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Him & Her Theatre Company's Fall Season

Him & Her needs your help to bring 3 brand new plays to life onstage and to employ talented artists!

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Him & Her Theatre Company's Fall Season

Him & Her Theatre Company's Fall Season

Him & Her Theatre Company's Fall Season

Him & Her Theatre Company's Fall Season

Him & Her Theatre Company's Fall Season

Him & Her needs your help to bring 3 brand new plays to life onstage and to employ talented artists!

Him & Her needs your help to bring 3 brand new plays to life onstage and to employ talented artists!

Him & Her needs your help to bring 3 brand new plays to life onstage and to employ talented artists!

Him & Her needs your help to bring 3 brand new plays to life onstage and to employ talented artists!

Him & Her Theatre Company
Him & Her Theatre Company
Him & Her Theatre Company
Him & Her Theatre Company
2 Campaigns |
New York City, United States
$3,320 USD by 42 backers
$3,320 USD by 42 backers on Aug 28, 2015
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

So, What's Happening...?

We here at Him & Her Theatre Company are a group of working actors, directors, playwrights and theatre artists dedicated to making the best theatre possible with young talented artists from all walks of life in NYC and...

We want to put together a small season of brand new plays by: Michael Perrie Jr. to showcase not only his and our work, but the work of incredible actors we have met while living in the city!

We believe the best way to influence theatre, to get people talking, and to make your name in this business is to create your own work. Not wait around for the art to come to you, but to create that art RIGHT NOW!
That's why we need your help. We feel very passionately about these three plays:

"David & Wendy"

"Professor Baster's Greatest Adventure!"

and "Big Red Button" 

So we feel it's time to share this mass amount of theatrical awesomeness with the world!!! (or at least New York...)

How'bout'chu Tell Me About These Plays...

Okay, I will!

"David & Wendy"

 a new play by: Michael Perrie Jr.

This play was recently accepted along with only 5 other plays to participate in the 1st Annual Ophelia Theatre Group New Play Festival here in New York City! It tells the story of David and Wendy, a young married couple with their relationship on the rocks who hire a random woman off of Craigslist to have a threesome with them in some attempt to reclaim their identity as a couple. It's a fast paced, absurdly funny, sexual chess game where the unexpected reigns supreme and all bets are off.
Featuring the talents of:
Rachel Caplan
Chris Chirdon
Taylor LaBarbera
Amy-Helene Carlson

Directed by: Michael Perrie Jr. (Co-Founder of H&H)
Stage Manager/Associate Director: Lacy Reily (Co-Founder of H&H)
Art by: Jessica Bialczak
Will be performing at the Ophelia Theatre in Astoria Queens; September 26 and October 4th.

"Professor Baster's Greatest Adventure!" 

an absurd comedy in 3 acts by: Michael Perrie Jr.

"Professor Baster..." is a loving homage to George Bernard Shaw and Indiana Jones, that tells the farcical story of Fatherhood, Family, and Treasure hunting. Taking place in the 1920's and using outrageous physical comedy, wordplay, slapstick, wit, uncomfortable chairs, funny names, scantily clad natives, Toucan meat, sexual innuendos, Sabertooth Tigers, and French people - "Professor Baster..." is a theatrical goldmine of

This piece will be presented as a Staged Workshop Reading in Late October, featuring Emily Vere Nicoll (Co-Founder of H&H), Zoe Anastassiou, Greg Carere, Jason Cruz, Diana Henry, Peter Husovsky, Dan Salyer and more along with a cast of other incredible actors, under the guidance of company member Lacy Reily as director. 
Offered with FREE ADMISSION.

"Big Red Button"

a brand new play by: Michael Perrie Jr.
inspired by Josh Ritter's song, "The Temptation of Adam"

It is World War 3 and two unlikely civilians are charged with the incredibly uneventful and yet catastrophic task of pressing the button on the final nuclear missile if it comes to it. And avid optimist Adam, and devout pessimist Marie couldn't be more un-alike, however as time drags on the two learn from each other that humanity means understanding, and that love stories don't have to be romantic. But if they ever have to push the button...will they?

Directed by: Eric Cotti (Co-Founder of H&H)
Carlotta Brentan and Michael Perrie Jr.
This Workshop will be presented for industry purposes and used as a launching point for future production, in November.

Offered with Donation/Free Admission.

This is our new Fall-Winter season, and we really need your help to make it happen!

What We Need & What You Get:

What we need? $3300.00 (at least, feel free to give us more)

For what reason?
Here's exactly what your money will go towards. No smoke and mirrors, here are the digits:






% for Successful Indiegogo Campaigns Taken: 5% = approximately $150

We believe that paying our artists is very important. You wouldn't offer your doctor a great "experience" in exchange for a immunization?! NO! you'd pay them! And it makes your life better for it.

Same with artists, we pay them to make our lives better. To experience laughter, deciet, joy, sadness, anger, absurdity and confusion through them to help us understand ourselves better, to take our mind of our struggles and daily we want to give them thanks for that.  Via money.

Doing things with the most professionalism and talent we can takes time and money. So we need your help.


After we wipe up the copious amounts of tears and broken dreams off the floor, we pick ourselves back up. And we make art anyway, just not being able to pay our artists what they deserve, or rent the best spaces, or advertise well...but we'll still make things happen.

If we can't make the full amount, all money donated will go towards making a great play in this season happen! So please know that your money will NOT BE WASTED, every dollar will become Artistic GOLD!

BUT - if we do make the goal. Which we will with your help! You can bet your bippy that every penny will go towards paying the artists, making a great set, costumes, and rehearsal spaces the most professionally we can!

The Impact

Photo: "The Raven Doesn't Talk" (Him & Her's First Production)

The impact is a simple one; influencing the future of art and theatre!
By donating now you're giving talented, hungry, young; actors, directors and writers a chance to showcase their work. To give them something to invite agents, managers, producers to, in order to help further careers and take their art to the next level.
To make the work that we want to see. Right now!
To tell stories that connect with a modern audience in a way that a lot of theatre these days cannot.
Take it from our directors:

""David & Wendy" is a very modern comedy. It doesn't pull punches and it doesn't dance around the topic. It is honest and wild, adorable and cruel, funny and weird, sweaty and dirty... sort of like a good Fuck. Yeah. "David & Wendy" is a 70 minute sexual chess game, that pushes the boundaries of modern romance and blatantly challenges an audience to let go of their inhibitions and go for the ride. This play is about communication, honesty and listening. Good relationships are founded on these principles, and so is good sex. I think the play allows us all to laugh at the taboo and truly see ourselves in the reflection of its characters. I'm so ready to bring it to life, and I think the audience will really enjoy it!" 
-Michael Perrie Jr. (Playwright/Director of "David & Wendy")

""Professor Baster's Greatest Adventure!" is farcical comedy of epic proportions, telling the story of Professor Daniel Baster and his journey to prove to the world he's still got it! The play, while being absolutely hilarious, also tackles some of the difficult issues of self worth, fatherhood, and how we are viewed through the eyes of our family and friends. Begging the question, when is it time to give up? This play takes the audience on the journey of a life-time, with absurd situations, crazy characters, witty dialogue, and a very tiny rock. I'm very excited to bring this work by Michael Perrie Jr, to life and I can't wait for you to see it!"
-Lacy Reily (Director of "Professor Baster's Greatest Adventure!")

""Big Red Button" is powerful story about how sometimes the person we want to be is not always the person we actually are. This play is important for an audience right now because it investigates how attitude, outlook and outcome effect our relationships to each other and the world. “Big Red Button” examines the choices we make, their cause and effect, and how we accept or reject that outcome. It's also a love story set at the end of the world with two fascinating characters that will bring the audience unbounded playfulness, honesty and joy. Inspired by Josh Ritter's beautiful and poetic song, “The Temptation of Adam" I could not be more pleased and excited to share this story with all of you."
-Eric Cotti (director of "Big Red Button")

Risks & Challenges

Risk? There is no risk! We make amazing art! The only risk is putting our creative lives on the line for the benefit of American Theatre!

Well, okay... there is always the risk that it won't go as smoothly as planned - but everything in life worth doing has risk. Like I said, we rise up and we keep making art anyway, because that's the mark of a true artist.

Challenges: The City. New York can be a challenge but I believe that we have the knowledge and the know how between our company and our amazing group of theatre artists to overcome any challenge; with your help!
Lack of funding. It's a big fear, and it's not ideal but the shows will still go on...maybe not all of them. ...but do you really want to tell the other 12 artists they don't deserve to work? I know I couldn't.

Other Ways You Can Help

Maybe you can't afford to contribute but you can still help:

  • Come see our shows!
  • Spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Youtube, Word of Mouth, Blogposts, and even Snapchat!
  • Work with us! Send us your resume, headshot, and or CV. Volunteer to take tickets, or send us samples of your work! We love making new connections!
  • Like us on FACEBOOK!
  • Tell Rich people about us...please. Please. Please!

And we're done!
Help us out.
Share us.
Be a pal.
Support the arts.

Help us get there!

Love always,
H&H Theatre Co.

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Choose your Perk

Toucan Lasagna

$20 USD
An awesome listing in any programs for the season. We can't guarantee you won't be bestowed an awesome nickname too...
5 claimed

Non-Doctorate Professor

$50 USD
Thanks in our programs as well as a signed postcard from "David & Wendy". You are a really cool person, though not a doctor...sorry.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
3 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Naughty Redhead

$100 USD
Thanks in the programs. Signed postcard. And a video thanks from the cast & crew of "David & Wendy" - there is always the possibility of skin. Though unlikely.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Craigslist Seductress

$150 USD
Name in program. Signed postcard. Video. Private lesson in something awesome from one of the ensemble members: could be...Swing Dance, Italian, Songwriting, Musical Instrument, Yoga, Event Planning, Interior Design Consultation... the choices are endless. But they are also not endless. (Skype and Travel to NYC not included. Ask your parents permission to go online.)
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Nuclear Missile

$300 USD
You are the bomb! Mention in program, Signed Postcard, Video thanks from the entire cast of "Professor Baster's Greatest Adventure", and a copy of any script of the season your choosing sent to you via-email. As well as a personal song written just for you and about you by, Michael Perrie Jr.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Buried Treasure

$500 USD
You are solid gold. A masterpiece of humanity. You get the program listing, the signed postcard, an video preview of "Big Red Button" come November, a signed script of any play you wish from the season, and 2 reserved seats to all shows of the season!
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Big Red Awesome

$1,000 USD
Perfection. That's a word that describes you. Also, generous. Loving and kind. You get: program thank, signed postcard, signed script, video thanks, 2 seats to every show, dinner or drinks with the cast/crew of "David & Wendy" as well as your name inserted into the reading of "Professor Baster's Greatest Adventure!" Yeah. A character will reference you.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

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