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It's Just A Theory - The Conspiracy Card Game

Players work against each-other to create entertaining conspiracy theories

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It's Just A Theory - The Conspiracy Card Game

It's Just A Theory - The Conspiracy Card Game

It's Just A Theory - The Conspiracy Card Game

It's Just A Theory - The Conspiracy Card Game

It's Just A Theory - The Conspiracy Card Game

Players work against each-other to create entertaining conspiracy theories

Players work against each-other to create entertaining conspiracy theories

Players work against each-other to create entertaining conspiracy theories

Players work against each-other to create entertaining conspiracy theories

Laughing Lizard Games
Laughing Lizard Games
Laughing Lizard Games
Laughing Lizard Games
1 Campaign |
Southampton, United Kingdom
$0 USD $0 USD 0 backers
0% of $648 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Introducing It's Just A Theory: a unique conspiracy crafting card game using a fun story-telling game mechanic focused around, you've guessed it - conspiracy theories. Have you ever wondered how Hitler faked his death or why we haven't been back to the moon and how this relates to the growing industry of ''Big Oil''? Then It's Just A Theory is the game for you!!! We have already ran a succesful Kickstarter campaign and now finalising the card art for production and shipping

We are already funded on Kickstarter and finalising designs for production process.


In this fast-paced, engaging game, players take on the role of conspiracy theorists and compete against each other to explain their theories about the world around them. 

With over 200 cards in the game the possibilities for new random stories is virtually endless, an ideal party game for players who like comedy and story-telling.

We are looking to gain further support in this game to make sure as many people as possible have the chance to get a copy of It's Just A Theory when it is produced and enjoy playing the game as much as we and our play testers have done.

Download the alpha print and play file and rules to try it yourself from our website

Players work against each other to create a conspiracy theory, using ‘'Fact'’ cards that contain concepts or objects which can be used to form conspiracy theories. In a round, one player is the lead conspiracy theorist who will begin a theory using one of their ''Conspiracy'' cards. The lead conspiracy theorist then uses their pool of "Fact" cards to move the story in certain directions with the aim of allowing them to finish their theory by playing a ''Propaganda'' card. The more “Fact” cards they play in a chain the more points they score.

How to Interrupt

There are several interruption mechanisms available in It's Just A Theory

1) If the current Lead Conspiracy Theorist mentions the contents of another player's card, either as part of their theory or in response to a question (player's may question the Lead Conspiracy Theorist at any point), they may take over the theory.

2) If a player believes they have a better theory or explanation to the current ''Fact'' or ''Propaganda'' card. Other players may then vote to allow the challenger to take over the theory or not.

3) Playing a ''Greater Conspiracy'' card. If the theme of the most recent ''Fact'' card matches a green Conspiracy card with the ''Greater Conspiracy'' watermark in a player's hand, they may play this card immediately to take control of the theory. Doing this the player can now restart the theory from this ''Greater Conspiracy'' card.

How to Win

The winner of a round is the player who plays their Propaganda card ending the theory. Points are scored by finishing theories with more points awarded for every card in the finishing players uninterrupted chain. 

The winner is the conspiracy theorist who has the most points at the end of the game. So don your tinfoil hat, open your third eye, ensure your subcutaneous xenoestrogen injection unit is charged and prepare to discover truths you did not know about the world, and remember:

It's Just A Theory!

Unique Conspiracy Crafting Card Game

It's Just A Theory is a unique spin on the story telling mechanic using outlandish ideas based on real 'conspiracy theories'.

We enjoy story telling card games and RPGs. It’s Just A Theory uses features we love from such games like Once Upon A Time to provide a new, fresh, easier to play, version of the story telling concept. It’s Just A Theory couples the story telling mechanic with a voting system, which creates a fun, dynamic party game that can easily lead to hilarious conversations and debates. We feel this system of voting coupled with interrupts and debates allows for the game to be played by a wide range of people, from seasoned story tellers, to people interested in the concept of conspiracy theories. 

To summarise; It’s Just A Theory is unique as it combines collaborative story telling with voting, which means you have to convince others of your conspiracy theories, as well as yourself.  You're guaranteed to have hours of fun playing this game.

Easy to Learn, Quick to Play

It's Just a Theory can be played within minutes of opening the box. We've designed the core rules to be as simple as possible whilst retaining an interesting and challenging depth to the game. The rules allow for players of all skill levels to quickly learn and play the game, whilst also challenging veteran players to develop new strategies. (i.e. knowing what card a player may be alluding to in their challenge and providing alternate explanations to retain play).

Initial print exclusive Content

As our first group of loyal backers, you will be entitled to a unique set of rewards with your game. 

Play Tested Extensively

The game has been play tested for over a year by the designers and friends and blind play testers over 200 times. But don't take our word for it, check the comments or even download the Beta copy.


The game has a vast number of cards that can be used in a multitude of combinations, meaning that you can pick it up and have a fun game each time you play it, with new and exciting theories told every time. Even after multiple plays, knowing what cards are in the deck, just adds to another level of strategy to the game. 

Box Summary  

1 two part box made of 157gsm paper stock and 800gsm Grey board. 

1 rulebook at 128gsm. 

206 cards at 300gsm card stock.


We are a small independent games company based in the United Kingdom with a desire to create fun, unique and entertaining games. We founded early 2016 by a few friends with a passion for board gaming. This is our first game which we hope you enjoy playing as much as we do


How It Started

It's Just A Theory started by accident, in an attempt at procrastination whilst one of the creators was writing their thesis. He quickly he needed help and enlisted long-time friends to aid in development of the game concept.  

After a few weeks the basic idea for It's Just A Theory was formed and an initial deck (on pen and paper) was developed. The developers were eager to gain other views and naturally headed to the local pub with friends, to do some serious play testing. The best part of this session was that one of the play testers genuinely thought this was a Print and Play game that already existed saying ''But this seems like a proper game.'' From this it was decided to Kickstart the game to share it as widely as possible with other board game enthusiasts.

The development of this game has been a great learning curve for us and allowed us to engage with so many great people, all enthusiastic about boardgames and development. We really love It's Just A Theory and really enjoy story-telling card games. One of the key pieces of inspiration for this game has been the amount of fun we've had playing Once Upon A Time and we'd really like to share the great concept of story-telling games to others with a fresh update.

Let's take a moment to introduce the team

Jamie V

J is a human male defiantly born on the planet earth currently studying for a PhD in Physics, in the hopes of one day fixing his space... I mean earth ship. When not shining lasers at things he enjoys typical earth activities like walking in forests and eating subsistence.

Favourite games: Avalon, Love letter,  It's Just a Theory , El Grande, New World: A Carcassonne Game

Joe S

Joe  is a human male with no discernible lizard based characteristics who got a PhD in physics on Earth to learn more about human technology. In his free time he likes to i̶n̶c̶r̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶b̶o̶d̶y̶ ̶t̶e̶m̶p̶e̶r̶a̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ play games, to the point now where he thinks he can make one. 

Favourite games: It’s Just A Theory, Hanabi, Pandemic, D&D, Galaxy Truckers, Space Cadets, Firefly Boardgame, Roll for it, Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride


George W

Unit G30RG3 was constructed in late 2073 and through a series of scientific experiments has landed in the current year to study where Earth went wrong. Due to an error with machine learning algorithms and the rise of IBM's Watson, G30RG3 Winstone has become the mandroid he now is.

Favourite games: It's Just A Theory, Eldritch Horror


Joey Walters

Joey Walters is our artist. She has been so great working with us giving us ideas and somehow managing to turn the ramblings of 3 physics students into great artwork! We are so grateful for all she has done, and I really encourage you to take a look at her showreel for other projects she's been invovled with.




Risks and challenges

We have spent nearly 2 years play-testing and designing of the game itself.

In terms of risk associated with the project, we freely admit we are new to game development and it has been a steep learning curve.

Fortunately the boardgame design community is very friendly and open and have provided useful feedback and help with how to minimise the risk and deliver a high quality game to you.

We see the risk in this game as minimal, and the most significant of these being delays in time associated with when production will start. This is because we are designing over 200 unique cards. Whilst we have the concepts for well over 200 cards ready, as seen on our alpha deck, we need to finalise the art work for the 200 cards. 
We have already made ~50 of these cards which we have been putting around our social media platforms to gain feedback to optimise. But we admit there is a risk in delays in the process of conceptualizing and getting our artist to design every card to a high standard that we like and would be proud to put out to you. 
Of course during the campaign we will still work on this and keep you updated as to the state of card design.

In conclusion, we will provide you with a high quality product and hope you enjoy playing It's Just A Theory as much as we have designing it.

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Conspiracy Acolyte

Currency Conversion $25 USD
£19 GBP
As a budding conspiracy theorist you will receive your educational tools to become a master theorist. The materials shipped directly to you from our undisclosed location within the hollow Earth will give you all the information needed to unlock the truth. Full It’s Just A Theory game plus all print and play
Included Items
  • Print And Play File
  • It's Just A Theory Core Game
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Let’s See Where This Is Going

Currency Conversion $5 USD
£4 GBP
Receive a digital print and play copy of It’s Just a Theory.
Included Items
  • Print And Play File
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
0 claimed

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