Short Summary
The Meg Perry Center has been located at 644 Congress Street for 6 years, and in this six years many great groups have come and gone from the space and grown into new larger spaces. Back then, it was these groups that paid rent and kept the doors open; however, things have changed.
Our current location is now temporary, the landlord is only giving us a month to month lease, which means we could be asked to leave in 30 days at any point. Understandably, our current renters have decided to find new places to rent, and this has left us scrambling to find new methods to keep the space open.
Instead of abondoning the space, or letting Meg Perry fade away from the community, a new board has been drafted and we are going to move forward!
The new board understands that we must start from where it has all began: with our community.
For the first time in Meg Perry Center's history we are going to be a membership based center. We are looking for all of our supporters to become 6-month members, and in the process help save the space from shutting down.
Membership is only $20 for a 6 month membership ( July 1,2013- January 1, 2014.) If you can give more, please do. We envision a new membership program will alow the Meg Perry Center (MPC) to be more accessible and sustainable.
In 6 years, the Meg Perry Center has been a hub of activity: it has been the home of Peace Action Maine, the Fur Cultural Revival, ASERELA, the Green Party, the Southern Maine Workers Center and many more. The Portland Food Coop, Centro Latino, and Local Sprouts Cooperative all began at the MPC before moving to larger spaces. THE MPC is:
- an all ages space
- has a free radical lending library
- allows social movement building
- has monthly art exhibits
- weekly music and NEW movie nights & discussion
- meeting space and affordable rental space
Perhaps, most importantly, the Meg Perry Center celebrates the life and work of Meg Perry, a Portland activist who died tragically in an accident while doing hurricane relief work after Hurricane Katrina. The people's history of our city should be valued and celebrated and that is our shared responsibility. We feel that it is crucial that laughter, creative resistance, grassroots organzing, and humanitarian aid work continue in Portland to create the world we want to live in, and having Meg Perry at the center of our work deeply matters.
If you are outside of New England, please help support this kind of space! They are important and also becoming scarce.
The Impact
In the video you will see just a handful of people that the center has brought together. You can hear them all speak passionately about what the Meg Perry Center means to them. There are countless others in Portland, in Maine, and across the country who have also been a part of the energy and spirit that continues to carry on at MPC. By donating to our indiegogo page you are ensuring that we can pay continue to work togehter to: Make Positive Change.
"Yeah, I'll play that game!"
Other Ways You Can Help
If you cannot help us financially, we understand, and just like we never turn anyone away at the door, though you can still help us! Spread the word about the Meg Perry Center and let them know we need members and volunteers.
You can be a volunteer, organize an event, and help us raise awareness. You are welcome to be a part of our growing community!