Oficiali lėšų rinkimo kampanija jau baigėsi. Tačiau, jeigu norite paremti "Izaoką", tai galite padaryti pervesdami lėšas tiesiai į filmą prodiusuojančios viešosios įstaigos sąskaitą. (Juridinis asmuo turi paramos gavėjo statusą).
Viešoji įstaiga „Film Jam”
Adresas: Paupio g. 16, Vilnius (būtina nurodyti, pervedant iš užsienio banko sąskaitos)
Įmonės kodas: 303020146
Sąskaitos nr.: LT927300010134835287
Bankas: „Swedbank” (būtina nurodyti, pervedant iš užsienio banko sąskaitos)
Banko adresas: Konstitucijos pr. 20A, Vilnius (būtina nurodyti, pervedant iš užsienio banko sąskaitos)
SWIFT kodas: HABALT22 (būtina nurodyti, pervedant iš užsienio banko sąskaitos)
Paskirtyje nurodyti: Parama filmui "Izaokas"
(Iškilus klausimams, rašykite: matas@isaacfilm.com)
The official fundraising campaign on the Indiegogo ended. If you still want to support the film, you can make the donation directly to the non-profit organisation that makes the production of the film. (The organisation has a certificate to receive donations.)
Public Institution „Film Jam”
Adress: Paupio g. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania
Account number: LT927300010134835287
Bank name: „Swedbank”
Adress of the bank: Konstitucijos pr. 20A, Vilnius, Lithuania
Bank code (SWIFT code): HABALT22
Purpose of the transfer: Donation for film Isaac
(If you have any questions, contact: matas@isaacfilm.com)
[Aprašymas lietuvių kalba – žemiau]
Isaac is a historic feature film with psychological drama and the suspense of a thriller. It is based on a short story written by famous Lithuanian - American writer Antanas Skema and directed by a young talented Lithuanian filmmaker Jurgis Matulevicius. The film and the storyline is focused on the dramatic historic period of Lithuania, Europe and holds a global importance of the Holocaust and Soviet dominance. The main film character kills a Jew Isaac and is doomed to live his entire life with the burden of guilt, which gradually drives him into madness.
Film Teaser:
After more than two years of shooting the movie is now in the last making phase – postproduction. To bring the film to the light we need 18 000 USD. So we ask you to believe in the story and the team that is trying to tell it. All the funds will be used for a postproduction (editing, colour correction, original music scoring, sound postproduction etc.). As filmmakers we believe in films that can really touch people. Moreover we trust that visual aesthetics of a film are able to bring you a great pleasure as well. We are convinced that with your support we could achieve both!
Film Pitch Video:
The Holocaust was a systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution as well as genocide of six million Jews that were executed by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Most European Jews lived in countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence during the World War II. By 1945 the Germans and their collaborators killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the "Final Solution", the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe.
Before World War II Lithuanian Jewish population was some 160 000 people, about 7 percent of the total population. In June and July of 1941, following the German invasion of the Soviet Union, Germans occupied Lithuania. Lithuanians carried out violent riots against the Jews both shortly before and immediately after the arrival of German forces. By the end of August 1941 most Jews in rural Lithuania had been murdered. Germans and their collaborators had murdered about 90 percent of Lithuanian Jews - one of the highest victim rates in Europe. Soviet troops reoccupied Lithuania in the summer of 1944.
During the years from 1944 till 1990, Soviet occupation brought traumatic changes to the region. As the Soviets took control of the country, they began a campaign of terror, targeting people declared to be enemies of communism. Politicians, intellectuals, and community leaders were purged and executed in an atmosphere of lawlessness and extreme violence. The Soviets sent tens to hundreds of thousands of Lithuanians to Siberia for internment in labor camps (gulags). The years of occupation turned Lithuanians into depressed nation facing many social difficulties to this day.
(source: Holocaust Encyclopedia [www.ushmm.org], Facing History and Ourselves [www.facinghistory.org])
Why is this film important?
Isaac is the first Lithuanian feature film where the relationship between the Lithuanians and Jewish is discussed following the crimes of the Holocaust in Lithuania. As a nation, we are still in an evident denial and fear of admitting the dark deeds we did in the past. Therefore the film is regarded to be controvercial and is facing criticism by some Lithuanians right at the start of the shooting process.
The film will be a chance to raise social discussions, face up to the guilt and try to find the way of redemption as does the main film character. Moreover the film reminds us to be aware of increasing destructive forces in the future and how important it is not to lose our humanity even when the darkest hour takes over.
Film starts in 1941 with Lietukis garage massacre. It’s one of the first acts of the Holocaustcarried out not by Germans but Lithuanians. Our main character Andrius Gluosnis kills a Jew Isaac who he believes reported him to NKVD, accusing Gluosnis of being a nationalist and putting in jail. Years later in Soviet Lithuania Gluosnis’ friend movie director Gutauskas returns from the USA with a screenplay for a film. The script portrays the garage massacre in a great detail. His screenplay is taken as an evidence in the investigation launched by KGB. Gluosnis becomes obsessed with the images of the past, which only increase his feeling of guilt.
This film is about relationship between two friends who where separated by historic circumstances, shock of war, traumas and experiences of exile, but who shared the love for the same woman.
Why we believe in this film and you should too.
All our cast and crew members are young filmmakers who believe in good cinema and have the skill to create it. Film director Jurgis Matulevicius has been working on the idea of this film for more than four years. Along with other scriptwriters Saulė Bliuvaite and Nerijus Milerius he rewrote the script of the film five times until the story was constructed in the most powerful way. Along the whole process the crew and the cast were consulted by psychologists not only to understand the peripeties how human brains work facing the guilt and a pique of the past but also how to deal with strong emotions on the set. We are proud of our cast that connects internationally known leading actors of Lithuania and young professional new faces in the cinema. Together with this amazing crew, cast and you, our supporters, we can finish and present to an audience the film that must be seen!
Where will the funds go?
One part of the funds will be used to film the last scene that takes place in the Klaipėda, in Lithuania. Other part of your support will be used for film postproduction that covers editing, color postproduction, scoring and recording the soundtrack and sound design of the film.
Director – Jurgis Matulevičius
Jurgis Matulevičius graduated from Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy with a degree in film directing. He has worked with well know Lithuanian film directors Šarūnas Bartas, Algimantas Puipa and others. Jurgis made a number of short films that were seen and well evaluated by critics, festivals and audiences in Lithuania and abroad. His films were presented in many local and international festivals like Los Angeles Cinefest, Kiwi International, Krakow Film Festival, Oberhausen film festival, Odessa Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival Film Market „Marche du Film“ and others.
Screenwriter – Saulė Bliuvaitė
Saulė Bliuvaitė is a young filmmaker who graduated film directing studies at Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy. Saulė had studied journalism for a few years before studying film. Her field of interests covers different film styles and genres from fiction to dance films and music videos. Her recent directed short films Life is Beautiful and Never Ends (2016) and Yana (2018), were presented at festivals in Lithuania and abroad. Saulė also works in film Isaac as the firs AD (assistant director).
Cinematographer – Narvydas Naujalis
Narvydas Naujalis is a rising star of Lithuanian cinematography. He mainly works with younger generation directors and filmed well known and awarded Lithuanian short and feature films. Narvydas was awarded best cinematography for the short film Mobius Bond (2017, director Emilija Rivière) in ECU film festival (European independent film festival). He is a member of Lithuanian Asociation of Cinematographers since 2014. He is a chairmen of association since 2017.
Producer – Stasys Baltakis
Stasys Baltakis is a film producer with an experience in film making in Canada and Lithuania. He runs a film production company Film Jam that employs his former students and makes a movie or two per year. Films made by company vary in style, type and are intended for different audiences – sometimes for educational purposes, sometimes high art, sometimes commercially orientated. Since Stasys was an Associated Professor for many years he contributes and helps young talents of Lithuania as much as he can.
Composer – Agnė Matulevičiūtė
Agnė Matulevičiūtė graduated Vilnius Art Academy with a bachelor degree in media art and photography and Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy with a master degree in music composing. As a composer she works in the fields of theatre, cinema, interdisciplinary and media arts. She scored soundtracks for the theatre performances that were stagged in well known theatres in Lithuania like Lithuanian Nacional Drama Theatre, Art Printing House and others. Furthermore Agnė organises site-specific music festival Music in the Space and other cultural and art projects.
Leading actress – Severija Janušauskaitė
Severija Janušauskaitė is a Lithuanian stage and film actress, occasionally performing as a singer, composer, costume designer and fashion model. She is well known for her role in the drama film Star (2014), for which she received an Award for Best Actress at the Kinotavr Film Festival, a Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actress as well as Nika Award and White Elephant Award nominations in several categories in Russia. Other popular works include the comedy film The Norseman (2015) as well as the TV series The Optimists and Babylon Berlin directed by Tom Tykwer (both 2017).
Leading actor – Aleksas Kazanavičius
Aleksas Kazanavičius is an actor well known for his stage and film parts in the works by famous Lithuanian directors. He has been working in State Youth Theatre since 1997 and created plenty of significant roles since then including leading and supporting parts in feature-length films Whisper of the Sin (by Algimantas Puipa, 2008), Back to Your Arms (by Kristijonas Vildžiūnas, 2010), Owl Mountain (by Audius Juzėnas, 2018) and others. Aleksas occasionally appears in Lithuanian TV series as well.
Leading actor – Dainius Gavenonis
Dainius Gavenonis is a well known Lithuanian stage and film actor. His roles in numerous theatre performances directed by best Lithuanian theatre directors Oskaras Koršunovas, Jonas Vaitkus, Eimuntas Nekrošius are significant to Lithuanian theatre history. Parts in films Perpetuum Mobile (2008), Low Lights (2009) and others mark. His career as a film actor. Dainius received many awards for his parts in theatre and film, he was nominated as the best Lithuanian actor in 2012 as well and received Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Art in 2015, the most honourable award in a field of culture in country.
Be a part in our film not only by contributing financially but also by helping us to find others who would appreciate the story line and the film as much!
SHERE Indiegogo funding campaign to your family, friends and coworkers. Let them know that solely us can make the ISAAC film alive!
„Izaokas“ – istorinis pilno metro filmas su psichologinės dramos ir detektyvo elementais, paremtas to paties pavadinimo Antano Škėmos apysaka. Filmas pasakoja apie mūsų šaliai, Europai ir visam pasauliui skaudžius holokausto ir sovietų okupacijos laikotarpius, išryškindamas draugystės, meilės, kaltės jausmo ir atgailos bei dvasinės laisvės temas.
Filmo siužetas prasideda 1941 metais Lietuvoje įvykusiomis kraupiomis Lietūkio garažo žudynėmis, kurių metu pagrindinis filmo herojus Andrius Gluosnis nužudo žydą Izaoką. Praėjus keliems dešimtmečiams į sovietų okupuotą Lietuvą iš JAV grįžta geras Andriaus draugas kino režisierius Gutauskas. Jis atsiveža scenarijų ir rengiasi statyti filmą, kuris detaliai nupasakoja žudynes, kuriose dalyvavo ir Andrius. Dėl šio scenarijaus Gutauską pradeda persekioti NKVD, o Andrių Gluosnį – praeities vizijos ir augantis kaltės jausmas, vedantis išprotėjimo link. Šis filmas – apie istorinių aplinkybių, karo žiaurumų ir praeities traumų nulemtus dviejų draugų santykius ir jų meilę vienai moteriai.
„Izaokas“ – pirmas lietuviškas filmas, kuriame minimi lietuvių ir žydų santykiai bei mūsų tautos prisidėjimas prie holokausto. Akivaizdu, kaip tauta dar tik įpusėjome kelią į praeityje padarytų klaidų pripažinimą. Todėl šis filmas svarbus ir kviečia visuomenę atsiverti diskusijai apie mūsų šalies tamsiąją istorijos pusę bei būti budrius ateityje, užkertant kelią panašioms destruktyvioms jėgoms.
Filmo režisierius – jaunos kartos kino kūrėjas Jurgis Matulevičius, jau sulaukęs šalies ir užsienio festivalių, kino kritikų ir žiūrovų dėmesio už savo trumpo metro filmus „Absurdo žmonės“ (2011), „Anima Animus“ (2012), „Auka“ (2013) ir „Tardytojas“ (2015). Režisieriaus naujausio ir pirmojo ilgo metro filmo kūrime dalyvauja net keli šimtai žmonių, tarp kurių – puikūs jaunosios kartos kino srities profesionalai, kuriantys lietuviško kino ateitį. Filme vaidina ne tik mūsų šalyje, bet ir tarptautiniu mastu žinomi aktoriai – Severija Janušauskaitė, Dainius Gavenonis, Aleksas Kazanavičius ir kiti.
Daugiau nei 5 metus vystomas ir dabar beveik baigtas filmuoti „Izaokas“ keliaus į postprodukcijos etapą. Mūsų komanda tiki geru kinu, kuris nepalieka žiūrovo abejingo. Kviečiame prisidėti prie filmo užbaigimo ir galimybės pristatyti „Izaoką“ Lietuvos ir užsienio bendruomenei. Jūsų parama bus skirta paskutinės scenos filmavimui Klaipėdos uoste bei postprodukcijos darbams: filmo montažui, garso takelio kūrimui ir įrašams, spalvų korekcijai ir garso dizainui.
Tapkite šio filmo dalimi!