My brother Josh has joined the Missouri National Guard and is currently attending basic training (boot camp for us non-military folk) at Fort Jackson in South Carolina. He graduates July 25 and would love to have Mom and Dad there to support him and cheer him on.
The National Guard responds to emergencies at home as well as abroad. As a part of the Missouri National Guard, Josh is going to be one of the first responders to natural disasters and other emergencies here in our state. He has made a commitment to help and support his community. Now is the time for our community to support him. Help get our parents to Fort Jackson, South Carolina, to cheer him on at his graduation and show our support for his commitment.
Travel is never cheap and money is tight all around. Anything you can do toward getting Mom and Dad from mid-Missouri to Fort Jackson, South Carolina, for the graduation would be appreciated.
The proceeds will go towards airfare and associated expenses.
Other Ways You Can Help!
Can’t contribute cash? Help get the word out to others! Every little bit helps and we appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.
And please, feel free to write to Josh. He loves getting mail. The address is:
PV2, Bentley, Joshua, Z
B CO 2-13 In Regt
4380 Magruder Ave
Ft. Jackson, SC 29207
Write 4th Plt Renegades on the back to be sure it reaches him.
To watch for more pictures, like the 2nd Battalion 13th Infantry Regiment page on Facebook.