What We Need & What You Get
Your contributions will go directly into production costs and paying the extremely hard working artists that helped to create this amazing book. They will also help make it possible for us to continue to create new original content.
Perks include:
-154 page graphic novel containing all six issues of Malevolent Rising
-All of the original comics including the double sized issue 6 and variant and metalic holo covers
-Character mini posters
Flex Goals
-$2500.00- full color preview of our upcoming next project.
-More to come
The Impact
Who doesn't love to be able to say that they were there when it all started? You never know what stories and characters can rise from obscurity and one day become household names. Contributions to projects like these are the life blood of small press, independent creators. We believe that there is a place for new voices and original content in the world of comics, and taking a chance on original projects such as these serves top enrich the comics community and offers a chance to previously undiscovered creators.