What Is Impact Hub Harare All About
So you’ve heard all the stories about Zimbabwe, right? Bond notes... The ridiculously high inflation from the years passed…and the unstable political situation of course. Not to mention all of the usual chatter about how it was once the bread basket of Africa and became a basket-case just a couple of decades later.
Well…this is a different story. This is one about the people and the incredible resilience they have. It’s about their creativity, their drive and their passion. It’s about a small group of Zimbabweans who see the negative headlines as a call to action. For this group the status quo is no longer a comfort zone but a burden.
Impact Hub Harare is the oasis. This is where the change-makers of Zimbabwe are coming together to build the entrepreneurial ecosystem from the ground up. However, in order for that to happen Impact Hub needs a little nudge to kick it into the gear of sustainability.
Help us to launch Impact Hub Harare!
Why Do We Need The Money
We need your help to "hack the hub". We will use the money to find a new and unique space for social entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and changemakers to get the support they need to get their initiative to the next level. We plan to make sure that everyone in Zimbabwe hears about the hub and knows that they can go there if they want to make a difference. We will be visiting the highlands and lowlands of the country to see what the change-makers of Zimbabwe need and how the hub can help them to achieve their goals.
Other Ways You Can Help
Help us to get the word out about Impact Hub Harare and the oasis that is being created. Share the campaign video and ask your networks to visit our website: www.impacthubharare.net