Are you new here? Have you never read LONESTAR before? Well, let me make backing issue 3 an easier decision for you by making issue 1 FREE! HERE is the PDF link to the first issue of LONESTAR! If you like it, please consider backing the rest of the series! -Mike
LONESTAR, BIGFOOT BILL, and NEXUS join forces to save the earth!
Written by Mike Baron, art by Matthew Weldon. CLICK HERE FOR MORE!
Hello! And welcome to my next LONESTAR Indiegogo campaign! My name is Mike S. Miller, I'm a 28 year veteran of the comic book industry, best known for my artwork in the NYTimes best selling, and #1 digital comic book in the world, INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US, and INJUSTICE 2 for DC COMICS. I'm also still the cover artist for A GAME OF THRONES.
Injustice: Gods Among Us. The most iconic image from the series, by Mike S. Miller
"And Rhaegar Died", the first official lithograph from the Game of Thrones book series in 1993
I'm from San Diego, California, where I live with my amazing and beautiful wife and 5 insane children who pull me in every direction! I've gone rogue from the mainstream comics plantation, and have struck out on this new venture to reshape the very nature of comicdom itself! What's that you say? Aiming a little high, am I? Well, I figure if I aim for the moon, I might hit the top of the mountain. But either way, it's a long, steep climb, and I'll need your help to keep this thing going!
Part 3 of the HEART, SOUL, and MIND trilogy, LONESTAR: MIND of the MONSTER takes us into the past as we discover the origin of the series villain SVAROG. Born in 12th century Rus, a natural-born vampire who discovers his needs and his weaknesses, how to survive and thrive in a world run by humans... and how his kind can take advantage, and even rule over them without tearing each other apart in the process! Then we return to the ultimate face-off between Lonestar and Svarog in the final, epic battle between the vampire pride and the Unknown Soldiers!
FULL COLOR 48pages
If you haven't gotten the first two books, and you want to catch up before reading MOTM, there are both digital and physical options to pick them up and enjoy the story!
I've contacted industry legends and long time friends to bring you some truly exceptional covers for this concluding chapter to the LONESTAR trilogy: Mind of the Monster! These covers include:
Cover A: Kim Jung Gi with colors by Kelsey Shannon
Cover B: Mike S. Miller: Final Fight
Cover C: Khari Evans
Cover D: Mike S. Miller: Fallen Angel 'John Byrne Death of Phoenix Homage cover'
Cover E: Paolo Pantalena With 'Wolverine Homage after Leinil Francis Yu'
We're keeping the perks simple, and the prices as low as feasible, please check out the perks down the side of the campaign page!
Please check the perks out for more specific details!
STRETCH GOALS will be announced as we near them, including new trading cards, postcards, stickers, and more!
Preview pages below!
SHI, Kamen America, Daym Drops, Cyberfrog, Earthworm Jim, Titan, Black Flag, Black Tide, Expendables, Cash Grab, Jawbreakers, Graveyard Shift, Starlight Cats, Plot Holes, Thomas River, Dreamkeepers, Impossible Stars, Chenoo, Replicator, Gold Digger, Starblades, Reignbow the brute, Alterna, Inglorious Rex