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Help support my poorly drawn auto-bio/memoir comic about me writing a Comic Book about myself.

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Help support my poorly drawn auto-bio/memoir comic about me writing a Comic Book about myself.

Help support my poorly drawn auto-bio/memoir comic about me writing a Comic Book about myself.

Help support my poorly drawn auto-bio/memoir comic about me writing a Comic Book about myself.

Help support my poorly drawn auto-bio/memoir comic about me writing a Comic Book about myself.

Patrick Reilly
Patrick Reilly
Patrick Reilly
Patrick Reilly
2 Campaigns |
Brooklyn, United States
$471 USD 20 backers
37% of $1,250 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Hi, my name is Patrick J. Reilly, I'm a Brooklyn based Cartoonist and I need funding for a collection of my comic ME! 

It has been well received, with people calling it "Surprisingly Charming" "Weirdly honest and sweet" and "Full of funny T.M.I".

ME is a comic about me writing a comic about myself in a comic about myself. Each issue is self contained and deals with a new topic like Art, Music, Drinking, Dick Drawings, etc... 

I did 8 issues of ME and I've love to get them in more hands and the easiest way is in a trade/ collection format! 

I could sell them in respectable stores! 

Any contribution will help! The more the contribution the better the prize! Just like at the state fair! If you can't help with money, share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat or just run up to people on the street and shake them!

When you donate you can get cool rewards like copies of the book, original art work and if you're generous enough, a complete original comic book about You!

Please donate to what CBR is  calling "technically a comic book", ME.

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Choose your Perk

Thank You!

$1 USD
Thank you sooooooooo much! You will be sent updates and a special "Funders" only image... and the digital only comic, Nice To Meet You!
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Digital ME!

$5 USD
For $5 I'll Send you a digital copy of Issue One of ME! The book that started it all! and of course the digital only comic, Nice To Meet You!
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
1 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Hard ME!

$10 USD
For $10 you get a hard Copy of random issue of ME and the digital only comic, Nice To Meet You! Also your Name and Twitter in the Thank You page of my next book "Beer Taste Yummy".
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
4 out of 40 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Much More ME!

$25 USD
For $25 you get a hard copy of "ME" signed and the digital comic, "Nice To Meet You"! Also your Name and Twitter in the Thank You page of my next book "Beer Taste Yummy". If you're going to NYCC, come see me and get your comic in person!
Estimated Shipping
November 2016
6 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Loving ME!

$50 USD
For $50 you get a hard copy of the ME trade, my graphic novel Grey (ME 4+5), A Conversation Between Two Trees and the digital comic, Nice To Meet You! Also your Name and Twitter in the Thank You page of my next book, Beer Taste Yummy!
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Special Fat ME!

$75 USD
For $75, you get a framed Fat Superhero of your choice! They're adorable! Plus you get a hard copy of the ME trade, my graphic novel Grey (ME 4+5), A Conversation Between Two Trees and the digital comic, Nice To Meet You! Also your Name and Twitter in the Thank You page of my next book, Beer Taste Yummy!
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Oh... You "like, like" ME!

$100 USD
For $100 you get the exclusive "Indiegogo" issue. I will not reprint it anywhere else, the only people who will see it are the people who give ME $100. You also get a hard copy of the ME trade, my graphic novel Grey (ME 4+5), A Conversation Between Two Trees and the digital comic, Nice To Meet You! AND Writer's Block Also your Name and Twitter in the Thank You page of my next books, Beer Taste Yummy and my upcoming untitled travel comic.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
1 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Super into ME!

$250 USD
For $250 you will be drawn into my new travel comic, currently untitled! (Coming out hopefully in the summer of 2016) None of that Marvel in the background bullshit! I will interact with you in the comic book, you with have lines and your name mentioned! I'll do it! Plus, you'll get the special "indiegogo' issue, a hard copy of the ME trade, my graphic novel Grey (ME 4+5), A Conversation Between Two Trees and the digital comic, Nice To Meet You!
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Really... Like REALLY into ME!

$500 USD
For $500 I will hand draw you a 5-8 comic. You will get the original pages and notes. I will not print it anywhere. Just for you. Plus,you'll be drawn into my new travel comic, you'll get the special "indiegogo' issue, a hard copy of the ME trade, my graphic novel Grey (ME 4+5), A Conversation Between Two Trees and the digital comic, Nice To Meet You!
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Now it's Creeping ME out.

$1,000 USD
If you really give me $1000 Dollars, I'll fly to you or drive to you or take a bus or whatever and interview you. I'll then take that interview and make it a Full Comic Book all about YOU. We could l call it YOU, it can be only for you (I'll give you 10 hard Copies) and the original pages. If you want it will make it a chapter of my travel comic. Plus everything else I offered.
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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