Due to the particularities of time, we humans are in a constant diluge of change. The earth spins past the stars above, cultural events punctuate history, seasons renew, and living organisms go through their individual rhythms. But we have a choice: to let time overtake and inhibit us, or be prepared and become empowered by it.
This is why Free Time Industries (with the help of our amazing intern Riley Hoonan) has created the 2012 Naturalist Almanac - it is a tool to the essential and the natural. It tells you where you are, what is to come, and how to prepare for it, all in twenty-six-by-twenty-six inches.
Starting at the center, the almanac tells you how to find the North Star, length of daylight, solstices, seasons, daylight savings, important days, living via the astrological signs, and keep track of moon and menstrual cycles. The almanac also gives seasonal information on topics such as hunting, fishing, foraging, building, health, gardening, raising ducks, weaving, raising bees, starting fires, and natural cleaning methods. The almanac is meant to be rotated at each season, creating a new ritual for the passing of time. We have gone through an intense research and design process to bring all this information together in a meaningful way.
Emergency Button:
Losing a button used to be pretty
annoying, but no longer. Just screw on your matte gold plated Emergency Button,
and continue with your day. Replace your frustration with a little bit of
Each button comes with a
wood tray for safekeeping.
Tool Holster: Empowering
your trade. For all foragers, hunters, collectors, painters, crafters,
tinkerers, carpenters, metal smiths, tiny dancers, gardeners, survivalists,
mechanics, printmakers, sewers, knitters, drafters, fabricators, photographers,
and party–planners who like to be prepared and have their hands free.
Inspired by traditional utility wear, the tool holster is for people who like, do and make things. Made from re–purposed leather, canvas, and metal fittings
Laser Nature Earrings: Abandoning convention, we have set off to build our own myths. Each piece of the 2010 laser nature collection tells a story through imagery from Native American culture, folklore, and black magic. Each set of earrings are hand crafted from walnut and sterling silver.
The amount we are trying
to raise is the minimum to get booth space at the fair, man the booth, and produce a
run of 2012 Almanacs, Emergency Buttons with
cases, and Tool Holsters. All manufacturing is being done locally in
Production cost of 2012
Almanacs: $2,300
Production cost of
Emergency Buttons: $3,500
Production cost of Tool
Holster: $2,000
NYIGF Booth Fees: $700
Travel Expenses: $500
TOTAL: $8,000
If you like what we are
doing, please spread the word. Become friends with us on Facebook, email this
link to your friends, and talk about us at cocktail parties!