While Dixie was out playing with the kids, someone shot her out of cold blood. My seven year old son who was with her said she just layed down and wouldnt get up.
Dixie is our family dog, really more of a family member. She is always the one to make sure all three kids and the cat are in bed and accounted for. She can be found playing with the kids in our yard, riding shot gun in the car, or sleeping beind my desk at work. Dixie is a good girl, she strives for pleasing her family.
The other day my son was out riding his bike with Dixie, when out of nowhere she was shot with a pellet gun. My son didn't see who did it, or even see her really fall. He said she layed down and wouldn't come when he called her. I was outside too, but I didn't hear anything, or see anyone. So I was shocked when I seen her laying there almost breathless.
After rushing her to the Animal Hospital she was barley responsive and the DVM and Lead technician went to work immediatly.
The damage...
Dixie's breathing shallow,and heart rate 240. They stabelized her enough for x-ray, which is where we discovered she was shot. It took another hour to get her stable enough to transport into critical care. She was placed on heavy medication to treat shock, she didn't come out of shock for 17 hours. During that time she was on a scheduled blood draw every 2 hours to see if the bleeding inside her left lung would clot on its own. They placed a chest tube and scheduled drainings, that came out to just about 300 cc of blood. Then Dixie was put into an oxygen kennel and kept on fluids. She was almost coma like, I'll never forget the almost gone glaze in her eyes. After 2 days of critical care, and no sleep for 42 hours for me. I got the call, she is out of shock and we would like you to come in and see her. They wanted her stimulated as to keep her fighting to live. I started round the clock visits, and would have slept there if they would have let me! Dixie started to get stronger and eventually got to come home. I'm forever grateful to those amazing doctors that helped her, and still continue too. She is on strict medication for a few weeks and 3 weeks of bed rest so her lungs can heal.
Her bills:
Just under $2300.00 so far. Though I am struggeling with it, it was worth EVERY dime. I am asking to raise $2500.00 and I would like to donate a portion of her proceeds to an account called "Dixie's Friends" to help other pets in Dixie's situation. Dogs that are attacked by people with out cause.
"Dixies Friends" is made because unfortunatly it will probably happen again.
Dixie on the news:
If you have made it this far......Thank you.
Thank you Indiegogo for this opportunity, I'm still a little speechless.
Thank you from Dixie and her family.