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Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy Issue #'s 1-3

"How can you be the Top Predator, if there's something you cannot kill?" Jack Irons rides again!

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Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy Issue #'s 1-3

Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy Issue #'s 1-3

Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy Issue #'s 1-3

Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy Issue #'s 1-3

Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy Issue #'s 1-3

"How can you be the Top Predator, if there's something you cannot kill?" Jack Irons rides again!

"How can you be the Top Predator, if there's something you cannot kill?" Jack Irons rides again!

"How can you be the Top Predator, if there's something you cannot kill?" Jack Irons rides again!

"How can you be the Top Predator, if there's something you cannot kill?" Jack Irons rides again!

Cody Fernandez
Cody Fernandez
Cody Fernandez
Cody Fernandez
4 Campaigns |
Taos, United States
$14,000 USD by 453 backers
$10,727 USD by 343 backers on Apr 18, 2020
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects


Howdy Folks!

I'm Cody Fernandez, Writer/Creator of Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy, and "Editor" for IronVerse Comics, delivering you the best in the Weird Space West!

With a solid track record of delivering gorgeous works unlike anything else out there, and with backing by a great Indie Comic Publisher, Wikid Publishing, we're SET and on TRACK to continue to make something truly spectacular, for years to come.

We just need one more ALL IMPORTANT ingredient...

YOU, kind Reader!

Unlettered Pages #4-5 Issue #2


A Reincarnated Immortal wanders through Galactic Armageddon seeking Purpose and Freedom.

Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy tells the story of a man trapped in two kinds of eternity. His mind and soul bears the memories of 100's, maybe thousands, of past lives, and his current body, is unkillable and immortal.

IronVerse Comics takes this poor, unfortunate soul, and lets him loose in a galactic-wide "Weird-Western" Apocalypse.

Our universe is fractured into the 4 Horsemen's sick whims, a cracked mirror of sentient life's deepest lusts and fears, made manifest in excess.

Earth is a reservation kept "safe" by a corrupt Alien Government, trying to maintain it's facist control over what "free" galaxy is left, by any means necessary.

Humanity lives, cowers, and makes do, alongside alien refugees and pilgrims, behind the impenetrable walls of New Deadwood.

When reality belongs to Evil,

Heroes are INEVITABLE.

Welcome to IronVerse Comics.

Enjoy the ride.

In Issue #1 we introduced you to Jack's mind.

"Mr Fernandez has used a shotgun when he should have used a sniper rifle. But he has nonetheless hit his target. Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy #1 is a frothy, fresh start to what we hope is a long-lived series. " - World Comic Review on Issue #1

In #2 we showed you his world.

"This comic has a splash of Judge Dredd, a shot of The Umbrella Academy’s zaniness, and a big pour of Grimjack’s Munden’s Bar. Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy #2 is chaotic, anti-erudite, and enormous fun."  - World Comic Review on Issue #2

Now, see his history and begin his journey.


In Issue #3,

A mysterious figure from Jack's past has returned, to challenge him.

What does their centuries long and violent series of yesterdays mean for Jack's future?

Why has Earth's legendary "Top Predator" returned for Jack after a century of silence?

Only one way to find out Kind Readers...

With Issue #3 Colors finished, The lettering Began, and the Extras beginning to ARRIVE time runs short to secure your piece of the Weird Space West!

(Further In Development Previews of Issue #3 pages 6-32 and others available upon backing or available HERE)

v Page #1 Issue #3 Lettered v

   v Page #2 Issue #3 Lettered v

v Page #3 Issue #3 Lettered v

 v PAGE #4 Issue #3 Lettered v

v Issue #3 Page 5 Lettered v

Oh boy, Jack's having a rough day in Issue #3, but



(so not those covers above, though they too are available thru Wikid Publishing, without the fuss and muss of a campaign, RIGHT HERE!)

So What do we have Cooking for you for #1 and #2?!

The IronVerse Team and WONDERFUL TALENTS will be producing VARIANT Covers (for #1 and #2 ) just for this campaign, NEVER TO BE REPRINTED or reoffered ANYWHERE ELSE!


Issue #1 Variant Cover COLORS by Steve Canon

Issue #2 Variant Cover WIP by Maxi Dall'o and Raven Monroe:


v Issue #1 colors by Matias Laborde v

v Page #3 Issue 1 v

Issue #2 Colors by Steven Canon

Page#3 Issue #2

Unlettered Page #22 Issue #1

Page Counts

32 Pages of Story content in Issue #3 is added to 24 pages from #1 and 32 more with #2, for 88 pages of story with an additional 40 pages of bonus content, including pin ups, concept art and fan art galleries, between all three books!

That's 128 pages of the Best in the Weird Space West, iffn' you are snagging all three!


I know our budget which I will outline below, I know how to get these made, and most importantly, I've learned SO DAMN MUCH from our first campaign.

December is the foreseeable worst case.

I went far out, to avoid underestimating delivery time. We should deliver before then. Unless fate UNDENIABLY AND UNAVOIDABLY decides otherwise...In which case I promise all due measures will be taken to get back on course, and you will be alerted, ASAP!



I don't discuss Artist's rates without permission, but suffice it to say, this total includes a great BUMP up from what they received with prior issues, is above most Indie standards, and still, in my opinion, is not enough for their amazing talent, and greatly appreciated and priceless TIME.

Kinda gotta pay for other things too like printing, shipping and the extra goodies. ALL covered by the total above, at least at time of launch. ( ed. Times have changed since funding, HOWEVER, we are still ON track, though with an admittedly slimmer margin of error.)

STRETCH GOALS: CLOSED Unfortunately...

#1: $12,500 *UNLOCKED*

Physical Backers get a EXCLUSIVE Metal Trading Card! (Physical Secret Perk Backers get two different ones)

#2 $14,500 CLOSED

We include a bonus 8 page mini Preview of "Trakkur: Top Predator" by Myself and Vincent Rush, in Issue #3!


Another Available Pin Up

"Family Portrait"

Couldn't do it, without Readers and Supporters like YOU kind folks!

Thank you all for checking us out, and helping the IronVerse Comics and Wikid Publishing families put the Frontier back into the Final Frontier, to become the best in the Weird Space West!

Cody Fernandez



v Metal Card (WIP) by Illustrator Monk v


STICKER by Vince Rush, Zero Fawkes, and Matias Laborde

Jack Figure Master 360 Preview:

Figures and Video by Model316


Previous Panels and Pages

Page #21 Issue #2

Pin Ups Used in Pitch

"Trakkur Totem"

by Paul Billick, ThatCraftyFoxy, J.Paul Sheik

"Family Portrait"

By Karl O'Rowe and S.E. Tonx

And one more thank you, kind reader, for getting this far!

You rock!

Let's put the Frontier, BACK into the Final Frontier.... Together!

Kactus Coyote Promo Image

By Dollar Coins, Andrea Boscolo, and Steve Canon

But that's a whole 'nother story....

For a whole 'nother time.

Another Free Read:

Follow Every Step:

Help Make the Best of the Weird Space West HAPPEN:

Watch our Ramblin's and ASK AWAY:

Pitch Video by Laguna Munta and DollarCoins

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Complete Package

Complete Package

$25 USD $35 USD (28% off)
The best of the Weird Space West, right to your door and device. #1 and #2 are already Cult Classics in the Indie Scene, and now you can have your own EXCLUSIVE Variant Covers! #3 hopes to solidfy Jack Irons as a Western Mainstay. This way, you get it ALL, plus a fancy sticker and one of our stellar 11 x 17 Pin ups, from Stellar Indie Talent!!
Included Items
  • Issue #1 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #2 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #3 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #1
  • Issue #2
  • Issue #3
  • Sticker
  • 11 x 17 Pin Up
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
238 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Digital #3 ONLY

Digital #3 ONLY

$5 USD $7 USD (28% off)
You wanna support us, already got the other issues elsewhere digitally, and want the complete set. Hopefully this covers ya ;)
Included Items
  • Issue #3 Digital and Extras
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
22 claimed
The Digital Package

The Digital Package

$10 USD $12 USD (16% off)
You like your comics in 1's and 0's, and we can respect that. All the weird space west, without all that pesky physicality. 88 pages of comics, with TONS OF EXTRAS for each :) CAn't go wrong with this tier.
Included Items
  • Issue #1 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #2 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #3 Digital and Extras
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
60 claimed
#3 and Extras

#3 and Extras

$10 USD $12 USD (16% off)
So you already are caught up with Jack's physical issues, and just wanna stay current, no need for extra printings of the beginning issues. Welp, we got your back, and by supporting us, you've got ours ;) Plus the Pin Up and Sticker! Thank you!
Included Items
  • Issue #3 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #3
  • Sticker
  • 11 x 17 Pin Up
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
48 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Store Bundle

Store Bundle

$60 USD $75 USD (20% off)
For stores wanting to back Jack and maybe make something for their trouble. 5 of each Issue of Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy, and Five Pin Ups for Display. And of course our thanks for helping to spread IronVerse Comics to new homes, and letting it share your shelf space!
Included Items
  • 11 x 17 Pin Up (5)
  • 5 of Each Issue
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
7 out of 15 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
"The Steel"

"The Steel"

$100 USD $150 USD (33% off)
You want the most of the Best of the Weird Space West, you get everything on offer cept "The Cowboy", as well as a limited edition Full Metal Print of Jack Irons. Thank you so much! This makes a UNIVERSE of difference for us!
Included Items
  • Issue #1 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #2 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #3 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #1
  • Issue #2
  • Issue #3
  • Sticker
  • Pin Up
  • Comic Sized Metal Print
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
4 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
"The Cowboy"

"The Cowboy"

$275 USD $300 USD (8% off)
You'll get "The Steel" AND a 4-inch Statuette. I will HAND PAINT IT for you (mid to adv skill) (Buyers choice on the Scheme), and sign a "Certificate of Authenticy" for ya! Only Painting 10 of these myself, and each COULD be unique! You want Unpainted? Wikid Publishing has that for ya, so no need here. For those who want a "Personal" Thank you!
Included Items
  • Issue #1 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #2 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #3 Digital and Extras
  • Issue #1
  • Issue #2
  • Issue #3
  • Sticker
  • Pin Up
  • Comic Sized Metal Print
  • Jack Irons Hand-Painted Figure
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
3 out of 10 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Get Drawn In Jack
sold out

Get Drawn In Jack

$100 USD $125 USD (20% off)
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
5 out of 5 of claimed

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