Welcome, Weary Travelers, To Lost Peaks...
Rest, Relax, Eat, Drink & Be Merry, Cuz' Tomorrow? - We May All Die. So, Give In To Hedonism, Let Go Of Your Compunctions & Inhibitions, & Free Your Libertine Fantasies To Run Wild, & Just Abandon All Hope...
For Here Be Monsters!
If you're here, I can only assume Sugar caught your eye and captured your attention. She has that effect on folks. Let me introduce her, but first let me introduce myself. I am Slick Jimmy, creator of the world of Lost Peaks and all those who dwell therein. With the help of my inimitable partner Whiskypaint, let us tell you a tale likes of which has never told before. A story to thrill your senses, rattle your bones, engorge your loins, and leave you jonesing for more...
So, Friends & Foes alike, who is Sugar Lightspeed? In a City of ultimate wickedness, big, bad, ol' Lost Peaks, she is the paragon exemplar of what a denizen of such a merciless megalopolis should be - a survivor. A peerless beauty, a relentless adversary, a near unstoppable killer, a gorgeous lil' monster, like a nuke in a diamond-crusted purse. Sugar is a reflection of the place that spawned her, Lost Peaks, the place they call The Big Nugget, Bloody Creeks, The-Monster-In-The-Mountains, Doomtown... Lost Peaks, City of Cities, SHE made Sugar who she is, but Sugar has only to seize her destiny, and Lost Peaks will tremble under the tread of Sugar's dainty footsteps!
Our grrrl Sugar has suffered as few can even conceive. Sold as a toddler into the worst kind of bondage, enduring the formative years of her childhood, she would be the plaything of such monsters that lurk under the surface of society and civilization, until one fateful day, a dark and shadowy warrior - a man only known as X - an elite assassin set her free, and took her into his care, to be his daughter, apprentice, and protege. Time passed, and as Sugar approached adulthood, the terror and horror of her childhood morphed into an unholy, undeniable rage swelling within her diminutive frame. A fury that could very well destroy her world in a swirling chaos of blood, fire, and death!
Influence, by Sin City, Akira, Blade Runner, The Fifth Element, The Golden Era of Pulp Fiction, True Crime, The Destroyer Series, every action adventure, spy novel, and even western has lent texture to this tale. This is everything I have loved in pop culture and mass media, all rolled into one savage, fantastic, psychotic cocktail of the sexiest violence imaginable! All set in a glittering reality that has rot corrupting the very pillars of existence. The world of Lost Peaks doesn't need a hero. It doesn't deserve one. The hubris of humanity's evil begets its own Apocalypse. Those oblivious demons in clothed human form delight in their sadistic revelry, blithely construct there own demise, their destruction made flesh, their own little avenging angel of death. The dark world of Lost Peaks needs a monster to deal the rest of them. And her name? But of course... Sugar Lightspeed!
Slick Jimmy is my handle, a nom de plume et guerre, and I hail from the Wasatch Front of Utah, in the Mountain West of America. My partner in this criminally cool endeavor is Whiskypaint, who calls the Far East of Russia his home, straight outta' Vladivostok at the last stop on the Trans-Siberian Railway! To me, it is a miraculous East-West connection, fruits of our current age global communication, something I would have never dreamed possible in the Cold War Era of my youth!
And me? I am but a poor storyteller still strutting and fretting his hour upon the stage of life, just an Average Joe Schmo seeking his own American Dream. Whiskypaint on the other hand is an artist capable of creating images that will sear the mind and titillate the soul, making you crave ever more of what he has to offer.
Little Girl Lethal is the product of more than two decades of evolving rumination stretching back to the mid-90's. For me, it started with short stories, just written as a pleasant pastime avocation, which over time built into a novelized passion project about a beautiful but damaged, young girl, a titanically Wicked City, and a world of five vast empires, a world filled with characters that gradually became as real to me in my mind as our own, a world I sorely desired to share. To that end, I discovered Whiskypaint, and enlisted his aid in creating illustrations for the novels I hoped to produce. The novels are still an intention I will fulfill, but I also wanted to produce promotional material and merchandise. Out of that effort came the idea of doing a companion stand-alone comic, and after coming to an understanding and partnership with Whiskypaint, we set off over a year ago to do so. And so, here we are, creating one of the sexiest, killer comics you'll ever read!
The idea of a stand-alone comic has given way to an endeavor to craft a narrative saga of far greater scope. If we exceed our initial goal of $10,000, and move toward stretch goals, the breadth of this project will increase many fold. Episode 1 will be approximately 30 pages long, with 15 pages of art in the end pages of the book. Each comic episode is a stand alone story that is part and parcel of a far greater tale of interlocking stories that create the grand narrative of The Sugar Saga within the myriad Chronicles of Lost Peaks! By backing Little Girl Lethal, you will invest in a story, a world, an intellectual property as deep, rich, and nuanced as any ever told! You will help mold a modern, trangressively speculative, neo-noir classic of graphic literature unfold and take shape in a style I've dubbed Highbrow Hardboiled, and take its place in the pantheon of epic works of fiction! (Too much of a hoity-toiy, high-falutin' hard sell? Meh. Whadda ya' gonna' do, eh?)
What y'all are investing in is not just a copy of our first episode, and related merchandise, but in in the formation of an intricate universe, something that can grow, and breathe with the pulse of life, Little Girl Lethal: The Sugar Saga! This saga begins with Episode 1 of the first arc of three, Damsel of Destruction, followed by Maiden Of Mayhem, and finally Angel Of Apocalypse! The creation of this saga is a formidable task, and will take several years to accomplish, and in all truth, would be impossible without the help of interested and passionate backers. That's where y'all come in. You. You're important! You're belief in this project, and desire to have a comic masterpiece that will twist your noodled noggin in the very best of ways!
I understand that some may not be able to contribute to Little Girl Lethal, and I completely understand, but if you find this project of merit, please share Little Girl Lethal on the social media platforms you employ, and especially use the IndieGoGo share tools. Every little bit of exposure and publicity counts in getting a project like this off the ground, roaring toward the stratosphere, and soaring to the stellar reaches of success!
If you have read this far, you have stamina and moxie, and I, Slick Jimmy, in salute, thank you. Whiskpaint and I are going to do our damnedest to bring you Sugar Lightspeed's supa'-sexy and ultra-violent tale, a saga that'll blow your hair back straight, leaving you breathless when the rip-roaring rollercoaster of Little Girl Lethal comes to a climactic conclusion. Strap in, hold tight, cuz' its about to get crazy up in ol', big, bad Lost Peaks!
Stretch Goal - $15,000 (Achieved!)
A secondary non-canon story rendered and colored by Troy "Mistah Mahvel" Torres, of Juanpool fame, and written by yours truly, Slick Jimmy, and my good friend, Matt Merz, of Crypto Comics & Testosterone Overload acclaim! Very excited about this!
Stretch Goal - $20,000 (Achieved!)
A supplemental centerfold poster of our grrrl Sugar! You'll love it!!!