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IRI - is an exciting cyberpunk puzzle-platformer

The Game is about girl Iri who comes from Siridium Planet. Your goal is to help her find her father.

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IRI - is an exciting cyberpunk puzzle-platformer

IRI - is an exciting cyberpunk puzzle-platformer

IRI - is an exciting cyberpunk puzzle-platformer

IRI - is an exciting cyberpunk puzzle-platformer

IRI - is an exciting cyberpunk puzzle-platformer

The Game is about girl Iri who comes from Siridium Planet. Your goal is to help her find her father.

The Game is about girl Iri who comes from Siridium Planet. Your goal is to help her find her father.

The Game is about girl Iri who comes from Siridium Planet. Your goal is to help her find her father.

The Game is about girl Iri who comes from Siridium Planet. Your goal is to help her find her father.

Roman Dolzhenko
Roman Dolzhenko
Roman Dolzhenko
Roman Dolzhenko
1 Campaign |
Dnipro, Ukraine
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Iri is an exciting cyberpunk puzzle-platformer with elements of horror. We have combined three types of genres so you would be able to immerse yourself in the new world of Siridium planet and unravel the crucial puzzle of the game. Campaign will allow us to embody our ideas throughout the year. We would be able to welcome professional Unity-creator person to our company. We would create the design of the game in a colorful and fascinating way and order musical support from talented composers




   The action takes place in the future, where space became the income source with
strict system for people. Nowadays the Earth is home for elite and business-centers.
Due to colonization of the planets humanity settled in closest stellar systems.
Hard work is performed by robots, whereas regular people should earn a little money
in order to adapt to the life outside Solar System.

    Mega-corporation General Space launches project in order to colonize terrestrial
planet Siridium. It had drown their attention with existence of new kind of metal
which is called Siridium. Contacting with citizens it ‘wakes up’ and becomes
malleable plastic casing which gives an ability to cover disadvantages of the body and
crash rocks without any harm for oneself. This metal can interact only with whose
who was born in Siridium or is located on this planet.

    Meanwhile, personal wonder that is called Iri occurs in a family of shy, but ambitious
geologist and mechanic in one person. As all the citizens of this planet she has her
special features which is tinted-red hair.

    Everything could be perfect, but there is a bit tragedy and exciting emotions in our
story. Siridium is not such harmless planet. Its unstable core had caused frequent
earthquakes. As a result, citizens of Siridium picked up strange abnormalities such
as: black eyeballs, or even lack of some body parts. While metal features were
unknown General Space and citizens of the planet used it for their needs.

     It became unprofitable for the corporation to dig up ‘useless’ metal and keep citizens
on the planet because siridium has limited range of influence, while there are huge
risks during mining. Due to scientists forecasts the planet will decay in dozen years.
It caused evacuation process.

    The girl was 5 years old then. Her father presents her little amulet which is cogwheel from
research’s spaceship mechanism Transmat. Iri doesn’t even suppose where this extremely
important gift came from.

    The girl and her mother have to go off to intersystem station "Casablanca-8". Iri felt
unexplained anxiety before flying to outerspace. Her father notices that and tells her last
words which are: "when I get back I will tell you all about this cogwheel".

    She was 14 when research ship Skyline vanished in the darkness of the space without
a trace.

   Iri grows up and she aspires to become a part of the world where lives and standard
laws and rules could be ignored in order to obtaining new metals. The world which
caused lost of her closest people due to its general boom and profitable business.
it doesn’t bother her to graduate and become one of the leading scientists in General Space,though. Her main goal is to do her best to solve the secret of her father’s

   You are the main hero of this story. Her life and fate depend on you.

Would you like to explore “the New World” and experience true power of
siridium? Be the first to know progress of all events. Either Iri finds her father
or General Space would perform their insidious plan?!​

Project "Iri" is 'an offspring' of our team:



    Shamil had joined us at project implementation stage, and we, Vitaliy and Roman,
had decided to change our lives crucially in 2016… while drinking coffee.
We are experienced in creation of bank web-apps with complicated logics.

   We have 5-year successful experience in one of the biggest IT-bank of Europe. However,
once we were fed up. And we decided to declare our plans to the world and introduce
it our story. Fall 2016 is the time when fascinating story about space, Siridium and Iri
was born.

    We will immerse you into the world of mysteries, adventures and researches, which
are spices up with mysticism and secrets. Your investments would help us to develop
the project faster, whereas we have prepared a bunch of benefits for you. Help us and
be the first one to sneak a peak (Iri’s Diary, music, special soundtracks, wallpaper for
the desktop etc.)

    We appreciate your contribution in our project and we are able to offer you such things depending on your investments:


     Our goal for “Iri” project is to create the game with deep meaning.

So the game player would not just pass levels and complete challenges, but also he or she would worry about the main character.

    First vision of the gameplay was too casual: the UFO flies among planets and used
shield to protect itself from the enemies. Firstly, we had made emphasis on the
simplicity of the plot. However, subsequently the story which was put in the
foundation of the game became more foreground than art drawings and object
composing at game scenes.
   It was crucial to us to convey all the feeling and emotions of the main
character(heroine) which were put into her. That is why we asked professional artist
Shamil for help.
   If the necessary fee is gathered, the game will be available on Steam, Windows, Mac.
After successful start on Steam we would consider the ways to release version for
PS4, XBOX, Nintendo Switch.

   SpiteKit from Apple was chosen as game engine at first. Soon we realised that
we want more and recognized benefits of Unity.
   We are planning to use Procedural Content Generation in this project: thereby it is
possible to generate programmatically up to 80% of game world.
Naturally, created images of the game world will reveal atmosphere of unexpected
challenges, and sometimes horror, which will fill the main heroine. We will add soft
light for Iri in order to feel her way in the dark.

Support our project on Indiegogo and share it on Facebook and Twitter,
so we would be able to finish creation of the game faster and be published at Steam

    Story begins in alien outer space where searchlights light the way. You are
surrounded by gravitation strms and machinal-brain creatures which obey “General
Space” corporation.

    Each person who tries to expose corporation’s secret will be punished severely with
drones. There are so many hazards for heroine, what are they? There are angular
asteroids, aircrafts with winding spurs, dangerous traps of the cosmic stations, finger
on the trigger and myriad of miles passed in the systems.

    Your goal is to manage the ship, fly to outer space, in order to solve problems
firsthand, destroying drones, explode small planets, bend crystals, unravel secrets of
this fascinating story.

    None would be bored: something dangerous appears all the time and you should
handle it. The fact, that there is no police in the space and you should handle all 50
levels by yourself, adds complexity.

   But you will manage! Because the girl’s destiny is up to you and it depends on you
whether she is able to unravel missing father secret. 

   We desire to immerse players into playing field with custom-made music. For this
reason we had found two genius musicians who are professionals in their genres.

   NickBee is brilliant ukrainian dnb-composer worldwide famous. We have created 3
soundtracks in conjunction with him. DNB style from NickBee will encourage to win
and complete various challenges in the plot also will fill you up with energy.

   Ekca Liena is last but not least talented musician dark ambient, drone and noise,
who creates ambient soundtracks which will give goosebumps to each and everyone. It would be difficult
to show all spice of emotions only through gameplay and design. Ekca Liena’s tracks
let player to literally feel danger, fear and feel for Iri.

   It is planned to complement background music, make it more vivid and intriguing.
You would be able to understand that Iri’s world is wonderful and unique with the
very first sound notes and meters passed with bathyscaphe.

   There is a plan to gather all required value for the game release.

      And we will do our best to be so. In case of fail of first try we will try our offer once again in order to gather required amount of money for the project release.
      We have gigantic desire and goal which we hope to reach due to your help.

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Thank You!

$5 USD
Thank You for your help! It is important for IRI GAME.
Included Items
  • Early access to the IRI game
0 claimed
Rebel from "Skyline"

Rebel from "Skyline"

$15 USD $20 USD (25% off)
When everyone are only downloading the game you will know all Iri’s secrets! Classic ambient track by Ekca Liena is on now so you would be able to experience the vibe of the game completely.
Included Items
  • Early access to the IRI game
  • Track is in ambient style
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 50 of claimed
Comander of “Transmat”

Comander of “Transmat”

$30 USD $40 USD (25% off)
From now on you will have you favourite herione’s image right next to you. Art-set with Iri’s images will be created by professional artist and will appear in high quality. But that is not all…
Included Items
  • Early access to the IRI game
  • Track is in ambient style
  • Unique Art-set for the desktop
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 44 of claimed
Citizen of Siridium

Citizen of Siridium

$30 USD $45 USD (33% off)
NickBee (well-known dnb-composer) has created soundtrack which is full of bass especially for the game. You have a chance to be the first one to get it. But that is not all…
Included Items
  • Unique Art-set for the desktop
  • Custom-made track from NickBee
  • Early access to IRI’s Logbook
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 39 of claimed
General Space’s Spy

General Space’s Spy

$50 USD $65 USD (23% off)
Just imagine, you are playing the game and all of a sudden you see your name at one of the walls. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? You become a part of one big project in this way. But that is not all…
Included Items
  • Unique Art-set for the desktop
  • Custom-made track from NickBee
  • Your name at space station
  • Early access to IRI’s Logbook
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 29 of claimed
Double Agent

Double Agent

$60 USD $75 USD (20% off)
You will receive soundtrack to the game in classic ambient style by Ekca Liena (genious composer who comes from UK). Your favourite sound will be available whenever and wherever for you. But that is not all…
Included Items
  • Early access to the IRI game
  • Track is in ambient style
  • Unique Art-set for the desktop
  • Custom-made track from NickBee
  • Your name at space station
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 29 of claimed
Professor of Geology

Professor of Geology

$90 USD $105 USD (14% off)
There will be imprinted your name on graffiti wall in the capital of Ukraine, also there will be Iri styled stage on the background. In addition, early access to Iri’s diary will allow you to be the first one to expose main heroine’s secrets and help her to find her father. But that is not all…
Included Items
  • Early access to the IRI game
  • Track is in ambient style
  • Unique Art-set for the desktop
  • Custom-made track from NickBee
  • Your name at space station
  • IRI styled graffiti w ur name
  • Early access to IRI’s Logbook
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 24 of claimed
IRI's Counselor

IRI's Counselor

$200 USD $250 USD (20% off)
There are new acquaintances, Iri’s theme party. The best music by Ekca Liena, NickBee and a lot of fun among like-minded people. You could discuss game world, get acquainted with new ideas and become a part of the project. But that is not all..
Included Items
  • Early access to the IRI game
  • Track is in ambient style
  • Unique Art-set for the desktop
  • Custom-made track from NickBee
  • Your name at space station
  • IRI styled graffiti w ur name
  • Early access to IRI’s Logbook
  • IRI styled Party participation
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 19 of claimed
IRI's Partner

IRI's Partner

$400 USD $500 USD (20% off)
Get the most amount of satisfaction from investment into the game! Can you imagine that professional artist will draw your ‘IRI” styled avatar for social network especially for you. This is exciting and unique as only superinvestors would have this avatar. But that is not all..
Included Items
  • Early access to the IRI game
  • Track is in ambient style
  • Unique Art-set for the desktop
  • Custom-made track from NickBee
  • Your name at space station
  • IRI styled graffiti w ur name
  • Early access to IRI’s Logbook
  • IRI styled Party participation
  • Your avatar in IRI GAME style
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 9 of claimed

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