Hip Mama loves you.
Thank you for bringing Hip Mama back with your beautiful support! Print media is embattled in this era of social media and digital ADD, to be sure. But print lives, thanks to you, and we've managed to relaunch the magazine. (It turns 21 this fall!)
This year, we put out three new issues of Hip Mama, publishing dozens of amazing writers and artists--underrepresented mothers and others whose stories and images have gotten us all thinking and doing and feeling better about being ourselves.
We also took a huge distribution hit because of our defiance of American anti-breastfeeding censorship conventions. We chose Barcelona-based artist Ana Alvarez Errecalde's breastfeeding-in-costume self-portrait, "Symbiosis," for the cover of issue #55, but some distributors, libraries, and retail outlets took offense. Even after we created a newsstand edition for them, many refused to carry the magazine and some cancelled their standing order. (Read more about the cover controversy here:
http://hipmamazine.com/207/ )
While we love newsstand visibility when we're not being censored, the experience underlined the need to stay connected directly with our readers through subscriptions. Hip Mama now relies almost exclusively on subscribers to pay the printer.
So we're looking to raise $15,000 towards our 2015 printing costs. (Everyone who works on Hip Mama does so as a volunteer, so your dollars don't go to any salaries, in case you're wondering.) Each issue of the magazine--printed on recycled paper in a Union shop--costs $5,000. Postage runs us another $1,000.
So please do pick up a new subscription or renew the one you've got. Throw in a donation if you have some extra cash. Hawthorne Books is supporting us by offering new Hip Mama subscribers a copy of Ariel Gore's memoir, The End of Eve, at half price! So drop $30 now and you'll get both a subscription and a book. A steal!
Thank you for your continued support.
Let's keep Hip Mama uncensored and in print!