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Meekling Press 2019-2020 Season

Help us fund the next two years of Meekling publications!

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Meekling Press 2019-2020 Season

Meekling Press 2019-2020 Season

Meekling Press 2019-2020 Season

Meekling Press 2019-2020 Season

Meekling Press 2019-2020 Season

Help us fund the next two years of Meekling publications!

Help us fund the next two years of Meekling publications!

Help us fund the next two years of Meekling publications!

Help us fund the next two years of Meekling publications!

Rebecca Elliott
Rebecca Elliott
Rebecca Elliott
Rebecca Elliott
1 Campaign |
Chicago, United States
$4,002 USD 61 backers
66% of $6,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
We're publishing seven great books over the next couple years and leveling Meekling Press up to the next stage in its evolution! Yeah, I mean we're getting ISBN numbers (official book stuff), improving distribution, and going for larger print runs while still making sweet, beautiful, affordable books and handmade art-book-things.


Meekling Press, into the Future

Meekling has been making and publishing weird and nifty books and objects since 2012. We started with a tiny little 3x5 letterpress, and with the help of our awesome community, we've made more than 20 publications, from hand-sewn chapbooks to floppy disk ebooks, to an accordion book that stretches all the way across the room, and a manifesto in the shape of a trash can. We've also turned our fictional lecture series, Meekling TALKS, into an annual tradition. We love making publications that play with the relationship between form and content and we're hoping to continue doing that while bringing it to a bigger audience. We're starting to travel outside of Chicago and make lots of new friends, and we're also starting to get all Legitimate, doing things like getting ISBN numbers and Forming a Business and getting better Distribution for our Books—stuff that will help us help our authors spread their words farther and wider.


Welcome to the Meekling Press 2019-2020 Fundraiser

We've got SEVEN books lined up for the next couple years, and we need your help to take this gosh darn press to the next level and get these dang bloody books printed and out into the world. With lots & lots of wild and woolly "Prizes," we're putting the FUN back in FUNdraiser...


The Books

Shit I've Cried About, by Smeyer: A compilation of the first 5 volumes of Smeyer's (aka Sarah Meyer's) zine of the same name. Lists, drawings, things to cry about.

Shit I've Cried About is already out in the world! But only just and since it's a part of this whole generation of books we're including it here. You can get it by donating to this fundraiser, through the subscription package, or in a bookstore, or at the release party on October 21.

Proficiency Badges, by Carrie Olivia Adams: Girl Scouts, the woods, a battle, ice, and fire. This one's gonna be handmade and in a limited edition.

"I think we’d forgotten how red blood can be. How many shades it takes, how many textures. We ran thick, we ran like knit, like spider webs. We gave it by the bag, by the cloth, by the mouthful. I was dirty. We are more blood than water than salt than breath.

I wish I’d never been young."


Stan, by Marream Krollos: A breathtaking blast of Lispector-worthy voice, exploring the most primal and ethereal episodes of a woman’s navigation of desire.

“Everything good and everything bad is possible. You can disappear. Your body can be cut up into little pieces, wasted. You can be made to feel as if you are less than the animal you are. Your mind can be taken, used, destroyed. Your pride can be also. Your will can be taken. You can be made to want to die even though as an animal all you want is to live. But all good things can happen still. You can be given things still.”


Switch Wish, by Willy Smart: Water striders, spider’s silk, stalks, stems, movement, embodiment and tension. Narrative fiction progressing through associative flow, from stage makeup, to music festivals, to Freudian stages, etc.; an erotic novel in disguise.

"A pause doesn’t reset the scene: pressing pause doesn’t unlatch the play button—both functions are on at once. Let’s pause right there, my analyst says. Water striders are great because they do the pausing for me. It’s easier to do the pausing than it is to get paused. That’s why I’m out here. I’m practicing for getting paused. I hope to get paused. The spacebar, the largest button on my keyboard by far, is the hotkey for pause. It’s the biggest because it’s the one most pleasant to press and because its function is elementary. I need to be reminded that doing the pausing is only the initial waypoint toward the wish of getting softly paused, of being made to go under the sway of that function. I’m practicing because that’s what a pause is: a rehearsal."


Girl, Cow and Monk,  by Kate Wyer: Interlinked stories unfold like slowly evolving surreal portraits: a girl and her cow on a journey along the sea, going somewhere far away from here; a monk, a vow of silence, and a rediscovery of voice. Tales united by longing and a deep-seated desire to take care. 

"The cow pulls me some, I pull the cow some. We walk this way, if you call it walking. The easy shelf is gone; we wander the sandbar next to the deep pit of cliffs and caverns. To our right, it is now impossible to see the ocean’s floor.

Cow-cursing; water-hating; rope-hanging; eye-burning; sun-splicing; south-walking.

I’m quick to forget how solid land feels, and even forget the feeling of air on my legs. How to carry my own weight. What it is like to sit, cross-legged, or otherwise on something that supports me.

The water cools off the shelf and fear is cold too. No one ever said we would be safe out here, they just said we wouldn’t drown."


ALLTALK, by Suzanne Gold: Truly wacky spaceless conceptual poetry about writing and art and finding meaning in those things. An experiment in figuring out how a book experience can be more like that scene in Labyrinth with the Escher-like staircases and David Bowie in tight pants.

... difficult to excerpt as it's still in development, but imagine prints, illustrations, some kind of labyrinthine book form... "Leave the door ajar and thoughts creep in the night toward a conclusion//Clearly I can’t crave/What would normally tell me/I’m in step"


Household Tales, by Rachel Linn: Feral children, a polar bear, scissors and paper, a snowstorm, a disorienting free fall. This one's going to be a pop-up book.

"It wasn’t the bear that had scarred her, but it would do. She even preferred this animal because it was a mythic, previously unknown species—perhaps the only one of its kind. Her hands balled into fists and she punched quietly at the snowy walls of her hiding place, biding her time. She did not want to die, she wanted to kill."


Give Us Your Money, Please

We're raising funds to help pay for:

  • Printing these books (that's the bulk of it)
  • ISBN numbers, which will help get the books into more stores, etc
  • Distribution costs (that is, paying a distributor like SPD to get our books out to bookstores)
  • Website hosting


The Impact

Like many tiny presses, making books is a labor of love. Our profits from this campaign will allow us to go go to press with our next exciting season of books.

  • Your contribution is integral to our ability to make books that are unique and uncompromising, to continue to publish work that we're truly excited for you to read.
  • With wider distribution we will be able to make our books available to readers far  beyond the city of Chicago, where we're based.
  • ISBNs will allow us to sell books through our distributor, to be placed in bookstores, and to potentially receive more reviews.
  • The last campaign we ran gave us the funds that allowed us to buy a 100-year old platen press central to our operations, and to produce the gorgeous, intricate special edition of Dan Ivec's On the Stairs, as well as of Erin Kautza's fierce lyrical poem Muscles Involved.


Risks & Challenges

Our ability to make these seven terrific books is contingent on raising the funds to print and distribute them. We are committed to making and releasing these books with whatever amount we raise, but the more money we raise now the more time we'll have to focus on book making later, and the faster we'll be able to go to print.

  • As a small press, we're just trying to break even with our expenses. However, if we're able to raise more funding than we need, we will invest our profits in future books, our TALKS series, attending book fairs to get word out about Meekling's books, and to help us meet our goal of one day paying Meekling authors in more than books.
  • If we don't meet our needs for the entire season, we will launch another campaign next year for the remaining books.
  • To supplement this campaign, we're also planning to host a fundraising party in Chicago, IL.


Other Ways You Can Help

If you want to help but don't have $ to invest, here's what you can do:

  • Spread word about our books and this campaign across the medias—Twitter, Instagram,  Facebook, whatever suits your fancy. 
  • Tell your friends about Meekling, our books, and our TALKS series. 
  • Don't forget to use those IndieGoGo share tools!
Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Thank you, adorable person!

Thank you, adorable person!

$5 USD
Wow, thank you so much for your support! We couldn't do it without you! Do you like how that sounds? Give us $5 and we'll write it down on a piece of paper & send it to you in the mail.
Included Items
  • Thank you note in the mail
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Digital Version of a Book

Digital Version of a Book

$10 USD
You'll get your choice of one of the seven books we're publishing in 2019 & 2020, in digital form (pdf). The delivery date will depend on the release date of the books. See the project description for more details on release dates.
Included Items
  • A digital version of a book
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
2 claimed
Tote Bag

Tote Bag

$20 USD
These are the brand new screen-printed Meekling tote bags, featuring our brand new shiny logo by Dan Ivec. Pretty cool.
Included Items
  • Tote Bag
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Shit I've Cried About - Smeyer

Shit I've Cried About - Smeyer

$25 USD
SHIT I'VE CRIED ABOUT is a compilation of the first five volumes of Smeyer's famous zines, "Shit I've Cried About."
Included Items
Estimated Shipping
Original: August 2019
Current: September 2019
7 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
STAN - Marream Krollos

STAN - Marream Krollos

$25 USD
A hard copy version of Marream Krollos's novel, STAN.
Included Items
  • STAN - Marream Krollos
Estimated Shipping
December 2019
3 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Switch Wish - Willy Smart

Switch Wish - Willy Smart

$25 USD
You'll get a hard copy version of Willy Smart's novel, SWITCH WISH
Included Items
  • SWITCH WISH - Willy Smart
Estimated Shipping
December 2019
7 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Girl, Cow and Monk - Kate Wyer

Girl, Cow and Monk - Kate Wyer

$25 USD
This is a hardcopy version of Kate Wyer's book, GIRL, COW AND MONK. Hardcopy like as opposed to the digital copy available above. This book will be released in 2020.
Included Items
  • GIRL, COW AND MONK - Kate Wyer
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.
ALLTALK - Suzanne Gold

ALLTALK - Suzanne Gold

$25 USD
A copy of Suzanne Gold's book, ALLTALK. This will be published in 2020.
Included Items
  • ALLTALK - Suzanne Gold
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
2 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Household Tales - Rachel Linn

Household Tales - Rachel Linn

$30 USD
A copy of HOUSEHOLD TALES by Rachel Linn. This is going to be a popup book published in 2020!
Included Items
  • HOUSEHOLD TALES - Rachel Linn
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
2 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Anchor by Rachel Linn

Anchor by Rachel Linn

$45 USD
Rachel Linn, the author of Household Tales which will be a popup book we're publishing in 2020, is also the creator of another beautiful artist book, Anchor. This is Anchor. Letterpress printed creative nonfiction with hand-embroidery.
Included Items
  • ANCHOR by Rachel Linn
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Meekling Press Dream Pillow

Meekling Press Dream Pillow

$48 USD
This is a dream pillow, dyed and sewn by Meekling's editors, and embedded with a starter dream for you to enjoy. It contains mugwort & lavender & rice -- please let us know if you're allergic to either of those things & we'll leave them out!
Included Items
  • Dream Pillow
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
1 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Carrie Olivia Adams Book

Carrie Olivia Adams Book

$55 USD
PROFICIENCY BADGES! The title was too long to fit in the heading there, but here it is: Proficiency Badges will be a limited edition artist book created in collaboration with Carrie Olivia Adams, from her text "Proficiency Badges." Only 20 will be available through this fundraiser.
Included Items
  • Proficiency Badges Artist Book
Estimated Shipping
November 2019
5 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
2019 Paperback Subscription

2019 Paperback Subscription

$75 USD
Get yourself a subscription to all three of our 2019 paperbacks.
Included Items
  • STAN - Marream Krollos
  • SWITCH WISH - Willy Smart
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
6 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
B I S C U I T S & Book

B I S C U I T S & Book

$98 USD
** This prize is only for people living in Chicago ** 2 dozen fresh, delicious biscuits baked by Carrie Olivia Adams, aka the Biscuit Master, and delivered to you. Have you ever been to the readings she hosts at her home, Poetry & Biscuits? Then you will know, these are some flaky, fluffy, buttery, tasty treats.
Included Items
  • A paperback book from 2019
  • Biscuits!
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
1 out of 3 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
2019-2020 Subscription

2019-2020 Subscription

$175 USD
Yowza. A subscription to all the dang paperback books we'll be producing in 2019 & 2020.
Included Items
  • STAN - Marream Krollos
  • SWITCH WISH - Willy Smart
  • GIRL, COW AND MONK - Kate Wyer
  • ALLTALK - Suzanne Gold
  • HOUSEHOLD TALES - Rachel Linn
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Manuscript Review by AK Yoder

Manuscript Review by AK Yoder

$515 USD
Meekling editor Anne Yoder will review your manuscript and give in-depth editorial notes. (Limit 300 pages, double spaced.) Anne's writing has been published in Fence, NY Tyrant, BOMB, and Tin House. She's the author of two poetry chapbooks and is a staff writer for The Millions. Send specific Q's re: this perk to
Included Items
  • Manuscript review
Estimated Shipping
December 2019
1 out of 2 of claimed
LitBot 3000!

LitBot 3000!

$1,000 USD
You'll get ALL the stuff, including all the books, even the limited edition artist book, and the dream pillow, and the tote bag, and ALSO the Literature Robot will come to your party or event (Litbot available in Chicago only).
Included Items
  • Tote Bag
  • STAN - Marream Krollos
  • SWITCH WISH - Willy Smart
  • Proficiency Badges Artist Book
  • GIRL, COW AND MONK - Kate Wyer
  • ALLTALK - Suzanne Gold
  • HOUSEHOLD TALES - Rachel Linn
  • Dream Pillow
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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