Short Summary
Our goal is to laugh and cheer while you witness what it takes to prepare for a MASSIVE race, to inspire and motivate others to live a great life, and to show my Mom what I do. She is in her 80's and after extensive heart surgery, has never, and will never see me race.
In 2010 I was training for my 4th Ironman and I met a man (Nick Mallet) who had raced (and won) Ultraman Canada. I thought he was fully nuts, but as the conversation continued, I found myself very curious. Day 1: A 10km (6.2 mi) swim followed by a 145km (90.6mi) bike. Day 2: A 276km (172.5mi) bike. Day 3: Run a double marathon, 84.4kms (52.8mi).
No way....but maybe.....
A year later I raced Ultraman Canada and placed 6th over all! In 2013 I made it to the Ultraman World Championships and during what was the single hardest 3 days of my life, (in fact, any one of the days qualified as hardest) I had a total BLAST and made some incredible friends en route to a 21st place overall finish.
I am applying to go back to Kona to race the world championships in 2015 and along the way, working with a film maker to capture the whole experience, from training to racing, and submit it to the Banff Mountain Film Festival.
What We Need & What You Get
Our budget is pretty clear, and daunting, but if enough people give just a will happen! Just to get me through a training season including training camp, the confirmation race (Ironman Coeur d'Alene Idaho), and the actual race in Kona Hawaii with crew and film folks is a mininmum of $25,000. Add to that all the film and post production costs and travel for the film crew, and it adds up fast!
You get to help a regular guy like me, try something epic, and get your name in the credits, your own copy of the film and more depending on which perk you select when contributing.
The Impact
As I sat and watched the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour this year, I saw once again how sharing a journey like this tends to inspire people to take action and do great things. As a Personal Trainer and Coach, my life's work is to inspire people to create a healthy body and a great life. If this film can help people do that, mission accomplished. I think of how my friend, Dr Stacy Larsen talked with such passion about triathlon in 2004, that I decided to try one. From there I have gone from Sprint Triathlon to Ultraman, and along the way, coached over 100 people to realize their goals. So what could happen if a film could inspire thousands of people to chase their dreams?
Risks & Challenges Getting in to Ultraman is a challenge - it is an invitation only race, limited to 40 people. I have raced there before, and volunteered in 2014, and that should help me get in. I also have to prove myself at Ironman again, and that again, is a big challenge. Training for a year can be a wonderful challenge, or a mess of injuries. So far this year, so good! The race itself holds many, many challenges and unknowns. Day one is the toughest of the 3 in many senses, with the 6 mile (10km) ocean swim that can go many, many different ways. (In 2013 I puked for 3 hours while swimming, not planned, not fun.) Filming the training, getting in the miles with a busy work and family life, as well as all of the travel, it's a lot!
Where Does the Money Go?
In order to get Scott to Ultraman in Kona and make a film about we need $50,000.
Athlete Costs -$25,000
Film Production - $20,000
Fees and misc costs (Indiegogo, music licensing) - $5000
Other Ways You Can Help
Tell your get this off the ground. Time is extremely limited and we need your help!