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Knowlative - Cooperative Knowledge

A new platform for sharing information, research, experience and connecting. Give it a try!

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Knowlative - Cooperative Knowledge

Knowlative - Cooperative Knowledge

Knowlative - Cooperative Knowledge

Knowlative - Cooperative Knowledge

Knowlative - Cooperative Knowledge

A new platform for sharing information, research, experience and connecting. Give it a try!

A new platform for sharing information, research, experience and connecting. Give it a try!

A new platform for sharing information, research, experience and connecting. Give it a try!

A new platform for sharing information, research, experience and connecting. Give it a try!

Giorgio Feletto
Giorgio Feletto
Giorgio Feletto
Giorgio Feletto
2 Campaigns |
Los Cristianos, Spain
$4,226 USD $4,226 USD 24 backers
20% of $20,757 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
We believe that exchange of information is crucial for us to move ahead in the holistic health field. Would it be useful to you to have access to holistic health techniques, protocols and research wherever you are? To have cloud storage of all your client records? To have meaningful statistics of what is working well for clients around the world? To be able to connect with others in your field? This platform is the answer.

A few things you should know about our company:

  • we believe KNOWLEDGE should be universal, especially in the health sector;
  • we believe in COOPERATION as sharing information and connecting with different professionals is the path toward the future;
  • we believe in a holistic approach BEYOND the concept of DUALISM: standardization vs personalization, of mind vs heart, of science vs art - there is room for all here;
  • we want to create the most EFFICIENT results possible.



What you should know about us:

We are a multidisciplinary, multifaceted team of practitioners, instructors, innovators, experimenters and programmers. We care about wellness and are working to share it through a comprehensive project that will help practitioners take their work to the next level.

Our Project

Knowlative is an Integrated Web Platform and Professional App. It will launch as an App for Holistic Health Practitioners, starting with Kinesiologists, but its goals are far more inclusive than that. Every-one of us can be part of Knowlative and benefit from it!

A Service for Health Practitioners

Knowlative is a vehicle for professional work: client records, networking, organization, statistics, and research at your fingertip. With a simple and rapid user interface, Knowlative gives you access to the best techniques available, ready to be used immediately in your client sessions.

A Showcase for your Activity

Continuous improvement is the key to personal and professional achievements and discoveries. Knowlative gives you a place to share your classes, credentials and ideas with a community of professionals. Reach out to a community of peers and support each other while also marketing your events.

A Support for Schools and Associations

Health education is the key universal well-being. Education comes from training and knowledge. Knowlative supports schools and associations to advertise courses and educational programs. With a selected audience of professionals, Knowlative offers you just the right community for your classes.

A Common Language

Have you ever read a term in a kinesiology book or heard a reference to something in a class that you didn’t understand? In order to communicate efficiently between professionals, a common language is necessary. Knowlative's blog and dictionary; procedures and techniques, can be modified and approved by the Knowlative community of professionals (like Wikipedia for kinesiologists). Knowlative is the platform for sharing and building a common path for understanding.

A New Source of Revenue

Knowlative rewards every contributor to the platform! If you have a new life-changing technique or protocol you want to share and spread to the world, you have come to the right place: add the technique to our database and be rewarded based on its use in our community.

And Much More

Knowlative's goals are wide ranging and new projects are already starting up from this platform. Gathering the data of what techniques are being used most throughout our community will allow us to publish meaningful statistics of what works for our clients internationally. Through new courses and educational projects and even to the organization of clinics, Knowlative is a brand that aims to deeply change the way we consider holistic health.


Help make a difference and build the future of natural health!


What We Need & What You Get

We need your help in order to launch this project that will change the complementary health world. To show our appreciation for your generous support we are offering membership packages to contributors, including the opportunity to reserve yourself lifetime access to the knowledge created in our system.

The estimated costs to launch the kind of interactive software we have in mind, including initial IT and management costs is over $ 30,000. We are hoping to raise $20,000 of this through this campaign so we can get this project out to you as soon as possible.

Great perks are available too!!

As a thank-you for your support we will shout your name so everyone can hear it: it will show up on Knowlative’s website and in our Hall of Fame in our new head office. You then can choose either to receive the SPECIAL EDITION KNOWLATIVE T-SHIRT...

Or... the magnificent KNOWLATIVE HOODIE!

And, last but not least, you can receive access to one of our Operator's Packages, with Lifetime access to our platform.


Where is your money going?

Step 0 - Company incorporation
Main costs about this step are linked to legal and consultancy aspects of company incorporation. We already spent around €4.000 to complete this step.
Step 1 - Study the static content
There are little costs associated with this phase except some fees to our graphic consultant and  Wordpress plug-ins we need to buy. We already spent €1.000 to complete this step.
Step 2 - Add new content and Step 3 - Work in session (platform launch)
This is the most expensive step prior to lunch the platform. While we could cover costs for previous phases, here we need your help. Here is the list:
- Lawyers cost: we are going to need around € 18.000; our platform has a lot of potential, but everything we do needs to be legal and free of issues.
- Look and feel of the application (graphic consultant): €2.000;
- Marketing for application launch: to be defined, but we foresee around € 5.000 to lunch it in Europe.
TOTAL for step 2 and 3: €25.000

When step 4 - Prizegiving  is added, we expect that 30% of revenues is going to be paid as commissions to successful authors.


Who We Are

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Hall of Fame

Currency Conversion $10 USD
€10 EUR
We can't thank you enough for your support. Your contribution will allow Knowlative to complete its Web Application for all us to build wealth and knowledge together. You are amazing!
Included Items
  • Hall of Fame
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
1 claimed

Knowlative's T-Shirt

Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
A fantastic T-Shirt to show everyone that you are a proud Knowlative's supporter. It includes your name in the Hall of Fame.
Included Items
  • Hall of Fame
  • T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Knowlative's Hoodie

Currency Conversion $104 USD
€100 EUR
A magnificent Hoodie to show everyone that you are a proud Knowlative supporter. Includes your name on our Hall of Fame.
Included Items
  • Hall of Fame
  • Hoodie
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Knowlative Operators' Pack 1

Currency Conversion $156 USD
€150 EUR
You have 6-months total access to our platform! Enough time to explore it thoroughly and discover new knowledge and new possibilities. Plus we are going to send you our wonderful Knowlative t-shirt as a token of appreciation and include you in our Hall of Fame.
Included Items
  • Hall of Fame
  • T-Shirt
  • 6-Months access
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Knowlative Operators' Pack 2

Currency Conversion $291 USD
€280 EUR
You have 12-months complete access to our platform. Plenty of time to fall in love with it and never leave it again. Plus we are going to send you our comfy hoodie as a token of our appreciation and include you in our Hall of Fame.
Included Items
  • Hall of Fame
  • Hoodie
  • 12-month access
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Lifetime Access!

Currency Conversion $1,038 USD
€1,000 EUR
You have a lifetime access to our platform. Knowledge is going to beat your fingertips anytime you need it. Plus we are going to send you our t-shirt and hoodie as a token of appreciation and reserve one of the best spots in our Hall of Fame for you.
Included Items
  • T-Shirt
  • Hoodie
  • Hall of Fame - Best spot!
  • Lifetime access
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Lifetime access! And...

Currency Conversion $5,189 USD
€5,000 EUR
You have a lifetime access to our platform. But more than that, we guarantee you access to the platform for all your lives after this one. You do not need to worry about time, anymore! And we are going to bring you to the opening ceremony of Knowlative as well as giving you the best spot in our Hall of Fame, the t-shirt and the hoodie.
Included Items
  • T-Shirt
  • Hoodie
  • Hall of Fame - Best spot!
  • Lifetime access
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
0 out of 6 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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