Hi, my name is Patrick J. Reilly, I'm a Brooklyn based Cartoonist and I need funding for a collection of my comic ME!
It has been well received, with people calling it "Surprisingly Charming" "Weirdly honest and sweet" and "Full of funny T.M.I".
ME is a comic about me writing a comic about myself in a comic about myself. Each issue is self contained and deals with a new topic like Art, Music, Drinking, Dick Drawings, etc...
I did 8 issues of ME and I've love to get them in more hands and the easiest way is in a trade/ collection format!
I could sell them in respectable stores!
Any contribution will help! The more the contribution the better the prize! Just like at the state fair! If you can't help with money, share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat or just run up to people on the street and shake them!
When you donate you can get cool rewards like copies of the book, original art work and if you're generous enough, a complete original comic book about You!
Please donate to what CBR is calling "technically a comic book", ME.