The Problem: Have you closely looked at your monthly electricity bill? How effective and useful do you think it really is? Current electricity bills are difficult to understand and do not provide any opportunities to save money. They don’t provide any information about how and when to reduce your electricity consumption. Also, there are no mechanisms in place that allow you to set budgets to help you stay on track.
The Solution: In the coming years, our entire country is going to have a smart grid system in place which intelligently monitors your electricity usage. In order to help you take control of your daily electricity usage under the smart grid system, we are designing a website called HomeEnergyGuru that lets you see your electricity usage data on an hourly, daily, and a monthly basis with the help of cool visualizations. You can set budgets too. Using smart grids, as soon as our website finds out that your budget has been over-shot, it will send you an alert to notify you.You can also monitor your consumption on each appliance.In this way, the website ensures that you are always on track with your usage. HomeEnergyGuru allows you to compare your usage levels to that of your friends, neighborhood, city, and state.To help reduce demands on the SmartGrid during peak energy usage hours, HomeEnergyGuru will provide opportunistic deals that offer consumers cash and rewards if they significantly reduce electricity consumption for a few hours. Individual consumers and the greater community will save a whole lot of money.
How can you help us: Please help us by making a donation so that we can create a prototype of HomeEnergyGuru.Leave us comments to tell us what other features you would like to see.We want to empower you and help you make well-informed decisions about your dailyelectricity usage.In order to get momentum around this idea, we need your support.