Into the Black Abyss: Deathstream takes a lot of influences from many different sub-genres of Horror, Including "Found Footage", "Point of View Horror", "Tech Horror", "Home Invasion" and "Cult Horror"
The Movie follows Zach a 28 Year old online Gamer who makes a living streaming his gameplay videos online. One night during a live stream things get a little strange.
Viewers see faces at his window, odd noises can be heard outside his house and as things go from bad to worse when a group of masked individuals break into his home.
Zach captures the events on camera, streamed live to anyone who happens to be watching. Soon it becomes clear there are far more sinister motives at work and Zach will have to fight his way to freedom.
Into the Black Abyss: Deathstream is an extremely visceral experience that's as tense as it is bloody.
But if you're still not convinced please take the time to check out all the videos and information below.
We recently did an hour long interview with Paul Downey (Executive Producer) for his site Bloody Flicks where Daniel Mark Young (Director/Writer/Producer) and Matt Squance (Star/Camera Operator) chat about all things Deathstream. This interview was recorded Thursday 22nd October and contains a lot of behind the scenes details
Incase you missed it in our pitch video, here's another chance to see our "Proof of Concept trailer".
We shot this not only to convey our ideas in a visual representation but to show how tense, terrifying and visceral this movie is.
This is truly one of our most complex films, not only story-wise but technically too, we want every contributor to know just how serious we are about pulling off all the crazy carnage in our 72 page script.
Over the last 4 years we have crowdfunded several short horror films, most notably "Run" and "For Her".
Working to extremely tight budgets and under pressure and time constraints we were able to produce our films to a high standard and gain some critical acclaim in the process.
Our dedication to great filmmaking and engaging storytelling carries through to this project and although thematically "Into the Black Abyss: Deathstream" is very different to anything we have achieved to date, our passion for what we do is still very much there and alive.
We plan to shoot the 72 page script at the beginning of January 2021 right through until March of 2021, when we will start the massive task of post production.
We are hoping the final film to be around 75-80 minutes long and once completed we will be sending out all the rewards you lovely people have paid for.
Looking further into the future, we would love to get the movie into as many film festivals as possible and maybe even find distribution for it.
We think our script is very different to anything out there at the moment, while still retaining elements from several popular horror sub-genres that will feel familiar.
As of this time we aren't planning to produce a physical Blu-Ray or DVD release of the movie, as stated above we think this movie is strong enough to do well at festivals and possibly get proper distribution.
However in the future we plan to launch the film on Amazon Prime Video.
Into the Black Abyss: Deathstream features a very talented cast.
Matt Squance as Zach Bennett
This is our first time working with Matt, but from the first meeting we had back in February 2019 we knew he was perfect for this movie. His knowledge of Horror and enthusiasm for the project really impressed us and has really managed to bring the character of Zach off the page and onto the screen. We are proud to be working with such an amazingly talented actor.
Derek Nelson as "Darkmaster"
We worked with Derek way back in 2017 on "For Her..." and instantly clicked, we knew straight away he was someone we wanted to work with again and again. Originally he was only voicing the character of "Darkmaster" but we couldn't resist expanding the character and have him physically feature in the film. Derek is prolific in the UK Horror scene and over the last 5 years has appeared in some of the best Independent Horror movies and cemented himself as a staple of the Low Budget UK Horror Scene.
A film is only as good as the team behind it, and we couldn't be happier with this talented group, working their hardest on this awesome project.
Daniel Mark Young - Director/Writer/Producer
Co-Founder of Viral Films UK, Daniel is our team's very own renaissance man! As well as Directing and Producing, he also edits and sound-mixes all our material. Always giving 110%, he's responsible for our films looking and sounding the absolute best they can be.
James Craigie - Actor/Co-Writer/Producer
Also a Co-Founder of Viral Films UK, James is usually responsible for turning all our ideas into working screenplays, Being a Producer allows him more hands-on experience than most Writers. This has been extremely useful to the team, as he's always there whenever a last-minute change is needed on-the-fly.
Michelle Craigie - Cinematographer/Producer
The final Co-Founder of our team, and jointly responsible for the look of our films, Michelle is also instrumental in keeping everything moving on set. Always willing to step in where needed, and making everyone as comfortable as possible. She also puts her talent for photography to use behind the scenes, cataloging the filming process.
Paul Downey - Executive Producer
Paul is most commonly known for running a UK based Horror movie News and Review site, as well as the annual Bloody Flicks Awards. He also directed the documentary "For the love of the Boogeyman: 40 Years of Halloween". It's with great honour we welcome Paul to the team as an Executive Producer making this the first (of hopefully many) "Bloody Flicks Presents" Features.
Music isn't necessarily something you consider an integral part of a "Found Footage" style movie, but the film's director Daniel Mark Young will be taking charge of writing "Into the Black Abyss: Deathstream"s score. Creating a terrifying soundscape that leans much more into sound design than a traditional musical score.
However... We have teamed up with "Degenerate" from the Netherlands to provide their song "Incarnated" for the movies soundtrack.
"Incarnated" can be found on their full length album "Devastation Ahead" available to stream now.
Alternatively you can check out the track below:
Huge thanks to the band for being a part of this project and providing us with such an awesome song.
That brings us to our least favourite part of the process, explaining what we need from you guys.
As stated in the pitch video, we have secured the majority of the budget for the film, however... if we want this project to be all it can be then we need to raise this small amount of money to help elevate the practical effects of the film and help with post production costs.
As it stands we can make this film, but we also don't want to do things by halves. There are so many great moments of action and gore in this movie, that it begs for an increase in money spent on those moments.
As mentioned before, we have already secured a significant portion of the budget needed to make the film. As with most indie productions budgeting is an extremely difficult task, there are always compromises that have to be made. So at the moment we have the money to shoot the film, but not to the standard we want.
The film consists of many practical effects, in-fact roughly 90% of the films effects are practical with only a few CGI related effects and enhancements.
So where exactly will the money be spent?
If we hit our £900 target, 13-15% will be deducted for Indiegogo/Paypal fees.
£500 will instantly go towards our practical effects budget, this means that all the stabbing, gutting and head smashing will get an instant upgrade and look all the more disgustingly GOREgeous.
A further £250 will go into post-production costs. This means certain digital effects/CGI will be of a higher standard and more convincing, Part of this money will also go into sound mixing.
The one thing we wanted going into this crowdfunding campaign was to make sure that every penny raised (minus fees of course) went into the film itself.
If previous experience has taught us anything, it's that creating and shipping physical rewards is expensive and time consuming. We all love a good physical reward, but we made a very conscious decision this time around to keep the target extremely achievable and at the same time maximise the impact on the final product.
It's for this reason all rewards are Digital based and will be sent via links to your email address.
Every Friday we give our latest contributors a shoutout over our Social media accounts.
As with all our campaigns we give you the opportunity to get your name in the end credits under "Indiegogo Supporters". Includes "Social Media Shoutout"
Grab yourself a "Digital Copy" of the final Film, complete with Extras including: 30 Minute Making of Documentary, Audio Commentary and two short movies "Run" and "For Her..." Includes "Name in the Credits" and "Social Media Shoutout".
Impress your friends and Family with your name in the end credits as an "Associate Producer" Complete with IMDB Credit, only 4 of these available.
This reward includes "Social Media Shoutout" & "Digital Copy".
Get a small "Pop up" banner style advert for your business or product appear in the movie for 10 seconds. Only two of these available.
Two lucky people can get their name in the credits as "Co-Producers" and earn bragging rights. Complete with IMDB Credit.
This reward includes "Social Media Shoutout" & "Digital Copy".
Risks and challenges
We've spent well over a year working on this project already and as part of that work we wanted to ensure the risks were extremely low for this type of film. We have had locations and cast set for some time now. We have also made sure the small amount of money we are hoping to raise covers everything we need to make the project work and although any shoot can pose it's share of challenges we are beyond determined to deliver on the promises laid out in this campaign. Everyone from Crew to Cast are fully committed to the project and have been since we started work on it back in January 2019.