Support Joyous & Creative Interventions for Justice
Passionate change agents from across the country are eager to devote their time and energy towards manifesting our shared aspirations. They need
YOUR INVESTMENT in their training at action camp to equip them with the skills they need to fight for a more equitable and just society.
Why an Action Camp?
The world we long for and deserve is at odds with the unjust society that exists today. We see this injustice in runaway climate change, pollution and violence in our communities, racism and mass-incarceration, warmongering, and an economic system that breeds income insecurity and privileges the few. To pull our world towards equity and justice we need
YOUR HELP empowering and supporting activists to take creative, strategic, and courageous principled direct action.
Localize This! is a week-long intensive training camp that brings together activists from across multiple issues and movements to share and disseminate insights, lessons learned, and victory stories. The camp may be the closest thing to a college of activism.
Localize This! is designed to equip new and veteran organizers with the skills they need to inspire collective action. ![]()
Impact of Localize This! Action Camp
What started out as training ground for a community's fight to stop a
transnational corporation's environmental destruction
has turned into an annual celebration (this is our 7th year) of some of the best our movements
for justice have to offer.
Subsequent last year's camp, participants helped organize and deployed the epitome of a successful direct action. Their technical blockade of a oil train for 8 hours earned tons of media and was done in a manner sympathetic to and building alliance with railroad workers. After last year's camp a female activist took their climb training learned at camp and engaged in the first tree sit in Washington state in 14 years. This past year we took the lessons learned from the kayak flotilla during the gravel mine fight and the 6 years of offering kayak trainings at camps and trained 300+ activists to be part of the sHellNo! kayak flotilla's. Now, kayaktivism is spreading across the globe from Alaska, Finland, Ukraine, to Australia and beyond as a new innovative tactic.
Localize This! is a hub for the cross-pollination of creative strategies and tactics for social transformation. Like dandelions seeds blowing in the wind, what starts at
Localize This! sprouts into creative action all year across the country.
Why We Need Your Help
The week-long
Localize This! Action camp consistently costs of between $13,000 and $27,000.
![Black Lives Matter to Teachers]()
Renting the camp is $4,000 and food for participants is $4,000+. Many trainers have to take time off work and travel, so while it's not fair compensation, another $5,000 goes to support them and help in the kitchen. Additionally, there are hard travel and equipment expenses that we simply can't get donated. Our small community supported non-profit with 2-3 staff is already financial overburdened. We offer the camp at a sliding-scale with
NO ONE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDS. If camp isn't fully funded the cost comes back to us, pulling finances away from all the other support we offer to communities across the country.
Many participants coming to camp are financially stretched and devote immense amounts of time to organizing.
While they want to pitch-in their fair share, every dollar participants pay to camp often means that is time they have to take away from doing the community organizing the camp intends for them to do. There are additional costs to support those traveling from afar and we strive to make the camp accessible to as many people from different walks of life as possible.
If you needed another incentive to support this awesome camp we have some cool perks:
- Rivera Sun's novel "The Dandelion Insurrection," chock full of wisdom from movement leaders throughout history.
- The updated EarthFirst! Direct Action Manual
- T-Shirts from the sHellNo Kayaktivist mobilizations.
Thank you for sharing in our vision and supporting Localize This! Action Camp
Other ways you can help:
Help us promote this Indiegogo and camp itself. There are many people who would jump at the opportunity if they just knew it existed!
Host a house party or organize your own community to sponsor an activist to come or support this camp.
- Take bold action in your community. Host a training.