I am Super - A 30 minute short comedy/drama about a man who uses his last few months alive, becoming a superhero.
The really real life version of Kick-Ass!
My name is Brandon Agan. I am the writer and director of "I am Super." The film takes us through the life of Peter; a guy with a dead end job, no money, and no real accomplishments. After being diagnosed with a fatal heart condition, Peter creates a costume, sets out to become a somebody and make his mark on the world before it's too late.
This film takes the familiar superhero genre and turns it on its' head by inserting the characters at the center and incorporating the superhero theme in the background.The script has been in development for the past two years and is currently in the final stages of pre production. The film really has come a long way, with what started out first as an idea is now in the hands of a hard working crew and a truly talented cast. As mentinoed before, I am Super is currently in the last stages of pre-production with shooting set to begin May 11th and run until June 15th shooting on Saturdays and Sundays only. After our 9 days of shooting, we are hoping to start post-production immediately with a release date of late August/early September. BUT we need the film makers, movie lovers, and comic fanboys first!
As of now we have a very small budget of only $1,700 which is being spent as it comes in, it's been incredibly hard funding the film with just one person privately producing it, thats where you come in.
What We Need To Become SUPER & What You Get In Return
We are pledging to raise $5,500 a goal that will not only complete the entire film from start to finish but make sure that the world sees that film and that YOU the backers become a part of it.
"But wait a second? Where is my money going?"
Well that's the easy part. Your contributions are going to start with that amazing and hard working crew I was talking about earlier. I have been searching the entire state of Florida for the last few months trying to find not only some of the best people in the production industry but some of the most passionate as well. I can't tell you how many people have read the script and agreed to come on board for no pay based off of that only!
In return for the many people that are using their free time for the sake of art, I want to pay them back as much as I can. As I said,I need your help.
What Your Contributions Go Towards.
During the exhausting 12 hour days the crew really just wants to be fed and that's where we start first- with FOOD. They say a well fed crew is a happy crew and I believe it. Unfortunately, 9 days of food for 15-30 people can really add up.
The next part of your contribution goes to making the rest of the film possible. I was only able to raise enough money to pay for some of the basics. a few props, costumes, and equipment. But we are far from done with buying goods. In order to make this film hit its total potential and be completed in its entirety, it's going to take money to finish the project.
- Props
- Set Dressings
- Food
- Final Costume Pieces
- Food
- Makeup Supplies
- More Food
- A Photographer
- Even More Food
- A Composer
- A Foley Artist
- Film Distribution Supplies
- Festival Fees
- Marketing Materials
- Promotional Items
- Marketing (To make sure as many people as possible get a chance to hear about and see this amazing film.)
Anything we have left over is going to pay the cast and crew any amount of money that they deserve. Stick around for the rest of this pitch to see who is working on the film as well as the amazing cast leading the performances.
"Ok ok, so if I give you money what do I get for it?"
Let's be honest, I know deep down we all love getting things, even if it takes a little contribution to get those things. So now I want to show YOU just a few of the things that this film has to offer.
Remember how I told you everyone said they loved the script and they were willing to work for free based off of solely that? Well our first perk for a $1 contribution gets you a .PDF version of the script as well as a .PDF copy of the original 10 minute version of the film from over a year ago.
But we don't stop there our perks range from using YOUR music in the film and soundtrack, to hard copies with autographs from the cast and crew. T-shirts, posters, we'll say your name in the film, you can even come shadow direct with me for the day!
We're going to have exclusive copies of the film on BluRay and DVD that only the cast and crew will receive but YOU can get a copy as well. Do you like film premieres? If you live in the state of Florida (or are willing to travel, ) you can get an RSVP seat at the premiere of the film as well as the wrap party (can you say bottle service?)
Ok so maybe some of those perks aren't your style, you're unique. You want more. You want a piece of independent filmmaking history! Because you're a hipster and you're a fan of the non mainstream. How about we send you a prop from the film, heck you could even get a screen used costume piece.
If You Can't Donate, We Understand But We Still Need Your Help Spreading The Word About This Film.
If you can't help because of whatever the reason then that's fine, I still thank you for taking the time to read this and being interested but there's still so much you can do. Just by posting this campaign to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or Google+ it's like you're becoming a part of the crew and helping us spread the word to everyone about this amazing film.
We need help and we need a lot of it. I mean hey, I know you just put that cat video on your Facebook, so why not post about me and my film? Let people know about it, try to get them to become a part of it. If you can get at least one person to donate because of YOUR posting I'll put your name and their name in the credits (pretty sweet deal huh?)
Please spread the word as much as possible!
Thank you,
-Brandon Michael Agan
The Cast & Crew
The cast and crew of the film are the key part of the entire production and "I am Super" is fortunate enough to have an amazing crew working hard behind the scenes as well as having an extremely talented cast working in front of the camera.
Brandon Agan- Writer & Director
![Brandon Brandon-Director]()
Brandon D. Hyde- Director of Photography/Cinematographer
![Brandon Hyde Brandon D. Hyde]()
Cole Turner- Art Director
![Cole Turner Cole Turner- Art Director]()
Matt Kish- Sound Mixer
![Matt Kish Matt Kish- Sound Mixer]()
Megan Watcki: Script Supervisor/PA
Johnathan Guitar: DP Assistant
Desiree Moore: Production Assistant
Cade Edwards: Boom Operator
Arielle Thode: Makeup & Hair Artist
Harold Shaw Jr: Production Hand
Jessica Wise: Makeup & Hair
Mike Bringuier- "Peter"
![Mike Mike Bringuier- "Peter"]()
Stephanie Coatney- "Jane"
Joshua Moody- "Johnny"
![Joshua Moody]()
Will Cespedes- "Mr. Leshner"
![Will Cespedes]()
Joseph Formato- "Punk Kid 1 (Bobby)"
Harold Shaw- "Punk Kid 2 (Bruce)"
Mary Leonard- "Dr. Grey"
Jasmine Arroyo- "Girl #1 (Natalia)"
Sierra Klein- "Girl #2 (Kitty)"
Katrinna Walace- "Girl #3 (Raven)"
Ian Wise- "Thug #1 (Harry)"
Angelo Gines Jr- "Thug #2 (Eddie)"
Mark Taylor- "Dr. Reed"
Anjie Essex, Josh Duart, Davronette Henson, Tori Woronoff, AJ Gaither, Caroline Howard, Kira Taylor, Autumn Klein, Larry Thurmond and Lisa Taylor.
What is Indiegogo?
Making a full feature film costs a lot of money. The odds of finding just one person who has the funds to invest and contribute to the whole project are very, very small. There are a lot of great projects that never see the light of day. But now, Indiegogo gives all types of artists a chance to make their projects and dreams come to life. IndieGoGo is a website that facilitates crowdfunding, a system that allows us to raise small amounts of money from many people, so we can finish and share this incredible film.
Yes! Just click the red button located below the amount we have raised that says "Contribute Now", this will take you to our list of perks, scroll down to the bottom and select "No Perk, just a Contribution" and enter the amount you want. You can also select a perk and then when we email you to fufill the perk selected, you can decline the perk at that time.
Yes! When we contact you to fullfill the rewards, just give us the address you want the items shipped to and we will happily do so.
Yes! We will send rewards anywhere in the world. But due to international shipping costs, for anything outside the United States, please add $10 to your qualifying contribution, and add $17 to all contributions that are at the $100 level or more.
If you're having any trouble in step 4 of making a contribution, make sure you have selected your country in the drop down section where it says "Select Your Country"
Thanks so much for taking an interest in this campaign and we hope to be sending you some great and exciting perk rewards soon!