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Hitting the Sweet Spot in Urban Transport

What if you could have a bicycle that was sort of like a car, w/most of the features& few drawbacks?

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Hitting the Sweet Spot in Urban Transport

Hitting the Sweet Spot in Urban Transport

Hitting the Sweet Spot in Urban Transport

Hitting the Sweet Spot in Urban Transport

Hitting the Sweet Spot in Urban Transport

What if you could have a bicycle that was sort of like a car, w/most of the features& few drawbacks?

What if you could have a bicycle that was sort of like a car, w/most of the features& few drawbacks?

What if you could have a bicycle that was sort of like a car, w/most of the features& few drawbacks?

What if you could have a bicycle that was sort of like a car, w/most of the features& few drawbacks?

Segue Fischlin III
Segue Fischlin III
Segue Fischlin III
Segue Fischlin III
1 Campaign |
Oakland, United States
$9,135 USD 90 backers
18% of $49,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

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What currently is the best option for personal urban transportation? 

Despite the colorful array of emissions free electric vehicles on the market today, the fundamental limitations of travelling on four wheels or two have not yet been addressed.  Drivers still find that owning a car can be costly, sitting in traffic is stressful, and looking for parking can be time-consuming.  Cyclists have it easier in many ways, but have discovered that hauling loads can be tricky; they're exposed to the elements even when it's inconvenient; and safety is an ever-present concern.  For these reasons and many others, neither really optimally meets the everyday needs of city dwellers.

What the world has long embraced but the U.S. has hardly considered is the usefulness of a 3-wheeled vehicle. While tricycles are in general use in cities across Europe, Asia and Central/South America, they are rarely seen here doing anything but keeping ice cream cold or transporting tourists around the block.

Introducing the Frankentrike, a human-powered, electric-assist all-purpose tricycle.  A Frankentrike makes for an ideal personal vehicle solution to meet most urban transport needs. In the U.S. 73% of all vehicle trips are under 10 miles in distance. This is a range within which this vehicle can often transport you door to door faster than on 2 or 4 wheels. 

This opportunity comes at a pivotal time of rapid urbanization, climate instability and an epidemic of personal health crises. With the Frankentrikes, you have an opportunity to switch to a clean ecological form of transport without sacrificing a lot of the benefits of owning a larger vehicle. A Frankentrike gets over 900MPGe, making them 18x more energy-efficient than a Prius. This means that no matter how your electricity is being generated, your carbon imprint is infinitessimally small. Being essentially an overgrown bicycle, you also have the option to PEDAL. This empowerment allows you to exercise while getting from one place to the next. It also means you're never stuck. No matter how low your 'fuel tank' is, you can always get to where you need to go. It also means that in places where motorized vehicles are viewed poorly by others---like sidewalks and plazas-- you can move without motors and exhibit a gentler, quieter side to your rather large bicycle.

Driving this tricycle has completely removed my desire to ever own a car again. What I've discovered, living in Vancouver, B.C., Seattle, WA and Oakland, CA, is that, now that I drive a Frankentrike, I no longer need to own a car. Internet-based car sharing services and app-based taxi services meet all my larger vehicle needs while my bicycle in combination with trains, metros, and planes meets other needs.

Why add all this complexity to your life? Two answers: Enjoyment and savings. I spend about 1/6 of what the average car owner spends on transportation yearly, including Frankentrike maintenance, vehicle rentals, taxi services and transit.

And I have more fun. I absolutely love being on a bicycle rather than being cooped up in a car. I love to experience the fabric of the city that I live in and to not miss what's happening around me. I love the wind in my hair, but I also love arriving to a party feeling fresh and energized, not smelly, exhausted, and drenched.  Most of all, I love being seen by the other large vehicles and being treated like a car by other cars. I love being able to trigger the under-pavement sensors for the lights at intersections, and to open the gates of parking garages, which I'm never able to do on a bike. I love never having to look for parking. I love racing my friends to bars and parties. They are always astounded to discover that I've beaten them. They don't factor in just how long it takes for them to walk to their parked car, wait to get onto the freeway, and to look for parking at their destination and then to walk from there to the front door. Under 10 miles, the Frankentrike is always in the running.

Even better, I love being able to travel with my friends as a pod, but to have them in front of me where I can see them and talk to them and still keep my eyes on the road. I love driving kids around in this because for them, it feels like being at Disneyland on a ride. I love being able to go anywhere that a bicycle can go. I love being able to use the bike lanes and the sidewalks, but also not to be shunned from the car lanes. It helps that i'm moving nearly as fast as the other motorized vehicles, so they are not bothered by the speed differential. I think I've only ever been honked at once in the past 10 years out of driver annoyance, yet dozens of times by people showing their support and appreciation for my choice of 'car.'   I love feeling the love from others too. 

I hope that in the near future, that you will be able to share with me this experience. 

Frankentrikes simply started as a personal search for an ideal personal city vehicle, but immediately after creating my own, people started to ask me if I could build one for them.  At first, flattered, I agreed. After 3 however, each of increasing complexity and for a higher price, I was feeling overworked, frail, and extremely burned out.  I realized that--even at the highest price--I wasn't asking for enough to meet my most basic needs, but at the same time, didn't want to ask more than people could afford.  I experimented with jig making and determined that the path forward to both financial sustainability and to maintaining a reasonable price was to stop doing custom builds and to go into manufacturing.

I explored several funding options such as competing in the CleanTech Open, grants, loans, V.C.'s and Angel Investors, and concluded that NONE of them were a good fit for the project at this stage of development.

In 2010, I crashed along with the economy and took a long sabbatical from the project.  It was during this time that I first heard about the world of crowdfunding.

In 2012, I settled in the Bay Area, determined to attempt one last time to raise the seed capital that was needed to move towards final product development and manufacturing.

The goal of this fundraising effort is to make these vehicles available to all the people who still ask me at least once a week (and often more) if I can build them one.  The enterprise simply *must* make what it spends to be sustainable.  That includes the workers getting paid a fair wage (my friend and i calculated that he was making 1¢/hr helping with fabrication on the blue trike build).

Help us to go into manufacturing so that the vehicles can be available to your community for a reasonable price and so that everyone who helps to build them can be paid a fair wage.

While they look and drive like large bicycles, in complexity they are really more like small cars. For this reason, we want to iron out any potential weaknesses in the design before we go into manufacturing. This will provide you with a safer more comfortable and more durable ride in the longterm.  After 15 years of research and development, the design for our first production model is 90% completed and only about 10% remains.

If our minimum funding goal is reached, we will spend the next two years from campaign close refining our product design so that by May of 2018, we have a complete production model ready for small batch manufacture and are ready to take orders.  The amount requested does not include the $1-2K that the founder invests (and continues to invest) in the project every month.  Crowdfunding contributors who choose a Sponsor option will be the first to be invited to place an order.

More info here

June–July 2016 Lease working space and set up existing tools and equipment.

August 2016–May 2018 How we spend this time will depend upon how much support we receive, but our highest priorities are listed above in Campaign Goals.

June–August 2018...  Manufacture and deliver Pioneer Batch One, then continue to the next Batch and manufacturing round, and so on.

This is not a final list, because the vehicle is still in-development. However, most features and specifications are determined at this point because we've already discovered most of what works best for everyday use and have established relationships with our suppliers.

The size and proportions will be akin to the red tricycle and the look will be more akin to the blue tricycle.  Meaning that sidewall mesh is no longer available.

Built-in Anti-Theft
48" wide fits in bike lanes and between bollards on bike paths
Dual drive hub motors at 36V
Dual redundant hydraulic disc brakes
Sophisticated onboard computer
Regenerative braking
4 battery bays under the cargobox to accomodate any of 7 battery chemistries
Design load: 500lbs cargo plus 200lb driver
Design speed: 25mph max.
over 500% gear ratio, manual shifting (automatic shifting being explored)
12G spokes, robust wheels and fenders.
Classic head and tail lights
12V port for Accessories
Your choice of color

For more details go here

WHAT don't we know?

We don't know the details of the frame construction, but the reality is that the production model won't look much different from what you see in the video in terms of form and function. The only significant visual difference is that there will be no mesh and the production model won't be rusty ;)

We don't yet know if there will be suspension beyond what the suspension seat and fat tires offer. We will add it if it does not compromise driver safety or frame longevity (and we have enough funding to engage in suspension design and testing).

Risks and challenges

We have already built several working models and have figured out where to source nearly all of our components and principal accessories, so THIS isn't the challenge. The biggest challenge is in sourcing the metal, because to-date, we've been repurposing bicycle frames. Well, this works for custom builds but not for manufacturing. So this is our biggest unknown as far as materials costs.

In addition, no one has ever tried to optimize the cargotrike archetype before for electric-assist. We face the unique challenge of wanting to make the trike strong where it needs to be strong, and light where we can get away with it. We're doing something that's never exactly been done before and are asking for the luxury of doing it right the first time and quickly, in service to the community and our world.

More info here

"We" is mainly the passion and dedication of founder, Segue Fischlin, with the generous assistance of countless individuals who share the vision of how this project can ultimately serve communities and move us as people to a higher quality of life.  She has literally 10s of 1000s of hours of development into this project. Click here to see the Project History and learn more about her and the origins of this project. 

We accept Bitcoin!  Go to to contribute by Bitcoin.

Sponsor Tiers

Sponsors: $600–$10,000

*NOTE:  Test drives available if you are seriously considering a Sponsor Tier. Please visit us at Maker Faire on May 20-22 or by appointment in Oakland.*

$10,000  Game Changer

     You are one of the few who recognize that this vehicle acts as a systemic solution to the systemic problems that we face in modern society.  

Not only do you have the opportunity to come into first possession of our tested and proven first model, but you will receive recognition as a major contributor on our website, along with receiving many nifty gifts as listed below.

This contribution will be discounted in full from the retail purchase price if you choose to order a Frankentrike.  A 2-tiered canopy will be included in your choice of fabric color free of charge, and the vehicle itself will come in your choice of frame and panel color along with a mounted engraved plate bearing the purchaser's name.

  •   Top-Tier Priority Ordering for One Special Campaign Edition Frankentrike with choice of frame and panel color.  2-tiered canopy included with your choice of fabric color. Non-transferable
   •   Rickshaw Bagworks Mini-Zero Messenger Bag
   •   Naomi Vinbury T-shirt or Print
   •   Pair of slap anklets or two pens/stickers
   •   Recognition as major contributor (on website)
   •   $500 Experience (transferable)

$1,200   Pioneer 

    You would like to support the development of this transformative technology and be one of the first with access to it.

Not only do you have the opportunity to come into early possession of our tested and proven first model, but you will receive a nifty gift as listed below.

This contribution will be discounted in full from the retail purchase price if you choose to order or count as credit towards other offerings of Frankentrikes. The vehicle itself will come in your choice of frame and panel color along with a mounted engraved plate bearing the purchaser's name.

   •   Priority Ordering for One Special Campaign Edition Frankentrike with choice of frame and panel color. Non-transferable
   •   Rickshaw Bagworks Mini-Zero Messenger Bag

$600 Trendsetter

    You would like to support the development of this transformative technology and be one of the first with access to it.

Not only do you have the opportunity to come into early possession of our tested and proven first model, but you will receive a nifty gift as listed below.

This contribution will be discounted in full from the retail purchase price if you choose to order or count as credit towards other offerings of Frankentrikes. The vehicle itself will come in your choice of frame and panel color along with a mounted engraved plate bearing the purchaser's name.

   •   Priority Ordering for One Special Campaign Edition Frankentrike with choice of frame and panel color. Non-transferable
   •   Naomi Vinbury T-shirt or Print

When a production model has been completed and we are ready to take orders (estimated to be 16-24 months from campaign close if we reach our fundraising goal), you, as a Frankentrikes Sponsor, will be invited to purchase before a public announcement is made in order of Batch (Game Changer comes before Pioneer, One comes before Two, and so on).  Financing will become available as an option for payment once a production model is completed.

Experience what a Frankentrike can do!

Improve your garden

$500  Eight hours' use of the One and Only…Frankentrike!

 This massive cargotrike is available to you as a resource for 8 hours for any reasonable use you can imagine, such as: 1. move an office or small apartment , 2. shopping trip, 3. sag wagon for a ride in Napa valley, 4. tour of San Francisco; 5. taxi for a night out on the town, 6. Whatever you can dream up!  Driver included!

Range includes entire Bay Area -- Marin, Vallejo, S.F., San Jose. If you are not sure if you are within-range, please ask first before committing to this reward. Fully transferable

Fine print: Cargohold dimensions: 36" x 50". Max load 500lbs, max. length of 8' permitted on some items. Canopy removable. Frankentrikes reserves right to refuse to grant a request that is dangerous or beyond the limits of what the vehicle or driver can undertake. Test drives permitted with mandatory instruction at the driver's discretion. 

Night on the town

$250  Four hours' use of the One and Only…Frankentrike!

  This massive cargotrike is available to you as a resource for 4 hours for any reasonable use you can imagine, such as: 1. move an office or small apartment , 2. shopping trip, 3. sag wagon for a ride, 4. tour of Oakland; 5. taxi for a night out on the town in the East Bay, 6. Whatever you can dream up! Driver included! 

Range includes East Bay west of the ridgeline: Richmond, Oakland, San Leandro, Treasure Island. Fully transferable

Fine print: Cargohold dimensions: 36" x 50". Max load 500lbs, max. length of 8' permitted on some items. Canopy removable. Frankentrikes reserves right to refuse to grant a request that is dangerous or beyond the limits of what the vehicle or driver can undertake. Test drives permitted with mandatory instruction at the driver's discretion.

Nifty Gifts!!

$150 Rickshaw Bagworks Mini-Zero Messenger Bag with custom-embroidered logo. Classy water-resistant tweed spun from 100% post-consumer plastic with cordura lining. Outer dimensions: approx 9" x 8"x 4". Made in San Francisco

$75 Naomi Vinbury Design T-Shirt or Print -- Choice of  t-shirt in your size on Charcoal (L) or Gray-Green(R), or screen-printed on dark gray art paper.  T-shirt is 100% organic cotton printed to order at Grease Diner in Oakland, CA.

$50 Plush Tricycle Toy -- Approximately 12" long, custom-designed for Frankentrikes by Child's Own. Made in Thailand

$30 Pair of reflective slap anklets for cycling. Imprinted not sticker.
Can also be used around the forearm or bike frame.

$25 Group Picnic & Ride to the Troll
If you live or travel in the Bay Area, join us on one or more dates to-be-arranged for a bicycle ride and picnic. Origin will be at the West Oakland BART station, and we will ride up the new East Span of the Bay Bridge together and visit the one and only unsanctioned Troll hiding in plain view on the new span. Meet the maker and enjoy good company, good food and fun! Ride is about 10 miles roundtrip and is an easy ride, though having at least 3 gears is recommended.

$15 Reflective slap and snap anklet w/Djordje Milosevic's gorgeous imprinted logo (Demo shows as sticker not as imprinting). Extra long 15"; can be used around the forearm or bike frame. 

$20 Ballpoint Pen with logo imprinted


A. "My Other Car is a Frankentrike" full-sized 3.5"x 11" -- B. Frankentrikes full-sized 2"x 11" -- C. Transparent Bike-sized 1"x 6.5" -- D. Bike-sized 1"x 6" -- E. 2.5" Square logo -- F. 4" Square logo


NOTE:  We accept Bitcoin!  Go to to contribute by Bitcoin.

Bay Area Victory Party: You will be cordially invited to the exclusive Bay Area Victory Party (contingent on reaching campaign goal, which is $50K combined on Indiegogo and BitcoinStarter).

Bay Area Victory Party VIP Benefits:  VIP's get free drinks at the party, official recognition, and a ride in the red Frankentrike (with a pro photo op) and/or an opportunity to test drive the trike.  (Celebration contingent upon reaching campaign goal, which is $50K combined on Indiegogo and BitcoinStarter).

Video by shootscutsflicks


  • I have unanswered questions specifically about the Frankentrike

    Many common questions that I've received over the years have been responded to in this F.A.Q. document prepared for the Press. A window might pop-up, but you can make it go away by clicking 'no thanks, continue to view' at the bottom of the window.  If this document doesn't answer your question, feel free to drop me a line at

  • How much will they cost?
    How many things do you buy that are not manufactured? Not very many, right?  Well there's a reason for that.   Building things one at a time costs more than people want to pay, most of the time. 

    Compare the cost of a custom-made bicycle with a manufactured bicycle.  It's 2-4x more expensive for the custom bicycle right?  Okay, now expand the complexity by about 10x and you have a Frankentrike. 
    Now, even that custom bicycle you ordered is not totally 'hand built.' The creator is smartly using jigs to ensure correct alignment.  A bicycle fabricator can buy pre-made adjustable jigs.

    As a builder of Frankentrikes, I can't just order jigs; I have to make them myself.  And if each tricycle is different, I can't make jigs that will work for every build.

    I can't give you a price until our product development is complete, but I can tell you that your $5 to $1000+ contribution will enable me to make them for at least $10,000 less per tricycle than if I have to make them custom and one at a time.  So think of your donation as a small investment to the advancement of real-world technology that brings huge dividends in the near future. These vehicles are so much less expensive to own and operate per mile than a car that they will essentially pay for themselves in just a few years.  And just like Tesla, as we scale up, we will be able to bring the cost-per-tricycle down significantly. 

  • Developing and releasing a product of this complexity is a process. You are contributing to a project for a good cause and that is to make cycling safer, more practical, more fun, and more accessible to more people.

  • Why are you building these?  Isn't X, Y, or Z already doing this?

    Nobody else is doing a project like this in the world.  Take a closer look.   I challenge you to send me a link to something i haven't yet personally seen or experienced.  And I will point out the significant differences.   If I thought this need was already being met, I wouldn't be making this effort.  If I could just buy another vehicle that offers me anything even remotely close to what the Frankentrike offers, believe me, I would stop with all this extra work and just buy it!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Campaign T-Shirt or Print

$75 USD
Naomi Vinbury Special Campaign Edition Design T-Shirt or Print. Choice of 100% organic cotton t-shirt in your size on Charcoal or Gray-Green, or screen-printed on dark gray art paper
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
14 claimed
Ships worldwide.

(for the true philanthropist )

$1 USD
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This project could not move forward without you.
3 claimed

Get on the Announce List

$5 USD
Thanks for your vote of support. We'll keep you in the loop as the project solidifies into a product.
6 claimed

Slap Anklet ** EARLY BIRD **

$12 USD
Reflective slap and snap anklet (15" long) w/Djordje Milosevic's gorgeous logo. Better than sliced bread and windshield wipers; you will never go back to velcro again!
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
6 out of 33 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Classy Ballpoint Pen

$20 USD
Classy Ballpoint Pen and your choice of Sticker. This might be the only pen you ever own with a tricycle imprinted on it.
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
7 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Group trip to the Troll **EB**

$20 USD
** EARLY BIRD ** Join us for a bike ride and picnic to the Troll, hidden on the new east span of the Bay Bridge. Departure from Oakland, CA. Dates to-be-coordinated for Summer 2016.
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
10 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pair of Slap and Snap Anklets

$30 USD
Pair of long reflective slap and snap anklets An extra one for your better half!
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Plush Tricycle Toy **EB**

$35 USD
**EARLY BIRD** The softest tricycle available today. Custom-designed for Frankentrikes by Child's Own + your choice of Sticker
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
5 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Rickshaw Bagworks Messnger Bag

$150 USD
Rickshaw Bagworks Mini-Zero Messenger Bag with custom-embroidered logo. This is the bag for the days when you don't need to haul a large backpack or briefcase. Classy water-resistant tweed spun from 100% post-consumer plastic with cordura lining. Made in S.F.
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Frankentrike Experience - 4h

$250 USD
'Experience what a Frankentrike can do! Four hours' use of the One and Only… Frankentrike!' This massive cargotrike is available to you as a resource for 4hrs for any reasonable use you can imagine in the East Bay. See details for certain restrictions
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Frankentrike Experience - 8h

$500 USD
'Experience what a Frankentrike can do! Eight hours' use of the One and Only… Frankentrike!" This massive cargotrike is available to you as a resource for 8hrs for any reasonable use you can imagine in the Bay Area. See details for certain restrictions
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Trendsetter One -- Sponsor

$600 USD
Become a Frankentrikes Sponsor! Includes Priority Ordering for One Frankentrike + Naomi Vinbury T-shirt or Print. Delivery date is for nifty gift. More info in Rewards section.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
1 out of 5 of claimed
Ships to United States of America, Canada, Mexico

Pioneer One -- Sponsor

$1,200 USD
Become a Frankentrikes Sponsor! Includes Priority Ordering for One Frankentrike + Rickshaw Bagworks Mini-Zero Messenger Bag. Delivery date is for nifty gift. More info in Rewards section.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships to United States of America, Canada, Mexico

Game Changer -- Sponsor

$10,000 USD
Become a major Frankentrikes Sponsor! Includes Top-Tier Priority Ordering for One Frankentrike w/free 2-tiered canopy + Recognition as major contributor + $500 Experience + several nifty gifts. Delivery date is for nifty gifts. More info in Rewards section.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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