Left Behind, the first film in the Left Behind Film Project, opened wide in the United States on October 3, 2014. Unlike many Christian films it also was seen by millions of people in over 10 countries around the world including Canada, the UK, Germany, France and China.
The movie successfully reached out with a Christian message and made an impression on many people who otherwise may not have taken notice. Here are a few of the messages sent to us from people just like you.
"Your movie made an impact on my friend that lives with our family. I didn't have to begin a full-fledged church service to get him to see the way the rapture is going to be. Now he really thinks about it and wants to know more. Great job. I believe God is proud of you too."
Keshi Bartie
"It was and is sparking conversation among family and friends that have never addressed religion. Thank you for the desire and the will to present this."
Thomas Smith
"I have several friends who have come back to Christ because of this movie! Also its the first 'Christian' film non-believers have watched & enjoyed! "
Bobbie De Leon
"Great Movie. Take a friend. I did and she received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior."
Jennie Rodezno
"I just watched it yesterday, here in Jakarta - Indonesia. Many non-Christians saw it and they were 'shocked' in positive ways. Thanks a lot for making it. Blessings."
Cogito Ergo Sumadi
"I took my partner to see this movie, and he cried, because he didn't want to be left behind, and doesn't want to be left without his children."
Chris Pruitt
"My daughter was just about there with The Lord but when she saw the Left Behind movie she was astonished about what was to happen. She posted it on Facebook and told those who were teetering on the edge it was a must see. God Bless you all for this tool of Evangelism."
Frances Napier
"I'm glad I saw it with my boyfriend. I know it touched his heart and he started going to my Christian church for the first time in 40 yrs. I prayed before I went to see it with him. Thank you! God will do the rest."
Dora Elia Guzman
"I took a friend. Someone that God put in my path and who needed to see this. He wept and is drawing closer to Jesus Christ. He is aware now and I am so thankful for this opportunity to share this with him. God Bless all of you!!!"
Renesse Bauer
"After seeing your movie my son is back on track with praying and he wants to go back to church. So I also have to think God is using your movie to get people back on track to believe in him."
Christy Crouch Newton
Campaign FAQs
Will the cast from the first movie be returning?
Most of the primary cast members have signed on for multiple films. Others will be approached once we have our funding in place. But until we have completed our funding and set definite production dates, it is impossible to guarantee that any particular actor or actress will be involved.
Where will you be shooting the film?
The money we raise here on Indiegogo will help us start Pre-Production which includes location scouting. As soon as our locations are chosen, all of our partners will be notified by email.
What are you going to do with the money?
All of the money collected, minus the fees and costs of fulfilling the perks, will go DIRECTLY INTO THE BUDGET for the movie. In other words, you are supporting the actual production of Left Behind 2!
When will the new movie be released?
If we reach our campaign goal, we plan to be in theaters no later than the summer of 2016.
Will it be like the book?
Absolutely. The first movie was designed to explore the day of the rapture in more detail to bring more people into the franchise as “The End Begins”. The books did not go into a lot of detail when it came to the actual events on the day of the rapture, and much of the story was told through the thoughts of the characters. As a result, we had to take some liberties to make it work as a movie. The second film will closely follow the storyline from the rest of the book.
Why are you crowdfunding?
There are a few reasons. The obvious one, is to raise money toward the budget of Left Behind 2. The great thing about independent film making is that you get to tell the story exactly the way you want to tell it, without a team of studio executives telling you what you can and can't say or show.
The downside, and the simple reality, is that without a studio, you have to raise the money yourself by trying to find people who will partner with you financially.
People like you, who share the vision, share the dream and believe your project is worthwhile.
Another benefit to a platform like this is that we get a chance to show our distributors that there are lots of people who want to see the Left Behind series brought to the big screen, and that will translate into more theaters. Also, every time someone shares one of our posts, or shares this page, we tell someone else the important Truth, that prophecy is real and that Jesus IS coming back!
Perk FAQs
Will I still get the free download of the documentary if I contributed before it was announced?
Yes, absolutely! The free digital download of “The Rapture: The Beginning of the End” was introduced as a bonus perk for all contributors to the campaign at every level. In the next few days, you will receive an e-mail at the e-mail address you used for your Indiegogo contribution with a link to access your download.
When will I get my perks?
Delivery of perks will all depend on reaching our goal and the timeline for production on LEFT BEHIND 2. If we meet our campaign goal we will start pre-production on the film right away, film in Autumn 2015, and release the film in Summer 2016. The DVD/Blu-ray would be available approximately 3 months later.
As with any other crowdfunding campaign and film production, there is the potential for delays – if that happens or if we don’t meet our goal, we will still deliver the perks – it will just be on a different timeline. We will make sure to keep you updated on any delays or changes to the timeline.
How will you collect my information to deliver my perks to the right place in the right size, etc.
For any digital deliveries – we will use the e-mail address provided through your Indiegogo Account to send you your perks and updates. For physical deliveries, we will collect your address through Indiegogo. For perks requiring additional information from you (t-shirt size, desired screening location, etc.) we will be sending you a survey to complete with all the necessary information. If at any time you need to change your information, please send an e-mail to info@leftbehindmovie.com.
What happens if the movie doesn’t get made?
Since we are still committed to making this movie even if we don’t meet our goal (just on a much longer timeline that we can’t project at this point), something catastrophic would have to happen for us to decide that the film was not going to be made. However, if that did happen, we would refund your contributions to the highest amount that we could (which would only be affected by how far into the production process that decision was made).
How will I get my digital download?
The digital downloads will be delivered through a partner we’ll choose and the process will be simple. You will receive a link and a unique one-time-use access code – from there, you’ll be able to download the film and it will be yours to keep.
How do the early screenings work?
The early screenings of LEFT BEHIND 2 will take place in 16 locations in the United States and Canada. If you contribute to receive this perk, we will send you a survey where you can indicate which of the 16 screenings you’d like to attend based on location. Once we are closer to the release of the film, we will contact you with more details (such as dates and locations) and will confirm your selection at that time.
According to the release schedule we have based on meeting our campaign goal, screenings would begin in late Spring 2016, about 4-6 weeks before release. If we do not meet our goal or there are delays, screenings will be scheduled in advance of the theatrical release and we will provide updates as soon as we have that information.
The 15 locations for the screenings are: Los Angeles, New York, Dallas-Fort Worth, Chicago, Houston, Washington DC, Tampa, Atlanta, Detroit, San Diego, Philadelphia, Nashville, Orlando, Phoenix, Denver & Toronto, Canada.
What is the Left Behind Advisory Board?
The Left Behind Advisory Board is our way of having the fans be involved in all the important decisions about the film. We want real feedback and input from the people who are invested in this franchise. As a member of the Left Behind Advisory Board – the writers and producers will be looking to you for your opinions on all kinds of decisions, including plot development, casting, ideas for trailers, the main artwork, and much more!
How will the “Missing Wall” Poster work?
If you choose this perk, we will send you details about how to send us your photo. Your photo will then be incorporated into a wall of “Missing” posters in a limited edition poster for the movie. This perk includes a copy of the poster.
How will the “Missing Persons” Wall in the film work?
If you choose this perk, we will send you details about how to send us your photo. The photos will then be used by the props department to make “Missing Persons” posters and they will be placed on a wall in the set design of the film. Since we know you’ll want to see yourself as one of the raptured, we’ll send you a high resolution digital image of the wall so you can find your poster. This will also help you spot your photo in the film.
What do I need to know about the premiere?
The red carpet premiere with the LEFT BEHIND 2 cast and crew will take place in Dallas, TX a week or two before the release of the film. As soon as we have scheduled a date for the premiere we will notify everyone who has selected this perk. Closer to the event, we will contact you for the names of the people attending and make any necessary arrangements. Please note, travel and accommodations are not provided as part of the perks.
What do I need to know if I want to be an extra?
If you choose this perk, we will work with you to arrange a day during filming for you (and your guests if applicable) to come to the set and be part of a scene. On our current timeline, we expect filming to take place in fall 2015. At this time, we don’t know where the filming will take place. Please note, travel and accommodations are not provided as part of the perks. Also, we will be doing our absolute best to make sure our funders are “front and center” in the background as extras and we don’t think it will be a problem; however that being said, we cannot guarantee you will be in the final cut of the film.
If I choose the “name a character” perk, can I name it anything I want?
This perk will be subject to legal clearance as part of the finished script, but other than that, yes, you can!
What do I need to know if I want the speaking role?
If you choose this perk, first of all – THANK YOU for being our biggest campaign supporter. This perk is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We will work with you to arrange a day during filming for you to come to the set and film your scene. We don’t know what the role is yet, but it will be something guaranteed to be in the final film.
On our current timeline, we expect filming to take place in fall 2015. At this time, we don’t know where the filming will take place. Please note, travel and accommodations are not provided as part of the perk.
Still have questions? If you’re a contributor, send us a direct message on Indiegogo and we’ll get back to you right away. Have a question before contributing? Post a comment on Indiegogo or send us an e-mail at info@leftbehindmovie.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.