Help Me Study at Bond University, Australia
Help Me Study at Bond University, Australia
Help Me Study at Bond University, Australia
Help Me Study at Bond University, Australia
Help Me Study at Bond University, Australia
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Help Me Study at Bond University, Australia
This fall I will be heading to Australia to complete my Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy at Bond University. I am so excited for this adventure that is ahead of me. Of course with this exciting adventure comes a large financial burden that I am attempting to take on, on my own. Today I am asking for your support to help me pay for a portion of my travel expenses to and from Australia.
My name is Haley Smith, I am 22 years old and I have just graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences Degree from the University of Ottawa. At the end of August I will be boarding a plane headed to the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. While there, I will be pursuing my Masters Degree in Occupational therapy, which is a full 2-year program, with course-based as well as fieldwork-based courses.
Ever since I can remember, I have dreamed of traveling to Australia and when I was given the opportunity to study in the Land Down Under, it was an offer I just couldn’t pass up! Studying in Australia will allow me to have access to some of the top professors as well as allowing me to experience a whole new culture.
Once I have completed this program, my plan is to return to Ontario, Canada and work as an Occupational Therapist. As an Occupational Therapist I will be able to work with a variety of age groups, helping to improve accessibility and ease their day-to-day lives. I am looking forward to having the ability and the skill set to help the people in my community.
Flights to Australia take around 22 to 24 hours and can cost anywhere from $800 to $1500 each way. In addition to International Student Tuition fees as well as housing costs, the expenses are all adding up very quickly. My goal is to raise $4000 to cover a portion of my travel expenses. By making a donation toward my goal you are helping me further my education so that one day I will be able to assist you with your healthcare needs.
I appreciate any donations that you can make.
Thank you for playing a part in making my dreams come true!
Thank you so much for all of the love and support.
Please share if you are able.
-Haley Smith