Short Summary
Hello, I am Jason Baker. I am a 32-year-old legally blind, visually impaired entrepreneur based in Fairfax California. I reside here with my guide dog Trish. My disability was diagnosed when I was six months old. In a sense, I have had this visual impairment since birth. When I was diagnosed with issues of optic atrophy or optic nerve hypoplasia. My vision is such that I can see surroundings and items up close. However, the further away something is; means the less detail it has. Though I have worked several menial jobs throughout my adult life I have come to realize that I am better off working for myself. I have been an entrepreneur for the past six years starting with a web design business, and now moving along to a coaching business as well as a software development company.
This is where my campaign comes into the picture… My campaign is focused on raising funds to start said software development company. The funds generated from this campaign will go to hiring on various staff to start making software as soon as possible. The two flagship products I will be developing our WordPress-based plug-ins meaning one installed on a website these plug-ins will increase the usability of website for someone that is disabled. These plug-ins will bring any site they are installed on up to date with current standards and accessibility set forth in the rehabilitation act of 1972. It was amended in 1998 to include website accessibility.
These plug-ins will be aimed towards filling the massive void that is out there regarding website accessibility. This campaign is very important to me because I feel a sense of extreme need to help other disabled people and entrepreneurs like myself become more independent, and less dependent on others. Until now, I had struggled with finding a way to give back to the community that has helped me out over the past 32 years. This set of plug-ins would be my way of giving back to the community that has helped me out throughout my life.
The magnitude of what you're hoping to start is so immense that can help people that are disabled worldwide. By creating his plug-ins and the software company you will be touching the lives of millions of disabled people. In a sense, you will be making their lives just a little bit more easy to deal with their daily tasks on a computer especially online. Imagine how you felt at 16 years old when you received the keys to your first car… This I can assure you, will provide a similar feeling to those struggling to navigate the vast digital world that is out there…
What We Need & What You Get
I'm requesting between $6000 and $10,000 of funding from its project. As stated in the video all funds will be used for the hiring of staff to develop full-time these two flagship products the other goal in mind, is to get me off of SSI. Though it has afforded me the ability to pursue my passions, I want more out of life than to be on welfare for the rest of it. With your funding this project I should be able to start this software development company, developed the two flagship products, and get myself off of a society indefinitely… Fleming this project will also create future jobs in this economy, and will allow for full-time development of these WordPress plug-ins.
If only a portion of the funds are raised for this project they will be dispersed in this prior to. First funds will go to hiring staff to develop the flagship products. This will include a software developer, and graphics person. With any money remaining I will reinvest in the products to market them worldwide to businesses of all sizes. With that being said, the lowest priority is in this case to get myself off of the society. The main Purdy for the funds even if they are not fully reached is to launch the software company and try to change the world website at a time.
Now here's where it gets fun! I have created for you a series of rewards for your different levels of contribution to this project. Perk number one will get you for $25 donation a guest spot on my software company's website on the sponsored by page. Frankly this could work very well to your advantage! Use it to further your branding for your business, use it to get the word out about a particular cause, or short friends as a kind of mini trophy that you have won!
Perk number two official papers are coming your way! Commemorates the beautiful act of kindness that you did by having a signed copy of the video and campaign itself signed and sent by me, along with a thank you note to show my true appreciation for what you have done! This is for a $75 donation. Feel free to keep it in a safe deposit box as a keepsake, displayed on your mantle for others to see.
For perk number three at $200 you get a video chat with me and my gut dog! Very exciting! One thing's for sure I will be singing your praises for the absolute wonderful deed you did! As an added bonus you will also get it on the same DVD along with the previous perks mentioned…
For perk number four you will also get a personal thank you message from me followed by a one-of-a-kind sequel to the original video that was used in my presentation. The idea for the sequel is such that it will go along with this campaign beautifully as an addendum. The premise of the SQL will be to show a blind person trying to schedule an appointment with a big business online. The blind person will call into customer service saying that the website is not accessible… The customer service person will then say getting a few moments while I make a few changes. From there the camera will pan back to the blind person with a sheer look of joy, and excitement with tears running down her face, that she can actually use the site for the first time! This perk is yours for a $750 donation.
Shockingly true, is perk number five… Feel free to capture on film the look of amazement, dumbfoundedness, and confusion when you tell your colleagues and everyone you meet that you have a blind webmaster… I will personally design your very own website from scratch, complete with custom graphics, and training so you know how to use your newly web accessible, and professional website! This too can be yours for a donation of $1400.
For perk number six I would have to say watch that first step it's a doozy! I will personally fly out to your location within the US, shake your hand, and hand-deliver all of the above perks! My goal for that day that visit is to spend time with you and hopefully show you my most sincerest gratitude for your donation of $5000. We can relax grab a cup of coffee and hang out, or we can get down to business and start your very own private marketing strategy session. The choice is yours, and yours alone… I find it only fitting that I should come out personally to shake your hand and say a huge thank you for what you have done.
We have a winner! You surely have hit the jackpot with perk number seven here! Not only will I develop your website, train you how to use it, and I will also set up your websites marketing funnel to help you generate leads, convert them into buyers and provide the best service possible to those buyers. To top all off for your donation of $10,000 I will be your coach for a month at one call per week for an hour each to ensure that your business succeeds, thrives, and flourishes. The value enclosed here sure,ly does not dwarf your donation. It is greatly appreciated…
The Impact
On a side note, I want to make it known to you that it is easy to get in touch with me. Between Skype, phone, social media, and email I am probably one of the easiest to: reach people you will ever meet. I do this for business transparency. I want to make sure that you feel comfortable and are able to trust that your donation is going to truly impact the world. Below is my information for you to get in contact with me if you have any questions comments or concerns.
Skype ID: sublimetech007
Phone #: 415-596-7049
Other Ways You Can Help
Lastly, there is no need to feel left out if you cannot contribute. There are other ways you can be of great assistance to me in my campaign. Below are some of the ways that you can help:
Get the word out to others you know online and off-line.
Get your local newspaper and news stations interested in this cause.
Create some flyers or posters and post them around town
you can also use the Indieagogo share tools on this page
I truly want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time to read through my campaign here. Whether you choose to donate or to spread the word about this; it is all needed and greatly appreciated. Rest assured knowing that you have done a good deed and are perpetuating a project of global proportions. What you choose to do will touch millions of people's lives now, and for the foreseeable future… Thank you, and God bless you. Have a great day!