Short Summary
Our Catholic Bookstore is more than just a retail business. It is a place to gather, grow in the faith and pass the faith on to others.
We are the only store in the country known to deal in both new and used Catholic books. We provide a respectful environment for people to sell used/pre-loved Catholic Books. Our used books allow patrons to obtain good Catholic reading material at a significant discount.
Our store also offers traditional Catholic gifts and handcrafted jewelry, artwork, rosaries, crucifixes, cards and handbags. We give local artists and craftsmen a place to sell their articles to the public.
We support monastic societies by offering items crafted by monks/sisters. The purchase of these items supports their charitable work and religious orders.
Catholic Book Exchange opened almost 5 years ago against all odds. The economy was struggling and Amazon and other online book and gift sellers were booming.
When we opened there was plenty of room on the bookshelves, and hot coffee samples brewed daily. We have greatly expanded our selection of books and gifts since we opened and we have officially run out room.
We are faced with sharply increasing business expenses such as rent, utilities and insurance costs. The only way for us to remain open is to expand our inventory and services in order to increase foot traffic and sales.
What we want to do to better serve you and our community:
- Have a place where our customers and community can gather.
- Provide timely access to the newest Catholic books, gifts and devotional items.
- Help you find gifts and books that will nourish souls as well as entertain.
- Host events like author book signings, children's story hour and book/bible study groups
- Serve you a cup of amazing Mystic Monk Coffee and perhaps a something sweet.
What We Need
We have set our flexible goal at $35,000.
The direction we will go is driven by the amount raised in this campaign. So your contributions are our compass. We would love to GROW but that would be up to you!
In order to continue operating in our current space we will need to reformat the floor plan and streamline fixtures. That is our STAY option. If we raise $10,000 to $20,000 we will STAY in our current 1,000 sq ft space and redesign the layout and fixtures to better serve our community.
How we will use the funds if we STAY:
- $3,000 for new streamlined bookcases and floor displays.
- $2,500 for wall display units and associated display fixtures.
- $800-$1,000 to update lighting to improve merchandise visibility.
- $1,000 -1,500 to cover operation expenses while closed to remodel.
- $3,500 + for new inventory and expansion of available stock.
Our GROW option will include moving to a new, larger space. We would like to upgrade to a space between 2,000 & 2,500 square feet. If we raise $20,000 to $35,000 we will GROW.
How we will use the funds if we GROW:
- $8,000 to initiate new lease and increased rent for larger property.
- $4,500 for new shelves and fixtures.
- $2,000 to cover initial impact of increased insurance and utilities for larger space.
- $1,500 for new signage.
- $800 moving expenses.
- $4,500 + increased inventory, selection and available stock.
If we do not reach our goal, all funds raised will go to improve the store and increase our selection of books and gifts to the best of our ability.
Finally, if we EXCEED our goal.....
All additional funds will be used to place a COFFEE SHOP in our store featuring Mystic Monk Coffee!
The Impact
As you may know, Catholic bookstores are few and far between. Many of theses stores have had to close in the time we have been open. These closings leave Catholic/Christian communities with large void. It is our firm resolve to provide the Allen and the surrounding areas with a place to grow their faith with deep roots.
Risks & Challenges
Operating any small business comes with risk. Although Catholic bookstores are a unique breed, we recognize the threat posed by online resellers. It is promising to hear that the American Booksellers Association reports an increase in opening of independent bookstores. We fully understand that our customers are the most valuable ingredient. Our challenge is to reach out to our customer base and bring them into the store. We have plans to expand our reach using social media advertising, increased direct email access and an updated web presence.
Other Ways You Can Help
We know that not everyone is able to contribute financially. We would be honored if you could help us in other ways:
- Help spread the word. Use your social media, email and word of mouth to get our campaign out to as many people as possible.
- Try out Indiegogo share tools to get the word out.
- Come visit us at the store and see what we have to offer.
- Pray, pray and pray!
So, it's up to you...
Should we STAY or should we GROW now?