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Help Leela and Fry finding a family!

Leela and Fry are two stray puppies, which were rescued two weeks ago. We need your help to keep them safe and prepare them to find their perfect home!

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Help Leela and Fry finding a family!

Help Leela and Fry finding a family!

Help Leela and Fry finding a family!

Help Leela and Fry finding a family!

Help Leela and Fry finding a family!

Leela and Fry are two stray puppies, which were rescued two weeks ago. We need your help to keep them safe and prepare them to find their perfect home!

Leela and Fry are two stray puppies, which were rescued two weeks ago. We need your help to keep them safe and prepare them to find their perfect home!

Leela and Fry are two stray puppies, which were rescued two weeks ago. We need your help to keep them safe and prepare them to find their perfect home!

Leela and Fry are two stray puppies, which were rescued two weeks ago. We need your help to keep them safe and prepare them to find their perfect home!

Luna Meschiari
Luna Meschiari
Luna Meschiari
Luna Meschiari
1 Campaign |
Conil de la Frontera, Spain
$219 USD $219 USD 9 backers
35% of $625 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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(English below)



Estos dos cachorritos tan adorables son Leela (hembra) y Fry (macho). Les llamamos así en honor a los personajes de Futurama, ya que son tan graciosos y se quieren tanto como ellos.

Leela and Fry

Parece ser que no han tenido una vida fácil por el momento, tienen apenas 7-8 meses y ya han vivido más de 5 semanas en la calle (que sepamos seguro).

Les rescatamos de la calle hace más de dos semanas, estaban asustados y hambrientos; tuvimos que ganarnos su confianza con comida y mucha paciencia ya que no se fiaban del ser humano en general.

Durante las dos semanas que han pasado con nosotros hemos podido comprobar lo que ya nos imaginábamos; son unos cachorros muy dulces, absolutamente no agresivos; son muy sociables con otros perros y se quieren muchísimo. Creemos que son hermano y hermana ya que tienen los mismos colores y los encontramos juntos.

No queremos separarles pero es muy difícil encontrar una familia que quiera a dos perros a la vez. Además, la gran mayoría de protectoras están desbordadas y no aceptan más animales ya que ahora en verano hay muchos abandonos; las únicas dos que podrían ayudarnos nos han pedido muy amablemente que corramos con los gastos de preparar a la parejita para que estén listos en caso de adopción internacional, que significa:

- Chip

- Vacunas

- Pasaporte

- Esterilizar

¡Y aquí es donde necesitamos tu ayuda!


Necesitamos apróximadamente 600€ para prepararles a ambos para adopción; incluso más si nos ofrecemos a pagarles el viaje a su destino internacional. ¡De esta forma sería más fácil encontrarles una nueva casa donde puedan seguir juntos!

Prometemos ser totalmente transparentes con las donaciones, manteniéndoos informados de cada céntimo que usemos para ayudarles y además, en caso de no necesitar todo el dinero recaudado, el extra se donaría a Protectoras para que puedan permitirse comprar comida y juguetes para los perros que están cuidando en sus instalaciones.

Por favor, ¡ayúdanos a darle a estos dos perritos la felicidad y buena vida que se merecen!

Leela and Fry

Leela: Hembra, Pelo corto, Tamaño pequeño, Cruce, 5kg de peso, 29cm de altura.

Fry: Macho, Pelo mediano, Tamaño pequeño, Cruce, 6kg de peso, 32cm de altura.



These two adorable puppies are Leela (female) and Fry (male). We named them after the Futurama characters because they are as funny and in love as them.

Leela and Fry

It seems like they didn't have an easy start in life, they are barely 7-8 months old and they already lived over 5 weeks on the streets (as far as we know).

We rescued them from the street over 2 weeks ago, they were scared and starving; we had to gain their trust with food and patience as they did not trust humans at first.

During these 2 weeks with us we could confirm what we already knew; they are very sweet puppies, completely not aggressive; they are social with other dogs and they simply love each other. We suppose they are brother and sister as they share the same color pattern and they were found together.

We don't want to separate them but it is very hard to find a family that wants two dogs at the same time. Also, most of the Animal Protection Societies are full at the moment because of all the abandoned dogs during summer time; the only ones that might be able to help us kindly ask that the dogs are fully ready in case they find international owners, and with ready it means:

- Chip

- All vaccinations

- Passport

- Neutered

And this is where we need your help!


We need approximately 600€ to prepare both dogs for adoption; even more if we offer to pay the international trip to their final house. This way it will be more probable that they can stay together in their new home!

We promise to be transparent with the donated money, keeping you updated about each donated euro we spend on them and what's more, if by any chance we finally don't need to use all the money, everything will be spent on donations for Animal Protection Societies so they can buy food and toys for their dogs.

Please, help us providing for these two adorable puppies, they deserve to be happy and have a good life!

Leela and Fry

Leela: Female, Short Hair, Small size, Cross-breed, 5kg weight, 29cm height.

Fry: Male, Medium length hair, Small size, Cross-breed, 6kg weight, 32cm height.

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