To discover kids who have the talent to play collegiate athletics without the means to fulfill their dreams.
We provide kids with the opportunity to get recruited and to receive college athletic scholarships. Our program helps kids recognize their full athletic potential so that they can strive to become the best version of themselves. We also pride ourself on helping fight the battle with childhood obesity by promoting fitness and healthy living.
Become a part of the movement, contribute to our project!
On the road with Athletic Standard:
We have been to each of these schools to test their student-athletes for FREE.
These kids deserve an opportunity to attend college, and sports can be a vehicle to get them there. Athletic Standard is helping them get there.
Piscataway High School
Piscataway, New Jersey
Racial makeup: 48.81% White, 20.31% African American, 24.80% Asian, 6.08% Other
Median household income: $68,721 per year
Dwight Morrow High School
Englewood, New Jersey
Racial makeup: 97% African American and Hispanic
Median household income: $69,915 per year
Bridgeport Central High School
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Racial makeup: 45.02% White, 30.76% African American, 3.25% Asian, 20.97% Other
Median household income: $34,658
New Bedford High School
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Racial makeup: 78.86% White, 4.39% African American, 16.75% Other
Median household income: $27,569
Brocton High School
Brockton, Massachusetts
Racial makeup: 42.9% White, 31.2% African American, 25.9% Other
Median household income: $39,507
What We Need & What You Get
Our goal is a Honda Ridgleline truck.
We need a vehicle to carry our equipment and transport our staff to each of our events held through various locations around the US.
We cannot change lives without transportation--we need this truck to continue our mission!
Donate today and bring us closer to owning an Athletic Standard Ridgeline that will allow us to access thousands of High Schools across the Nation!
Other Ways You Can Help
Please spread the word about our campaign!
Find us on Facebook and Twitter, or visit our website:
If you have any questions please feel free to call our office: 617-933-9383