'LADY SATAN: AN ANGEL IN A KILLERS DRESS' is a dark tale of revenge that takes elements of both the horror and thriller genre and blends them with a noir aesthetic and a character driven story that will take you through a personal journey of darkness and vengeance.
Check out some of the pages from the book below
After surviving being in a snuff film, Lucille Fourrure (A.K.A. Lady Satan), a stripper turned vigilante from France finds herself on British soil. She has traveled from town to town taking down criminals in the hopes that she will one day find the man responsible for her past ordeal. An ordeal that left her with P.T.S.D. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and P.G.A.D. (Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder) as well as an appetite for revenge.
But when Lady Satan finds the location of the man responsible for her traumatic past, she discovers that he is a high ranking police officer named Chief Inspector Bennett who is under investigation by internal affairs. Feeling incapable of bringing him down, Lady Satan is reluctant to exact her revenge upon him. Until she finds evidence that links Chief Inspector Bennett to several unforgivable crimes.
Now Lady Satan must battle her anxiety, doubts, crippling P.T.S.D. and her debilitating P.G.A.D. in order to exact her revenge upon Chief Inspector Bennett!
We have a few different perks to choose from, including an IndieGoGo Exclusive A3 poster, T-Shirt, prints & Stretch Goal items. You can add-on perks before check out including prints and posters and each perk includes you being credited in the book!
Lucifer Storm is an award-winning Author & Graphic Novelist from Bournemouth, South Of England. With an extreme imagination and a huge passion for storytelling, Lucifer has crafted a large stable of characters and stories that have entertained readers across the globe. Lucifer is a proud geek, horror fan, movie lover, musician, animal lover and a passionate supporter of free speech who doesn't show signs of slowing down any time soon.
Editorial duties for LADY SATAN are in the capable and very talented hands of John Wakefield who is doing a great job in bringing out the unique personality if this book. And on top of that, the book will contain a foreword written by Robert Geronimo (Writer & Artist of BLOOD REALM from Alterna Comics).
"Art Should Comfort the Disturbed and Disturb the Comfortable" - Cesar A. Cruz.
"LADY SATAN: AN ANGEL IN A KILLERS DRESS" is a title that is for mature audiences ONLY!"
The book is an outlaw graphic novel in the vein of such titles as The Crow, Sin City, Preacher, Scars and many others. The story is not shy in taking on sensitive subject matter and it doesn't pull any punches while doing so.
Inspiration for the story has come from multiple sources and has been motivated by the passion for no holds barred story telling.
Below are some samples of Lucifer's art
The goal is simple. To give you, the reader, the best story we can. A story that treats you with respect and doesn't talk down to the reader nor patronize the reader in the process. Sometimes art needs to be daring and dangerous. As the old saying goes: Art should disturb the comforted and comfort the disturbed...And we believe that we have done that with this book and we look forward to continuing to do that with future books and characters.
There are always risks. But where there is no risk there is no reward.
No-one is perfect and this is our first crowdfunding campaign! Experience should allow us to spot the snags in advance...However...The unforeseens are just that... unforeseen.
To balance that and inspire your full confidence, the team are determined to make the production of this book as transparent as possible and print is already scheduled in for Mid-June 2021. This means books could be delivered as soon as Early-July. However, international postage will most likely roll that into August 2021. So our delivery date on all the tiers reflects that.
What we can commit to is that all of the team have track records of the highest standards of professionalism and delivery and that Lucifer, as the team leader, is ALWAYS available to contact and discuss aspects of the book's production .
You will be able to see regular updates on production of the book by visiting Lucifer's YouTube channel (Lucifer Storm) where he has live-streams and video content related to writing comics and graphic novels. You can also find him on the usual online haunts of Facebook & Instagram. Or if you prefer, you can visit Lucifer's website (www.luciferstorm.com) and utilize the contact form in the about section.
click here to go to Lucifer's YouTube channel
Refunds will be honoured during the initial campaign and 2 weeks after the backer's initial backing during the Indemand phase. After that, all sales are considered final.