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Last Push to Save the Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre

We need to buy the IWRC's land. Help us keep this unique wildlife sanctuary open.

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Last Push to Save the Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre

Last Push to Save the Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre

Last Push to Save the Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre

Last Push to Save the Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre

Last Push to Save the Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre

We need to buy the IWRC's land. Help us keep this unique wildlife sanctuary open.

We need to buy the IWRC's land. Help us keep this unique wildlife sanctuary open.

We need to buy the IWRC's land. Help us keep this unique wildlife sanctuary open.

We need to buy the IWRC's land. Help us keep this unique wildlife sanctuary open.

Grupo Lobo
Grupo Lobo
Grupo Lobo
Grupo Lobo
2 Campaigns |
Lisbon, Portugal
$48,400 USD 1,243 backers
78% of $61,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Help the Portuguese Wolves Keep Their Sanctuary

Don’t Let Our Wolves Become Homeless – Last Push is the final step to raise the money needed to buy the 42-acre site on which the Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre (IWRC) stands. This is the only wolf sanctuary in Portugal, where only 300 of these endangered predators remain in the wild.

Three years ago, our Indiegogo campaign raised $71,300USD, with generous donations from over 1,700 people. This, along with national contributions, left the IWRC needing only $61,500 to meet the final installments for the land purchase.

Now, the Centre must call out one more time to all of you that love and admire the wolf: we mustn’t let this unique space disappear. If we do, “our” wolves will no longer be the much-needed ambassadors for their species. And they’ll be left without a home.

Please, act now. Before it’s too late for the Iberian Wolf.

Join the IWRC Pack!

Grupo Lobo, the responsible for the IWRC, is an independent non-profit NGO founded in 1985. Grupo Lobo works to conserve the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) and its habitat in Portugal, where the wolf population has been declining for many decades. Grupo Lobo's mission is to provide accurate and updated information about the wolf, to contribute to the development of scientific studies about the species, to educate and to raise awareness among the general public of the importance of this predator and promote practical conservation measures that increase coexistence between man and wolf.

The work of Grupo Lobo has been recognized nationally and internationally by being awarded with several prizes such as:

·  1987 – An honorable mention in the international competition The Rolex Awards for Enterprise, with the Signatus Project

·  2001 – Joint 1st prize of the “Ford Motor Company Award” for Conservation and Environment

·  2010 – BES Biodiversity Award First Prize, with the project “Wolf conservation  in Portugal - from theory to practice”

For further information please go to

On the Verge of Extinction

Only a century ago, the Iberian Wolf inhabited the whole of Spain and Portugal. But then superstition, fear and unchecked hunting almost finished this predator off. The growing presence of Man cut up his territory and nearly condemned it to disappear. 

Today, only 300 wolves roam the Portuguese mountains. Still persecuted by hunters, farmers and ignorance. Still on the brink of extinction, of leaving our world and our country poorer.


In 1987, Grupo Lobo created the IWRC, to create a suitable environment for wolves that can no longer live in the wild – giving wolves that have been rescued from inappropriate captivity, or are injured or disabled, a safe haven. It is located in central Portugal, in Picão (Mafra), about 30 km from the Portuguese capital, Lisbon. A beautiful 42-acre area, replicating the wolf’s habitat, with secure living conditions for animals that can’t be returned to the wild.

In 28 years, over 100,000 visitors have discovered the Iberian wolf, its biology and ecology, as well as the menaces that threaten it. The majority were children, from schools all over the country. Many researchers have stayed here while studying this unique animal. The Centre also runs a volunteer program for those who wish to help wildlife conservation. As well as an adoption program that enables people to adopt one or more wolves, helping to keep them in perfect and healthy conditions. 

For further information please go to

Preserving a Safe Haven for Persecuted Wolves

Buying the site of the Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre, to allow "our" wolves to have a permanent home, is of critical importance to Grupo Lobo. In 2012, our first campaign brought us closer to this goal.

Now, we need your help to raise the remaining funds needed – $61,500  – to purchase the land, that will solely be used to protect these wolves. You can make the difference and be part of the pack that will save this endangered species! 

Grupo Lobo urges you all to contribute towards the purchase of this important site. Any donation, however small, will help us and can make the difference. All the help is needed and will be much appreciated. And check out our rewards: maybe you’ll spend a night here, amongst the howling wolves...

These Wolves Count on Your Support!

Make an Impact

With your help we will continue our mission, making a decisive contribution to the conservation of the Iberian wolf, a unique subspecies and a fascinating animal that is the focus of so many traditions, myths and fables throughout the world.

The wolves that find refuge here play an important role in raising awareness of the wolf’s plight and contribute to the conservation of the species, being true ambassadors of wolves in the wild. Every year, thousands of people have their first glimpse of a wolf in the Centre, and are made aware of the dangers that this species faces in the wild under the constant threat of extinction in Portugal.

Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you can't make a donation, you can still contribute to this cause and make the difference by spreading the word:

·  Please talk about this campaign with your family, friends, colleagues... everyone!

·  Tell them that every $5 will help these wolves have a home for life.

·  Share this in your personal mail, Facebook, Twitter... 

·  Visit our website

·  Become a friend of Grupo Lobo in Facebook

·  Follow us on Twitter

·  Use the Indiegogo share tools!

Esta campanha é decisiva para a compra dos terrenos do Centro de Recuperação do Lobo Ibérico

Precisamos da ajuda de todos!

Em 2012, a nossa primeira campanha de angariação de fundos nesta plataforma de crowdfunding foi um passo decisivo. Em Portugal, milhares de amigos do lobo contribuíram de forma generosa. Mas o CRLI ainda está em risco: é chegado o momento de fazer os últimos pagamentos, sendo necessários mais 55.000€. 

O Grupo Lobo pede a todos o auxílio possível, para manter vivo este santuário animal que tanto tem contribuído para a sensibilização e conservação do último grande carnívoro do nosso País.

São 17 hectares que recriam o habitat natural do lobo ibérico – espécie ameaçada de que restam apenas cerca de 300 exemplares em Portugal. Com condições seguras para animais que já não podem viver em liberdade.

Em 28 anos, mais de 100.000 visitantes descobriram este predador quase mítico, a sua biologia e ecologia; assim como as ameaças que sobre ele pendem. A maioria desses visitantes são crianças, vindas de escolas de todo o país. E muitos investigadores têm aqui ficado enquanto estudam este animal único.

Qualquer donativo, por este ou por outro meio, pode fazer a diferença; estamos mesmo na ponta final desta luta. Não deixemos que se extinga mais um pouco da alma de Portugal.

Fundamental é também divulgar a campanha. Agradecemos portanto toda e qualquer forma de difusão que possa levar esta iniciativa um pouco mais longe. 

O vídeo em Português está aqui:

Conheça melhor o CRLI em

Informação actualizada sobre a campanha estará disponível também na página de facebook do Grupo Lobo.

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Choose your Perk


The Pack’s Walk of Fame

$150 USD
Near the IWRC’s entrance, a walk will be built to preserve the donors’ handprints, right next to their names – following a symbolic wolf’s track. If you can’t travel to Portugal to press your hands into the cement, just send us a drawn outline and we’ll transfer it. You’ll be honored and immortalized as a supporter of the Iberian wolf’s cause! After the inauguration, a photo of your spot will be sent to you.
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
36 claimed

Wolf Howl

$5 USD
You will receive a thank you email from Grupo Lobo and regular updates on the campaign’s progress.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
164 claimed

Personalized Thank You Video

$20 USD
In your thank you email, you will also find a unique video, with your name on it. A very special message from Grupo Lobo to a special supporter: you!
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
186 claimed

Exclusive T-Shirt

$60 USD
All of the above and you will receive a campaign t-shirt. Check out the design in the Updates section.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
75 claimed

The Gallery of Benefactors

$100 USD
Send us a video (or audio only) message with your own words to accompany this donation. Explain your motives, make a dedication, share a small story or a memory. These testimonials will be assembled into a single video that will be sent to you and exhibited daily in the IWRC’s main building.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
8 claimed

Sculpture by Eliana Iturbe

$480 USD
“Wolf”, by award-winning Cuban-American artist Eliana Iturbe. With over 20 shows, collective and solo, in the last decade, her work is a unique blend of technical acumen and surreal humor. In Eliana’s words, “as the wolf is threatened and misunderstood around the world I tried to reduce it to its minimal expression, commenting on its endangered status as a species, on humans’ desire to engineer and dominate nature.” 11x11x3 in. View it in the "Updates" section and at
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Weekend at the IWRC

$500 USD
Come to the IWRC and enter the Wall of Fame in person. This is an invitation (for two) to stay one weekend for at the IWRC and enjoy this magnificent wildlife sanctuary near Lisbon. Includes accommodation.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
9 claimed

Stay at the IWRC

$1,000 USD
All of the above and an invitation to stay one week as a volunteer at the IWRC (includes accommodation for one person) and take part in our daily activities. Besides, Lisbon, one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, is only a few miles away…
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
4 claimed

Relax in Wolf Country

$3,000 USD
All of the above (except the previous perk), plus a one-week stay in a rural tourism unit for two, in real wolf country, deep inside Portugal’s northern rural area. Includes accommodation for two and personalized information from a wolf biologist about the best places for potential, albeit difficult, wolf sightings in the wild.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 claimed

Explore with the Wolf Experts

$10,000 USD
In addition of your induction into the IWRC’s Gallery of Benefactors and the Pack’s Walk of Fame, we will offer you a one-week expedition for two in northern Portugal, exploring the Iberian wolf’s natural habitat with a wolf biologist for a guide. Includes transportation and accommodation – within Portugal. A unique way to discover a land like no other, rich with tradition, history and gastronomical treats.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 claimed
sold out

Limited Offer: Wolf Paintings

$250 USD
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
6 out of 6 of claimed
sold out

Paintings by Mary St.George

$330 USD
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
3 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

António Alijó's paintings

$500 USD
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
2 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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