Dear Friend,
When Tea Party Nation first started, we had a simple
idea. We wanted to create a organization
that would be entirely funded by advertising revenue. I hoped that by funding it that way, it would free up your
money to spend on candidates.
Things don’t always work out the way we want them to and we
have never been able to generate the revenues we needed or wanted for our
Because of this, I am pleased to announce the creation of
Tea Party Nation Action, our new non-profit arm.
Why Tea Party Nation Action?
We learned when we did the First National Tea Party
Convention that there was a huge need within our movement to bring activists
together. There was and still is
much we need to learn about how to be effective activists. There is even more
we need to do.
Over the next few months, Tea Party Nation Action will be
announcing a series of events that will help to bring conservative activists
together in ways we have not been brought together in the past. We will also work to help train and
organize conservatives so we can be as effective as the liberals have been in
the past..
There is a reason we always say we do more with less than
any other Tea Party Group out there.
We have run Tea Party Nation for the last four years on a shoestring
budget, and yet managed to accomplish many of our objectives.
The Tea Party movement is incredible because it has changed
the course of American politics.
Unfortunately, while we have become a force to be reckoned with, we have
not been nearly as successful as we need to be. That is why we are creating Tea Party Nation Action.
We need your help in funding our new non-profit and getting
it off the ground. Today we need
your generous contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to help us.
2014 can be like 2010 again. We must make that happen. Tea Party Nation Action is a group that is going to help
make that happen.
In order for us to launch Tea Party Nation Action, we need
to raise $10,000 by September 6th. Help us turn the tide for America!
Please join us!
In Liberty,
Judson Phillips
PS, Today we need your generous contribution of $25, $50,
$100, $250 or more to help us.