A reunion for 1,000 adopted cats!
Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats just celebrated our 1,000th adoption! With over 1,000 graduates we felt it was time to throw a big reunion, but our cats have taken over the planning committee and have created and outrageous reunion plan!
A letter to the humanz from us catz:
Please give we some monies. Catz don't haz monies or thumbs. Can you help us? We are planning a big party but need monies to make it happen. Here is the budget from our feline planning committee:
Food: Seafood fountain buffet. $10,005 - With one thousand cats we haz budget $1000 of seafood for each cat. We also haz $5 for food for our humanz.
Drinks: Toilet water. $300 - We haz hard time with budget for this as we could not find toilet water being sold at any Whole Foods or other grocery stores. We finally found a plumber who sayz he make for us! We hope it is enough, we do not know how much toilet water our humanz may drink.
Entertainment: Taylor Swift. $12,000,000 - Taylor Swift is our favorite. She loves we catz too! If we can't get Taylor Swift we will ask her red headed boyfriend Ed Sheeran.
Lighting: Laser Show. $5,000 - We catz love laser lights! So how happy we will all be with GIANT laser show! We can all catch a red dot and take it home!
Recreation: Cat Nip. $15,000 - It is okays, we is old enough now! Cat Nip is $15 a pound so we hope a thousand pounds is enough! We could haz more but we needz to be budget savvy.
Budget total: $12,030,305 -- We hope you humanz will give us your monies for our goal!:)
A note from the Bungalow School Board:
Please know that Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats is run by humans and the proceeding budget put together by our planning committee of felines has not been approved. It was hard for them to truly grasp the concept of money, they were more interested in our thumbs.
That is not to say that our non profit cat rescue is not in the need of your tax deductible donation. We need your dollars to continue to provide free spay and neuters and medical needs for homeless street cats.
So please toss in some dollars to the kitty while it will not be used for party purposes we will make sure our cats have a wonderful reunion party (even without Taylor Swift). We will however use your donation for the important work making certain that the next 1000 cats are well cared for and loved prior to their adoption to their forever homes.
Plus you can get in on the fun with cat themed gifts, personalized live video links to the event, and Kitty Bungalow logo Ts, and cat themed condoms!
Please share our cats dream event with other cat lovers!
Most of you probably rescued your cat. Your support to our organization not only helps us to continue the good rescue work we do, but allows us to continue to promote a positive adoption message and broaden our reach for good pet parenting education and spay and neuter necessity.
As an organization we believe in advanced socialization. Our event will help show the world the expansive social abilities of cats and encourage owners to provide more socialization and experiences for their own owned cats!
As a 100% street cat rescue we have over 80 weekly volunteer teachers working with these cats to give them the skills they need to pass their final exams, taking hissy little street cats and graduating Ivy League lap cats.
Please help out with the cat overpopulation issue. Help with local Trap/Neuter/Return in your area or spend some time at a local rescue!