Our documentary KING
OF BEASTS follows Aaron, a big game trophy hunter, as he chases his 14th
lion kill. We’ve been in production for four years, and coincidentally, we were
in Tanzania filming the same month as the infamous killing of Cecil the Lion in
Zimbabwe. As Cecil took over the worldwide news we were traveling home highly motivated to finish our film and contribute to the global debate on animal
KING OF BEASTS takes the viewer on a candid journey into the
Tanzanian bush on an actual wild lion hunt. Our film will shine a
spotlight on this controversial sport that has received a dramatic increase in public and media attention since Cecil the
Lion was killed last year.
We follow the hunter's determined pursuit
of the ultimate trophy. With unprecedented access and unique footage, award
winning directors Nadav Harel and Tomer Almagor, explore the motivation and
fascination behind trophy hunters killing the KING OF BEASTS.
Our KING OF BEASTS journey began when we met a
former hunter who stopped hunting when he had his personal epiphany about how
quickly Africa is losing its wild lions and feared that they would be
completely gone soon if something wasn't done. His passion inspired us to set
out on our long, exasperating and motivational journey. Our filmmaking adventure has allowed us to explore this world,
learning and experiencing much more than we had ever expected.
Four years ago, we started making this film with one goal in mind:
To save the wild African lions!
By focusing on trophy hunters and their impact on diminishing
wild lion populations we thought we could push
the world community to push C.I.T.E.S (Convention of International Trade in
Endangered Species) to place lions on the endangered species list, and help ban
lion trophy hunting.
Boom! Problem solved!
During our filmmaking journey, we've learned that the situation on the ground
in Africa is complex and convoluted. While there are solutions to save Africa's wildlife for future
generations, these solutions will not get implemented properly before we all
understand the issues and problems at play. An outright ban on trophy
hunting will not save the wild lions, and we are almost too late to save them.
By focusing on the world of lion trophy hunters, KING OF
BEASTS allows viewers to understand the many factors that threaten wild
lions and wildlife in Africa today. Our film is an alarm call, and a starting
point for a dialogue between all parties involved to save our lions and our
entire wildlife eco-system.
After 4 years of working on KING OF BEASTS we are now editing the movie. With your crucial help we will finish the film and get this incredible story out into the world. Your funding will be used for sound editing & sound mix, original music, coloring, mastering and getting the film ready to screen around the world. Every dollar will go towards the completion of KING OF BEASTS. We want you to be part of our team and help us make a difference!
Our team is a fantastic group of award winning
documentary and narrative filmmakers who are all working day and night to finish
KING OF BEASTS. This film is a testament
to sweat equity, pooling resources and passion. We are working with some of the
best talent in the industry to finish this film and tie together the amazing
creative building blocks of this film.
We’ve put together fantastic and personal
rewards to show our appreciation of your support. Take a peek and please tweet
or post the reward banners in your social media kingdom!
Several of our perks are by the acclaimed street
artist and activist painter Lydia Emily. She makes art because she
believes that being in the public eye comes with a profound social
responsibility and her ethics comes from her life-long desire to bring fire to
the people. Those values are core to the KING OF BEASTS mission and we're proud
to have her works as part of our campaign.
"Don’t Just be A Witness”- Lydia Emily
Thank you for your time and please become a part of this
important project.