Justice for Clifford Powers
Justice for Clifford Powers
Justice for Clifford Powers
Justice for Clifford Powers
Justice for Clifford Powers
This campaign is closed
Justice for Clifford Powers
My brother was incarcerated at the age of 18, 10 years ago to a 45 year sentence with no parole. A young man that has lost his life to an unfair justice system. There was crucial evidence withheld in his case. Proper procedures were not followed, as there was evidence in his favor that was never allowed to see the court room, simply because he had ineffective council and we his family are unable to afford an attorney. He has filed an appeal and has made it to the second stage, when many are thrown out in the first. This means that they realize he has grounds to stand on. It will cost $10,000 to get an attorney to file the second petition and we are running out of time. Please help me to bring my brother home, any donation is appreciated whether large or small. Your donation can give my brother a second chance at life. He went into the system an 18 year old boy and will not ever know what it is to have a life, a job, a family, to hold his own child, You can make a difference. Please help me get justice for my brother.