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Li Ping Documentary Film

250 students. 80 different countries. One Chinese teacher’s passion will inspire them all.

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Li Ping Documentary Film

Li Ping Documentary Film

Li Ping Documentary Film

Li Ping Documentary Film

Li Ping Documentary Film

250 students. 80 different countries. One Chinese teacher’s passion will inspire them all.

250 students. 80 different countries. One Chinese teacher’s passion will inspire them all.

250 students. 80 different countries. One Chinese teacher’s passion will inspire them all.

250 students. 80 different countries. One Chinese teacher’s passion will inspire them all.

Lorraine Ma
Lorraine Ma
Lorraine Ma
Lorraine Ma
1 Campaign |
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
$18,865 USD by 85 backers
$18,865 USD by 85 backers on Jul 16, 2015



We are Lorraine Ma & Jason Ma, a sister-brother team. 

Growing up and studying in Hong Kong and the United States, we wrestled with our skin color, culture and language in the context of British and American education systems. Like many young people in our generation, we found ourselves constantly trying to assimilate into mainstream Western culture, intentionally disconnecting from our own. 

The boarding school we attended was a United World College where students came from more than 80 different countries around the world. It was truly a cultural melting pot, and one that wasn’t always easy to navigate. 

Jason @ Coral Monitoring Practice, 2005

Lorraine @ Project Week (Volunteering in the Philippines), 2008

But everything changed when we met one incredible teacher, Li Ping, who did more than teach her subject. She was the first person who was able to move us with her passion and instill in us a sense of pride for our racial and ethnic identity: Asian. Chinese. 

Even years down the road when we were living and working in other parts of the world, what she had taught continued to help us find that balance between assimilation and personal identity.  

Last year we learned that Li Ping was retiring. We badly wanted to have a record of her legacy, and so in December 2014, the two of us decided to utilize the little resources we had – Lorraine in filmmaking, Jason in project managing – and make a documentary film on her.

Why? Because we want to remember Li Ping. But more than that, we want to honor teachers around the world who are doing the same thing she did for us. 

Your contribution will help us complete this film and inspire educators and students around the world. Please consider joining us in bringing this film to life! 


We are launching an ALL-OR-NOTHING CAMPAIGN to raise US$15,500 (HKD $120,000) for the production, post-production, and release of this 30-minute film. The majority of our costs go into hiring a professional production team: a cameraman, an editor, and an executive producer who was previously the EP of RTHK. 

On top of talent, we are also budgeting for screening events, marketing the film, and distribution costs. 

Currently we are 80% done filming, and we will go into edit in the upcoming summer months and complete the film by the end of 2015. 

We hope to release the film through screening events, online streaming, film festivals, and TV networks. This is a non-profit project; we have an agreement with LPCUWC that net budget surplus and distribution profit will go towards scholarships for students.

This is the breakdown of how we would spend the budget: 


From left to right: Treesa, Lorraine, Jason

We have been working on this project for the past six months together with a team of amazing people. 

Treesa Leung, our close friend and creative director of this project, heads up all areas of design and marketing for this film. 

Jing Wong, a talented singer-songwriter and LPC alumni, is the film's contributing artist. 

Countless family and friends have also been our volunteer consultants, advisors and cheerleaders, and we're so grateful for them! Although we had limited time and resources to work on the film with our full-time job, the support we received made the challenges more conquerable. 

We foresee the post-production stage to be fairly straightforward and the challenge is more with coordinating the different moving parts (editing, music, subtitling). We are planning for a screening event in December and will find a venue that can accommodate a large audience. 


There are many other ways to support us aside from finances. Please SHARE this indiegogo page, LIKE our facebook page, and help SPREAD the word about this film! We want to change the way people think about identity, education, and legacy, and having a conversation about it is always the first step!  

Please note:
Delivery of rewards/perks are subject to best efforts and not guaranteed. 
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Choose your Perk


$15 USD
(~HKD$100) Every bit helps, thank you!
1 claimed


$25 USD
(~HKD$200) Personal Thank You on Facebook, plus online screening within the month after the film premieres!
7 claimed


$50 USD
(~HKD$400) Personal Thank You on Facebook, plus digital download of the film (HD) and the soundtrack composed by contributing artist Jing Wong!
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
15 out of 500 of claimed


$100 USD
(~HKD$800) Perks of HATS OFF package, plus 2 tickets to the film premiere in HK, and personally designed postcards with Li Ping Quotes!
21 out of 250 of claimed


$250 USD
(~HKD$2,000) Perks of ALL MY LOVE package, plus 2 extra tickets (total 4) to the film premiere in HK, and special thank you credits at the end of the film!
8 out of 100 of claimed


$625 USD
(~HKD$5,000) Perks of MAD RESPECT package, plus credited as Associate Producer of the film!
3 out of 10 of claimed


$2,500 USD
(~HKD$20,000) Perks of MAD RESPECT package, plus credited as Executive Producer of the film and title sponsor of our screening event!
0 out of 2 of claimed
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