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Join El Progreso to build a Community Center

Community El Progreso needs a community center for their development. You can join them!

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Join El Progreso to build a Community Center

Join El Progreso to build a Community Center

Join El Progreso to build a Community Center

Join El Progreso to build a Community Center

Join El Progreso to build a Community Center

Community El Progreso needs a community center for their development. You can join them!

Community El Progreso needs a community center for their development. You can join them!

Community El Progreso needs a community center for their development. You can join them!

Community El Progreso needs a community center for their development. You can join them!

TECHO República Dominicana
TECHO República Dominicana
TECHO República Dominicana
TECHO República Dominicana
1 Campaign |
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
$222 USD 21 backers
2% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

(Click aquí para leer la Versión en español)

El Progreso is a community located in the municipality of Los Alcarrizos, near Santo Domingo, the capital of Dominican Republic. It’s divided into 7 sectors and more tan 3500 families live here. Living in a slum like this means you and your family won’t have access to the most basic services and rights that we all take for granted, like healthcare, education, decent housing or even a place where neighbors can gather to discuss and solve their own problems, a place for recreational activities, a place where kids can learn or play, a place where adults can receive courses, training in occupations, finance or commerce; a place to build their future, a place for the community, a Community Center.

However the tough conditions of living, people from El Progreso work hard to overcome their reality and, in this process, two of the sectors of the community postulated to work alongside with TECHO volunteers in a process of empowerment that would give the community some knowledge and skills that will be useful for them in the search of the solutions to their issues. These sectors are El Progreso II – with 3,000 inhabitants – and El Progreso II-B – with 1,800.

Since their postulation, they have been meeting weekly alongside with volunteers of TECHO to analize their situation and overcome their issues. Together, in a democratic and participative way, they have decided their priorities and goals and have worked hard to reach them. These meetings take place in precarious spaces under some tree if the weather allows it, or in somebody’s house if it’s raining – and you should know houses here are not very spacious or suited for meetings. That’s why both communities made their priority to build, each, a Community Center.

They showed their proactivity and fighting spirit when they applied and won, each, a fund from the municipalities’ government (FEDOMU). But this funds are barely enough for the land, so the neighbors kept their positive spirit and made all kind of activities for fundraising – raffles, bazaars, food sales,… - to fight for this objective that should be a granted right for them in the first place. Each week they plan a new way to raise funds and continue their progress. Actually, they are ready to go: El Progreso II couldn’t find a cheap land so they have recently just bought the land but in El Progreso II-B they’ve already started the Works!

In TECHO we know that not only these Centers are a mandatory step for the devlopment of the community, but we believe that this achievement will be an example for more neighbors and more communities to empower themselves and start working hard to get what they deserve and the society should grant them according to the Universal Human Rights. Yet, there’s still plenty of resources to be fund before El Progreso can finish their Center. With the first US$10,000 we could finish the first stage of the Project.

People from El Progreso have work hard for their dreams. Now, we ask you much more than your donation, we want you to become part of El Progreso. Participate with your donation or sharing this campaign so we can build together a fair, poverty-free society!

TECHO is a youth led non-profit organization present in Latin America & the Caribbean. Through the joint work of families living in extreme poverty with youth volunteers, TECHO seeks to overcome poverty in slums.

TECHO is convinced that poverty can be permanently eradicated if society as a whole recognizes poverty as a priority and actively works towards overcoming it.

Our main objectives are:

(1) The promotion of community development in slums, through a process of community strengthening that promotes representative & validated leadership, drives the organization and participation of thousands of families living in slums to generate solutions of their own problems.

(2) Fostering social awareness and action, with special emphasis on generating critical and determined volunteers working next to the families living in slums while involving different actors of society.

(3) Political advocacy that promotes necessary structural changes to ensure that poverty does not continue reproducing, and that it begins to decrease rapidly.

See more here.

Contact us: or Facebook: TECHO República Dominicana or Twitter @TECHOdr. Telephone: +1 (809) 540 7812

(Click aquí para leer la Versión en español)
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You in the post of Facebook

$5 USD
Thank you so much for joining the work of comunity El Progreso! We'll mention you on a thank's post on facebook and place your name on our thanks list on TECHO Website . ¡Gracias por apoyar la labor de la comunidad El Progreso! Vamos a poner tu nombre en la foto de agredacimiento que vamos a postear en Facebook y en el Sitio Web.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
2 claimed

Video of all the Comunity.

$25 USD
25USD : Your support means much more than just money, that's why we'll always be grateful and we want you to know that. We'll record a video of people from El Progreso giving a huge THANK YOU and tag your facebookaccount. (Of course your name will be on our site too!)
1 out of 25 of claimed

Your name in the Memory

$100 USD
If you truly believe in El Progreso and want to become one of he pillars of their center, your name will be forever placed in the memory that will be in the Center to thank you for this special contribution. And the day of ianuguration comunity will mention your name and give thank you to be part of the project.(Your name will be on our site and you'll be tagged on the video too!)
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 claimed

Meet El Progreso

$1,000 USD
Wouldn't you like to meet the great people from El Progreso? Maybe build the center with them!? If you plan to visit Santo Domingo this 2015 you'll have the chance to visit El Progreso with us and see that what you're building with them is much more than just a building. (Your name will be in the memory of the center, you'll be tagged in the nice thank's video and you'll be on our site too!)
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed

Be part of Inauguration

$5,000 USD
No doubt if there is an important moment that we want to be part is the opening of the community center. If you are in Santo Domingo you can be part or send a letter to be read that day!
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 2 of claimed

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