Invest in Public Education with Mrs. Levine
Invest in Public Education with Mrs. Levine
Invest in Public Education with Mrs. Levine
Invest in Public Education with Mrs. Levine
Invest in Public Education with Mrs. Levine
This campaign is closed
Invest in Public Education with Mrs. Levine
This August will mark my sixth year of teaching in public schools across the country, and every day, I am incredibly grateful to devote my life to something that I love. It is a privilege to facilitate learning for such diverse student groups and to help build a safer, classroom community where every student can find their personal success, regardless of their cultural, racial, or socio-economic backgrounds. Every year, however, I find myself needing to personally supplement our limited school budget in order to meet my students' diverse learning needs.
Every dollar makes a huge difference, and each donation will be rewarded with a personal thank-you card hand-created by one of my current students. Donations of $100 or more will also be accompanied by a personalized, thank-you video, giving you an exciting glimpse inside our public school classroom!
All donations will go directly towards my current student and classroom needs. Every time funds are used, I will post a picture of the specific items purchased and the exact cost through a update on this page. The goal is to transparently purchase a variety of the items mentioned in the donation levels before the start of the school year, as well as to save some funding for consistent replenishing of consumables (tissues, granola bars, etc.) throughout the year. This upcoming school year, I will be returning to George Washington High School in San Francisco, CA to teach 9th and 12th grade English.
While there are several, great education-specific websites for fundraising, many of them have frustrating limitations. Some only allow you to keep funds if you completely meet your goal, and most require you to only purchase specific items from a select list of approved vendors. helps to maximize your support in a number of ways: