The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation needs your help to share an ARP 2500 synthesizer with the world!
Alan R. Pearlman was the founder of ARP Synthesizers, a leading synthesizer manufacturer in the 1970s. Our organization is dedicated to preserving his legacy, and is committed to creating opportunities for emerging artists, sound designers and electronic music entrepreneurs.
One of the ways we do this is by enabling artists and designers to use rare, vintage ARP synthesizers, as well as recording and production equipment - which we've successfully done with our partners at The Record Co. in Boston, MA.
Our newest acquisition, and how you can get involved:
Thanks to a generous donation by former ARP employee Bruce McLendon, the Foundation recently welcomed a 2508 Wing Cabinet into its collection of legendary ARP synthesizers.
When you picture the massive three-cabinet 2500 system, the Wing Cabinet is one of the pieces on the left or right side. This particular 2508 cabinet was assembled as a complete self-contained 2500 synthesizer featuring original oscillator, filter, sequencer, envelope and mix-sequencer modules, all linked by the flexible 2500 patch matrix system. It also contains a unique new oscillator module designed and built for the Foundation by Phil Cirocco of Cirocco Music Systems.
A VERY small percentage of people have ever had an in-person "close encounter" with a 2500, and through our ARPs For All program, we plan to change that.
What comes next, and how you can help:
- The restoration process has been very laborious and time-consuming, and this is where we need your help! If we reach our goal with your donations, this will become the only ARP 2500 available for public use in the USA!
- Filling a missing module, sourcing a keyboard, and adding a protective case will cost upwards of $6000.
- We are asking for donations of any amount... BUT we have some GREAT perks for those who help us - including actual hands-on time with the wonderful and rare ARP 2500 in Boston!
All funds will go towards the Foundation's 2500's restoration effort and the ARPs for All project.
The Impact
In recent years, the popularity of modular synthesis has steadily increased amongst musicians of all ages, demographics and interests.
While many older musicians were able to 'cut their teeth' on vintage synths in various colleges and studios, accessing these instruments is now difficult due to:
- High purchase costs
- Difficult maintenance
- Scarce inventory
We want to change that
ARPs for All is currently located in Boston. In 2024, we will be offering funded opportunities for Residencies, and plan to partner with other like-minded studios in the years to come.
Other Ways You Can Help
We know funds are challenging for some, therefore we encourage any donation. In addition, you can help us by:
- Getting the word out! Help us make some noise about our campaign!
- Sharing this fundraiser on your personal pages!
- Following and liking our social media channels and posts!
Acknowledgements and Kudos for this Fundraiser (so far).
ARP 2500 Donor: Bruce McLendon
ARP 2500 Repairs and Module: Phil Cirroco
Software Donation: Cherry Audio
Poster: Marcus Ryle
Recording Space: The Record Co
Website, Video, Graphics and IndieGogo, Mark Marshall & Sharon Wasko
Legal Stuff
* “The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation, Inc. is a New York not-for-profit corporation formed on June 14, 2019.
Our application for tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code has was approved by the Internal Revenue Service on March 30, 2020, and it valid retroactively!
All donations made to the Foundation since June 14, 2019 will qualify as a tax exempt charitable contribution.”
THANK YOU for Being a Part of The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation!
Dina Pearlman-Ifil
Executive Director,
The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation