goal will go toward the automation and related equipment and renovation of the warehouse, while 47.7% will go toward 6 months of operating expenses. Providence House ( is our primary beneficiary. It is the nation's oldest crisis nursery, and they have listed us on their website under “upcoming/ongoing” events. They also focus on prevention. The other like-minded beneficiary in Lorain County, Ohio, is: Blessing House at
In pursuit of traditional funding, Mary related that she “nearly signed a major bank loan and almost gave 2/3 ownership of the company to a potential investor.”. She was “devastated to lose out on that opportunity from the angel investor until a light bulb went off -- we, as individuals and as a company, can be the ANGELS to children everyday!.”
We deeply appreciate any help. Your contribution will make a big difference, and every $5, $10, $50, $100 or more, matters much. Please spread the word to your family, friends, co-workers and community connections, via word-of-mouth or certainly by using social media. THANK YOU SO MUCH, Best Regards, Mary
"I Refuse" - Ben Glover and Josh Wilson
Sometimes I
I just want to close my eyes
And act like everyone's alright
When I know they're not
I could say a prayer and just move on
Like nothing's wrong
But I refuse
'Cause I don't want to live like I don't care
I don't want to say another empty prayer
I can hear the least of these
Crying out so desperately
It's time for me to follow through
And do what I was made to do
To sit around and wait for someone else,
I could choose--but I refuse
Video Production and original Garage Band music by Jared John Fisher
D. Sharon Pruitt, David Shankbone, Miika Silfverberg, Alex Buiter,
Rolands Lakis, Darwinist, Concha Garcia Hernandez, US Dept of Agriculture,
Katerumley, A-Durand, Jim Pennucci, Kristin Molinaro, Robert Jack Will,
Travis Ruse, Yottabytedev, Greta Ivanova (intern).