Help Me Help Refugees Arriving In Greece
Help Me Help Refugees Arriving In Greece
Help Me Help Refugees Arriving In Greece
Help Me Help Refugees Arriving In Greece
Help Me Help Refugees Arriving In Greece
This campaign is closed
Help Me Help Refugees Arriving In Greece
We as a species are currently seeing one of the largest human migration events in history. Millions of Syrians are leaving their homes to escape the ongoing civil war that has plagued their nation since 2011. Many of these refugees are taking every risk to leave and many are choosing the crossing from Turkey into Greece via the Aegean Sea in overpacked inflatable boats that are not designed for the seas they are traversing.
There are many NGOs working on the island of Lesbos to help receive these refugees. From there refugees are taken to registration camps on the island but they require food and supplies to continue their journey. I plan on traveling to Lesbos in late May after I complete my study program in London and intend to volunteer as a driver.
As a volunteer driver I will be moving supplies to and from various locations such as registration camps, warehouses and beaches where the boats land. Working as a volunteer for one of the NGOs on the island is a costly endeavour. However, I am just seeking to raise the cost of the minivan/people carrier and some gas. This is the largest vehicle available for rental and I want to make sure during my stay I can be as useful as possible. If I can beat my goal all additional funds will be used to purchase things like shoes, socks, backpacks etc that will be donated to refugees on Lesbos.
I will be responsible to supply myself with the required equipment to do the job as none is provided by the NGOs. They are as follows:
I hope that you will help support me in this endeavour. Many people talk about helping refugees in their struggle to find their way to a new life but don't know what to do. Well this is an opportunity where you will know your hard earned money is being spent on something that is going directly to help support refugees in some of their most vulnerable hours. Below is a link to the NGO I will be volunteering with, MarhaCar:
In the event that the flow of refugees slows to the point that they no longer require volunteers to come to the island I will donate all raised funds to the International Committee of the Red Cross, Syria Appeal. The link to the International Committee of the Red Cross can be found below: